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Jason Covenant

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Everything posted by Jason Covenant

  1. Forgot that this was Valentine's Day weekend. Doesn't look like I can meet the deadline this time, but I hope to do a track for the next time. (Assuming there is a next time.)
  2. Somehow didn't see this before today. I'll see if I can cook something up in time.
  3. If anyone needs them, I can provide solo male and female vocals as well as choirs.
  4. My Round 4 remix for the SFRG compo. Basically, choirs+orch+large beat as the main formula. I was thinking more solo vox and no guitar.
  5. I had something in mind along the lines of "Vector Point Engineering Sigma Fortress". Would that work for you?
  6. I'll take "The Extreme".
  7. Jason Covenant Splash Supafly (Splash Warfly in Sigma Stage 2 [X3]) Hilf Dir (Tunnel Rhino in Sigma Stage 2 [X3]) Laulu (Frost Walrus in Sigma Stage 2 [X3]) Rock Hard Mandrills
  8. Jason Covenant We are Many, We are One (Boomer Kuwanger in Gate's Laboratory [X6]) Beautiful Bloody Bats (Dark Necrobat in Gate's Laboratory [X6]) Gate's Secret Dream Lab (Shield Sheldon in Gate's Laboratory [X6]) Rock Hard Mandrills
  9. In WillRock's defense, that's not actually WillRock--just a very silly, over-the-top joke impression. Look at those lyrics. Do they seem like a serious effort to you? Sorry my last entry sucked so much and I couldn't sing for GLL's entry before that, and part 2 of the story isn't up yet....been teh sicks. Part 2 is coming soon I swear.... (Glad you guys liked part 1.)
  10. Jason Covenant Flight of the Peacock (Cyber Peacock in Observatory Hall [X]) Subversion Alpha (Gravity Antonion in Observatory Hall [X]) Time's Up, Sigma! (Commander Yammark in Observatory Hall [X]) Rock Hard Mandrills
  11. Jason Covenant Never Gonna Give (Up The Funk) (Gravity Beetle in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Cyberfunk (Splash Warfly in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Probe (Tunnel Rhino in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Rock Hard Mandrills
  12. Jason Covenant Straight Outta RAGE (Flame Stag in Sigma Palace X8) Requiem for a Reploid (Shield Sheldon in Sigma Palace [X8]) Es-cop-ay (Crescent Grizzly in Sigma Palace [X8]) Rock Hard Mandrills
  13. I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory: The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever. Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted. The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people. Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito. "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?" "Both, actually." "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans. "So, uh, what're you in for?" "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed." "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered. "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed." "...An entire jury!?" "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened. "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face. "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders. "Uh..." "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?" "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot." Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?" "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality." McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?" "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities." "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape." "You can do that? How?" "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now." "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again." "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help." "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming." "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo." "What's that?" "He completely insane." (To be continued in Part 2.)
  14. Jason Covenant N0v0r G0nn0 Dj0nt Y0u 0p (Crystal Snail in Final Weapon [X4]) Space Base (Shining Hotaronicus in Final Weapon [X4]) Mind Flip~ (Cyber Peacock in Final Weapon [X4]) Rock Hard Mandrills
  15. Subbed. For me, I always attempt something extremely ambitious then achieve less than half of it. Glad to see lots of people excited about their own mixes. Can't say the same about mine. Oh well. Without the help of my teammates, it would've been a lot worse. Looking forward to hearing what everyone else did.
  16. Jason Covenant - Rock Hard Mandrills Tribal Hunter (Splash Warfly in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2]) X's Demise (Spark Mandrill in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2]) Soaked Tapes (Tidal Makoeen in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2])
  17. Looks like I'm going this week. I'm thinking Gregorian Chant Breakbeat. http://www.musicgenreslist.com/ Hope that helps. Oh, and here's my lyrics from GLL's remix last week: Darkesword compo With a deadline coming very soon Mixing n' fixing Shoveling caffeine in with a spoon Not much time left Gotta rush this and get it done 'bout to master Oh no I forgot a whole section I'm halfway done I don't want to let the team down And I've only used one theme Just hours left Barely awake Not much time left Gotta rush this and get it done 'bout to master Oh no I forgot a whole section I have a feeling these will become highly relevant for some of us in a couple of days.
  18. Jason Covenant - Rock Hard Mandrills Tiger Millionaire (Neon Tiger in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) Is é mo aingeal imithe (Flame Stag in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) I Don't Run At All (Crystal Snail in Doppler Stage 1 [X3])
  19. It didn't happen last week, but I've been sick a few times trying to do a track for a compo too. Whatever free time you had to spend on your track gets diverted into extra sleep and whatever else you need to do to get well. It really sucks. Hope you get better soon!
  20. Sure. Verse: The night passes into memory I drift from my bed Animated by my longing For my beerloved How I waited so long for you Now I need you near I'll press you to my lips and drink You're my favorite beer Chorus: Female: Beerly, Beerloved, My beerly Beerloved Male: My one true brew I'll be with you I'll drink anew And I'll find you. I wrote more, but didn't get a chance to record. Oh well.
  21. Jason Covenant - Rock Hard Mandrills Rolling (Frost Walrus in Palace Ground [X]) Wanderforce (Gravity Antonion in Palace Ground [X]) Firefly (Shining Hotarunicus in Palace Ground [X])
  22. Yay, got Blizzard Buffalo. I hereby challenge everyone else remixing in round one to produce a vocal mix. Gimme dem voxies!
  23. Team: Rock Hard Mandrills 1. Blizzard Buffalo (X3) 2. Grizzly Slash (X5) 3. Bubble Crab (X2) 4. Slash Beast (X4) 5. Infinity Mijinion (X6)
  24. 1. Ghetto Lee Lewis 2. MushroomSword 3. Jonathan!
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