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Everything posted by Ronyn

  1. Bummer... maybe I can find a creative work around; thanks for the tip
  2. Working on a new project WIP and I'm trying to involve more use of Fruity Loops grooves. I'm running it as a vsti in cubase. I'm kinda a newb at FL really, and I've run into the problem where once FL patterns get going, they switch correctly like they're supposed to in the timeline, but once it gets to where there should be no patterns playing, the last pattern that played just keeps going forever and ever until I hit stop. Anyone encountered this and knows the fix? Is it some simple off message (hoping)? I am in song mode not loop mode.
  3. Working on an orchetral mockup for a war game. Will probably add some extra goodies after. Curious if this sounds right for a war game or not. Love to hear feedback. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=447695 - Call of War
  4. Well I feel like an idiot. I submitted quickly knowing how busy I'd get in the next few weeks thinking it would be months before this even showed on the review list. Man has OCR become efficient recently. Within days this mix was rejected. The comments seemed a little harsh to me at first, but I put the mix up on studio monitors (which I know I should have done before I submitted, I just always ended up working on this at night and live in an apartment, and I thought I'd do it that weekend and tweak before anyone noticed, big mistake), and holy cow is there a ton of low frequency mush coming through that my headphones filtered out. I'm going to get a better reverb plugin here soon, and I should have some free time around christmas, so I think I will tweak this and resubmit, cuz man am I embarassed. My apologies to any ears I've offended.
  5. just what I was looking for, thanks zirc!
  6. I've been able to collect a wide array of samples I'm at least modestly okay with, but I haven't really found a good choir sample collection yet. Anyone know anything really good out there? I use most GIGA format. I've got Reason Refills and some basic stuff but I'd really like something top of the line. I saw the list from the sample sticky but I'm wondering what people really recommend and if they have demos maybe.
  7. Another project came up I don't think I can try out this time around :'( Oh well, I can still vote right?
  8. Updated and submitted. I really wish I had more time for this but I really don't, here goes nothing.
  9. I think 0:12 should be the beginning of the song, or maybe do a little more with the intro, to me it sets up a preconception about the piece that doesn't match what really happens. At 1:11 the phased effect flips suddenly into the high frequencies, sounds odd to me, smooth it out possibly? Everything else blows me away, great work!
  10. It's been a while since I've composed some original music, but if there are no objections, I'd love to give this one a shot. And if you think about it, dreaming itself is an underlying theme, doesn't matter what the dream is. Who judges these btw? I'm going to give you guys a run for your money. I've been dying to get my comp on for two years > bring it...
  11. Overall it sounds very synthy, the drums too. They lack a real sharp and crisp attack that I like to hear from beats. Tightening the attack and some nice EQ'ing would really spice them up, and EQ the other parts so they don't walk all over the beats too. Just some thoughts, the arrangement was solid for me.
  12. I'm from Provo; I only go up to SLC for major events. Hmm, you could check the Utah Jazz schedule to see if any of your favorite teams will be in town and see them play. The games only sell out during the playoffs and there's usually scalpers too. There's Hogle Zoo, and Liberty Park on the right day. Imagery is right Area 51 is one of the more popular clubs but it might be members only I forget. I like to cruise the downtown shops but there's a lot of construction lately it's not as fun as it used to be. You might just cruise State St for fun all the way to Sandy city and back, there's a ton of shops, clubs, and interesting things along the route. If you're looking for fun engineering related stuff and interested in SLC history, take a tour of the LDS Conference center, the new one. I'm not LDS but it's damn interesting. The building is so huge sound doesn't even come back to you, like being outside. It's an acoustic nightmare but they do ingenious things to compensate, and they have a bigger broadcasting setup then the U.N. The U of U campus is not far I bet there's a museum or facility to tour. If you drink, don't wait till Sunday to stock up , it's bone dry here then.
  13. Not quite sure what feedback would be helpful. With these samples, I'd consider some EQ'ing to bring out more favorable timbres. Also, watch the levels, sounded like peaking there near the beginning. Composition-wise, the piece seemed to lack any real hook. You've chosen some tough music to arrange; FF9 was good but not the best as I remember. I'd stick as little to the original material as possible and really make it something new, best chance you've got of making it interesting and not suffering from the blandness I always thought of it (imo don't kill me FF9 fans).
  14. If you don't get any volunteers, I've got a decent VSL sax .gig I could try and render something out for you. I haven't used it yet so it'd be fun to hear. Email maestrodeclure@aol.com if interested.
  15. Updated. Just sampling improvements this time. I invested in cubase and I'm glad I did. Now I can run all my favorite VSTi's and midi plugins in one program; I used to hate cubase but the new version is niiiice. Anyway, the balance is much better this time around and the reverb far less drastic. There's still a few kinks to work out but I thought I'd see what you guys really think now that you can hear all the parts. I dunno if I'll really worry about recomposing this, sure it could use it but I'm not sure I have the time and this mix is old as it is, it's probably been over-recomposed to be honest, and likely its weakness. Frankly, I'll consider "passable" a success. I'd love to move on to other new stuff. I really stand behind this mix as a medley, and not an overture like everyone wishes it was. I'm not going to change it just because some douchebag around here invented the word 'medleyitis' (not directed at you OA , someone else) and finds good medleys indistinguishable from bad ones. Might reconsider though if people really just hate this arrangement. Opinions?
  16. The style is very film-esque to me more than an overture. Lots of solo lines and supportive underscoring. I think I would have liked to hear more blends than individual samples one at a time, especially to smooth the attack envelopes of the solo violin. The strings at 2:36 are highly reminiscent of a Hyrule symphonic performance I've heard from the Tokyo symphony I think. Overall the brass are a little turned down, I'd love to hear them soar over the mix. The writing is a little trepidatious, seeming to write to the samples more than the music. Still, one of the best orchestral mixes you'll find around here, very nicely done.
