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Posts posted by Souperion

  1. Glad to see that you're still working on this one! I think the idea of mixing your two approaches will make this a very interesting project. Right now, it sounds like the electric guitar section is a little too open and heavy on reverb, I think. Maybe try to make it have a bit more crisp sound, reduce the echo a tad. I did like the transition, though, with the rocking aspects briefly fading in before taking the lead. Keep working with this, you've got something cool in the making!

  2. Let me first congratulate your ambition in not only working with a huge composition, but also working with some great Chrono Trigger pieces! I think that overall your hard work is showing with this monster. The big chromatic drop at 1:28 is what told me that there was more than just a good cover coming. At the final battle part (Roughly 2:00) I fairly enjoy the bass line's slight panning from left to right, giving a nice surround sound for the apocalypse. You make the orchestra nicely handle what synthy goodness and shredding guitars normally deal with. And that Lavos scream, gives the chills. And after all the mania of the battle, breaking into the main theme with delicate strings and woodwinds: classic. Nice spread of feeling and intensity. 

    The best I can offer by way of critique: The brass sounds a little too smooth at parts where they handle the melody (Like 0:40, 5:17) ), some added attack on the notes could be nice. And... well, I hope someone else will come and offer better feedback. This was a pleasure to listen to, keep working with it!

  3. Never played Goonies, but now I'm wishing I did. Upbeat, cheerfully, and quirky. I actually like the synth flutes: they don't try to hide the synthiness (that is now a word), but embrace it in a way that compliments the rest of the instruments. Speaking of instruments, you've got a nice variety of sounds in here, and by spacing them out (not having them all playing at once), it keeps the texture of the whole thing flowing while keeping the same overall vibe. As far as I can tell, this is a pretty good, pretty fun piece. Nice work!

  4. Wow, I wish I knew more about visualizers to help ya here. For the record, I love this song, great to have it in my SD3 collection. I rather enjoy the ring arrangement for the visualizer, keeps the eyes from having to dart around the screen while certainly keeping busy. I guess the only thing I can really offer is a thought about color, namely that it might be a little more interesting with color changes, or something like that. Hope someone with better feedback gets to you on this one, but this plebeian thinks it's a cool visualizer!


  5. Well, welcome to the community! I remember much rage quits associated with this song. Ah, good times. I kinda appreciated the simple approach you took to this piece, quite faithful to the original with an almost relaxed feel to it. In fact, it occurred to me how great this song could be with a surfer swing. But, I digress. I don't have the best to offer as far as technical advice, especially with guitars and the like. I'm not too sure about the squealies in the beginning, and the synth you pull up for the second half bit is a fair bit fuzzy. The rhythm and lead guitars seem to compete a little bit, since they are in similar ranges. But I love that chugging, gritty bass. It's a pretty fun piece to listen too, all in all, keep at it!

  6. This simple version would be a good learning resource for someone aspiring to play this beast, and I commend you for taking the time to transcribe the whole thing. It could sound pretty interesting as an actual performance, if the parts were balanced a bit more: the piano decidedly dominates the bulk of it. Some more variation on those solo parts with the strings would be interesting, as well as a bit more interpretation on the main melodies and piano parts. I presume the song itself is just using straight samples, and those samples could use some work to avoid fuzziness and shrillness, especially on them high notes. That said, you've an ambitious project here. Keep at it!

  7. Wow, this tune brings back memories. You've got a pretty solid cover here. Nothing really jumps out, but I kinda appreciate the simplicity of it. It may not hurt to try some variation in the melody, even though it's short and sweet at 2 min. To be fair though, it's a fairly repetitive song, which leaves a mixer loads of room to work with. But if you're goal here is to make a cover, you've got a nice one. Well done!

  8. Well, if we're running on a liquid theme, this is a pretty smooth piece. I found your use of sfx pretty congruent with the track as a whole, though the spin dash is a bit shrill inherently. You could consider toning it down to match the normal note range, or maybe lowering its volume. Or maybe leaving it as is.That said, I enjoyed this one. Keep at it!

    If you're still looking for ideas to continue a liquid theme, I humbly offer these: Red Soil Brinstar (Super Metroid), Sunken Frigate (Metroid Prime), Torvus Bog (Metroid Prime 2), the Ocean Palace (Chrono Trigger), and every water themed temple/dungeon from The Legend of Zelda ever. 

  9. Yowza, this is pretty awesome. I like how you formed three different stages of intensity through the piece, nicely keeping it engaging while maintaining pretty much the same energy level. The percussion line seems simplistic, but at the same it does its job while letting the guitars and bass do their thing. Which they do very well. The slower section in the middle was my favorite part, really enjoyed seeing the song get some interpretive thunder. At risk of being tracked down by the pun police, I say this is one hot remix.

  10. Frankly, for being rough, these two versions of yours have quite some promise. I'd go so far to say there's no reason to keep them separated: the more simplistic version could easily serve as an intro or outro, using the top arrangement as a body. In the said version, I liked what you did with some melodic interpretation, but the rest of the instruments will need some variation in there to keep it from being too repetitive. But again, I think you've got the start of something neat here, keep at it!

  11. These are quite good, quite good indeed. Lovely little covers, all around. As far as the medley goes, the transitions are bit sudden, though I can tell that it you started with the arrangements of each song then stitched them together. They are great as stand alone ditties, and it probably wouldn't take much work to make them flow into each other. I got the impression that the ocarina's cover instrument was just a tad quiet, but I'm no expert on the instrument itself. Perhaps a little boost to make it more pronounced. That said, these are great.

  12. This was fun to listen to, I haven't heard this song done like this before. I did kinda think the percussion and underlying beat pretty much dominated the piece, which may be the style you were going for, but I think a little balancing there would help pronounce the song, since you mainly worked with the first half of the LoZ main theme. And the video was trippin', for what that's worth. Nice work.

  13. Whoah, it gives me a trance/edm/techno (is that still a music genre?) vibe that somehow makes me think of Chrono Trigger. It brings to mind an endless color vortex. Nice redundant themes (and I mean that in a good way) keep it rolling, the sweeping effects were a good touch, and it runs the full course without getting dull. With the possible exception of two parts, from 2:20 to 3:10 or thereabouts, where the melody(?) threatens to get too repetitive, perhaps consider shortening that part or variating that little progression a tad. The same thing goes for 4:20 to 5:17. That said, this is a real nice piece, keep working with it!

  14. Ooh, I like this new take on Stickerbrush Symphony! I think you've got a good foundation here, the piece flows nicely, your instruments run together smoothly, and it has a consistent feel. The bouts of ornamentation were appreciated as well. Your arrangement is fairly solid all in all, though I suppose one could argue that the baseline and the percussion were a little repetitive. At the same time, It wouldn't be wise to make them too varied, lest it detracts from the melody and such. All in all, you did good, keep at this one!

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