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Wassup Thunder

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  1. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Yo dudes it's me! As you can tell i missed quite a few rounds, both submitting and voting. Well truth be told is, i was on vacation for 9 days, and i usually don't bring my software with me, nor do i type well on a phone. That combined with very busy areas and low signal, so i couldn't submit any music, or upload any voting. I have GarageBand, but it's not the best for remixing personally, and i'm not always sitting making music, i'm exploring and doing other things.
    Now i got back a few days ago, and since then i've been busy adjusting to normal life, so i haven't had the chance to vote or submit. But since i am here, i will listen to the rounds i've missed, and try to provide feedback (Both MnP and PRC). Congrats to the winners of all these rounds! Hope your days are as good as mine!
    All the best!
  2. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from Souperion in PRC432 - Back to the Rock Ages (Golden Sun The Lost Age)   
    Ooooooh, how ever should I tackle this one? Feel kinda obligated to try my mishappen rock-n'-eurobeat style here. Maybe.
  3. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Finished my entry!
  4. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Another fun round, all! And @The Vodoú Queen, I use a guitar VST, I don't have the honor of owning a keytar XD
  5. Thanks
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in MnP 126: Pokemon Gold/Silver - National Park   
    I got my entry in
  6. Haha
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from The Vodoú Queen in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Another fun round, all! And @The Vodoú Queen, I use a guitar VST, I don't have the honor of owning a keytar XD
  7. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from Souperion in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Another fun round, all! And @The Vodoú Queen, I use a guitar VST, I don't have the honor of owning a keytar XD
  8. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Dextastic in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Wow, close round. Good job, everyone.
  9. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Souperion in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Good stuffs everyone, grats Thunder.
  10. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to The Vodoú Queen in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    BTW, FWIW, I think some people voiced in the comments/critiques that they didn't get the vocal / beginning & ending references in my remix, or the song title...
    It comes from the fairly popularly meme'd and infamous scene/line of kinda stilted dialogue between two major characters in the newer Godzilla (2014) movie, the first one that restarted the big "MonsterVerse" franchise under Legendary Pictures:
    Sorry if it was a bit too obscure and I lost points or something with it...
  11. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Bundeslang in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    It's results time.
    TheVodouQueen got 11 points but still gets the last place wooden spoon.
    Souperion received 12 points and second place.
    And the winner of PRC431 Wassup Thunder is with 13 points.
    Wassup Thunder you are the winner. It was very close, but enough. You may pick a source for PRC433. 
    Send the source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your source as fast as you can, but before next Wednesday (1 September 2021), 11:00 AM ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT).
    You may select any source from any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links (I recently updated this site):
    http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above).
    https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/prc431 for the votes and comments.
    PRC432 already started.
  12. Sad
    Wassup Thunder reacted to The Vodoú Queen in MnP 126: Pokemon Gold/Silver - National Park   
    Mine's in, albeit like 40 minutes late.
    Yes, BandLab is epic in total suckage because it has no ingrained ability to slow down or speed up tempo, so I had to literally take the song, replicate it between several different files, and try to splice it back together with the variant speeds and key changes...
    ...*shrugs*...I tried. I'm probably going to switch to an actual DAW rather than the online thing, because it's busting my proverbial and metaphorical balls almost every single time I try to produce/compose something, and I'd rather not have a near-mental breakdown every time I make a song, lol.
  13. Haha
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in PRC432 - Back to the Rock Ages (Golden Sun The Lost Age)   
    Ooooooh, how ever should I tackle this one? Feel kinda obligated to try my mishappen rock-n'-eurobeat style here. Maybe.
  14. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Souperion in PRC432 - Back to the Rock Ages (Golden Sun The Lost Age)   
    Oh, I forgot to provide a video of the song. Here ye go:
  15. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Bundeslang in PRC432 - Back to the Rock Ages (Golden Sun The Lost Age)   
    The People's Remix Competition 432

    Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition!
    In PRC430 it was Souperion who was the winner. TheVideoGamer and TheVodouQueen also particpated and Wassup Thunder contributed with a bonus song. 
    Source: Golden Sun The Lost Age (GBA) - Gaia's Rock
    https://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/PRC432_Gaia rock_Golden Sun The Lost Age.mid
    The deadline is Wednesday September 8th 2021 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the link https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC432 for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. 
    You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread.
    Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread.
    Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score.
    The winner of this round may select the source for PRC434.
    Souperion can enter with a bonus song and has a double vote.
    You can find the full rules list at this page as well.
    PRC Home Page
  16. Confused
    Wassup Thunder reacted to The Vodoú Queen in MnP 126: Pokemon Gold/Silver - National Park   
    I'll try to get mine in on time, but BandLab keeps crashing / lagging with processing the song...
  17. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Souperion in MnP 126: Pokemon Gold/Silver - National Park   
    Squeaked something in.
  18. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Bundeslang in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Welcome to the voting stage
    The mixing stage is over. This round has 3 songs . The following people compete against each other:
    Wassup Thunder
    To vote, do the following:
    Visit https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC431 and listen to all the entries
    Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen or click PM.
    Fill in the entries from first to third in the ThaSauce form or fill in your top 3.
    State a reasoning for it.
    Participants are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. They get a 3 point bonus, but they are not allowed to vote for their own track. They only have to fill in their top 2, leave the third box empty.
    Always look in this thread to find out who's the winner of the round after the voting stage instead of only looking at ThaSauce for the results.
    You have until Monday August 23rd 2021 6:59 AM ThaSauce time (11:00 UTC, 12:00 GMT) to vote.
    If you vote by PM make sure that your top 3 is clear. I prefer something like this:
    PRC ### Vote
    1: (remixer A )
    2: (remixer B )
    3: (remixer C )
  19. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Souperion in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Vote in. Good times, people.
  20. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from The Vodoú Queen in MnP 126: Pokemon Gold/Silver - National Park   
    I got my entry in
  21. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from Souperion in MnP 126: Pokemon Gold/Silver - National Park   
    I got my entry in
  22. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from The Vodoú Queen in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Finished my entry!
  23. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to The Vodoú Queen in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Mine will be in soon...
    Been extremely busy with project after music project, so apologies if it's a bit meh or whatever. ?
  24. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Souperion in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Squeezed something in. Go go Godzilla.
  25. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from Souperion in PRC431 - On A Different Planet With Rings (Godzilla)   
    Finished my entry!
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