  17. 0:00-0:13 The keyboard feels a little slammed to me. I think a build from subtle to sharp chords would emphasize this. The notes ending the motifs at 0:12 and 0:14 sound really harsh, the second sounds ok against the climax but the first sticks out oddly. Some booming bass out of the bass drum would rock. The drum samples could use some punch too. Some sweet EQ would really make them better. In fact, on the whole, the mix could use a little bass mixed out. Those would be my only nitpicks. Very exciting tracks, blends, and changes. A little polished mastering I think this will rock.
  18. Yeah the original work was 10 minutes on vgmix, and I trimmed down all the original embellishments I wrote just to get it down to size for OCR. I'm not sure I have the original anymore (if anyone does by all means please let me know). I need to simplify my workflow on this in order to make compositional changes; this was an experiment in sampling for me and it got pretty complicated, so it might take some time. I think I'll jump ship on that reverb, there's another one I've had my eye on. This is an oooold mix arranged with cruddy samples in mind (if the repeating trumpet trill patterns weren't a major clue enough , so maybe it is time to rewrite knowing what I can do now. It really was my intention to make a medley, not an overture; why does everyone hate medleys so badly around here? lol (just kidding I've heard a few stinkers around here too). But seriously I was so disappointed when I listened to all the themes that nobody has done much with I wanted to recognize them all, hence the medley concept. Good to know there's promise here though. Thanks!
  19. I was just passing through and saw another ellywu2 original and knew I was in for a treat, but holy @#$! monkeys! This is not the remixer I remember, this is amazing. I love the square wave sound throughout, way to meld it all together. Everything sits great in the mix. Not a big fan of VO's in mixes (1:57), but it is kinda your signature, sounds ok. Punchy kick ass beats, love it. Can't wait to see this one on the site, for sure.
  20. So I haven't had much time lately to piss let alone work on a remix, but I recently was fortunate enough to meet James Newton Howard and learn how he and John Williams, Hans Zimmer, etc. make their demos (custom stuff I'd kill for man). I couldn't resist trying out some things I learned, so I came back to this old mix. I think it's been rejected two, maybe three times I forget. I'm calling it Evolution just for fun because of all the stupid versions. It's really rough. I need to sync some stuff (badly!), add some missing parts, and maybe trim the verb off those drums. I experimented with a real large spacey verb to catch room reflections, it's a little washy but kinda epic too. Opinions? (I always return the favor) http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=447695 (sorry for the generic hosting, my domain ran out and I didn't feel like renewing)
  21. Gratz Jahan! ^^ I guess mixing this thing like a dozen times paid off lol. The comments have been educational. I'm surprised many aren't liking the brass. Contrary to what some have guessed, they are professional VSL samples. I'm going to have to look closer at the sequencing to see if I can improve the realism. I actually just upgraded to the epic horn package and the performance tool that comes with it, so hopefully that will solve some of the sequencing and ariticulation issues for future mixes. I have to apologize to Jahan for losing some of the original assets of this after the 1st submission; I could only correct the volume issues with some subtle compression (big no no for orchestral imo). I personally loved the original broad dynamic range, kinda felt we neutered it. Oh well, glad it was enough. Good feedback thanks.
  22. At this point I think I'll just do the right thing and officially drop from this project. Sorry I couldn't finish a whole track for you guys. I really haven't felt the love or motivation for this project (when you working for free YES it's important). It's complicated, but I think not being listed on the project or getting any feedback whatsoever for my mix (the right one) from leadership speaks for itself. Call me a whiner if you want, it'll just prove my point. Hope to return to ocr eventually. Again, my apologies and best wishes on the album.
  23. I'm in the same boat, school vamping up a 'lil. I'm trying to add in ProTools as my DAW because it works so seamlessly with Reason, but I'm having some technical difficulties with Giga and Rewire and ironing it out is slowing me down. Many apologies, but do remember that unless I truly am dead I do answer email and AIM. A little two way conversation is always nice, instead of just being talked down to on forums I can't track 100% and/or ignored when I do. Try to assume that producing free music amongst a life that demands money and schooling and attention to private matters is the typical "excuse" of us remixers, and not just lazy good-for-nothings realizing their do-nothing existence. Believe it or not, I'm doing YOU the favor, not the other way around. I'll will for sure finish Dark Gaia before this project is completed by everyone else (I am paying attention believe it or not), if u want me to, and in return I'll appreciate your patience, understanding, and communication. However, if that's too much to ask, just drop me from the project. I do realize I've missed several deadlines as it is, and won't take it personally - no harm done. Thank you. - James
  24. Well hard to really recommend anything that I know would work for sure, you probably know your room and equipment better than I would. I would just monitor your sound live before you hit the record button. I hope your church hall has adequate diffusion or absorbtion; you don't want a square room with dead spots or a gymnasium sound. You mentioned wanting to make the guitars sound different, so you might consider different mic combinations, placements for each. Since you don't have omnis, perhaps a near coincident pair of two mics at a prefered distance for verb would work? The stereo image could sound odd with two differet mics, but sometimes it works. If you mix it to mono just be careful of phase cancellations. There's other stuff to try I'm sure, but I think you'll have most success with trial and error. Good luck! can't wait to hear.
  25. Not a bad idea, just be careful because from some of the freq. response charts of those mics aren't razor flat, so certain freqs. are already being boosted and with retuning you might boost sounds in the guitars you don't want to. Bring headphones/monitors to your recording session and play around until you get the exact sound you want since you'll only get one shot at it.
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