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Seth Skoda

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Philadelphia, PA
  • Occupation
  • Interests


  • Discord

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    RYM2612, YM2612, Famisynth, Neochip, Plogue sforzando, Plogue chipsounds, M-Theory, Nightlife, 808 Trapstep Sample Pack Vol. 1&2, Beatrig Sidekick 6, Broadcast Multiband Compressor
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Rapping

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Seth Skoda's Achievements

  1. Here's the original: And here's what I got so far. Using the SEGA Genesis until I get it structured the way I want it. Unless a completely SEGA Genesis submission is permissible.... Insane Carnival Zone [DEMO].mp3
  2. Right now, it's just a demo. Definitely wanna finish this one, it's fire. Here's the original song: Million Dollar Baby [DEMO].wav
  3. If anyone wants to slap the original vocals on this and post it, go for it. Just credit me for this remake. Already Dead (Instrumental).mp3
  4. Now finished
  5. In Crystal Clear mode Original: Cover:
  6. Original: Cover: This is an old cover, I intend to redo this in Crystal Clear with improved sound design.
  7. You already know I'm in!
  8. Original: Remix: Chaoz Fantasy 2.mp3
  9. -SEGA Genesis music -sounds like a game OST, but the game doesn't exist -sidescroller vibes, heavy and somewhat dark at times -album title tbd
  10. I got a bit ahead with act 2 over act 1. Act 1 is metal, and whatever this is, is act 2. You'll see more of this stuff in the near future; I am working on an album to basically be a game soundtrack without the actual game existing. Please let me know what you think of this concept. Chaos Fortress Zone Act 2.mp3
  11. A little change of pace from my usual covers with a slow and sad song. Here's the original: There Is No Arizona.mp3
  12. Thank you! I wasn't looking for feedback in particular, as I consider this finished (hence the extensive visual work in the video). I just wanted to showcase some of my work here.
  13. Some new old stuff
  14. This is much newer than the one I currently have on my YouTube channel. I haven't released this yet because I haven't had time to make the video for it, plus I did something a bit experimental in this one. Before I just dump the file, I'll drop a couple of links: Original song: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/85046 Current cover on YouTube: https://youtu.be/B9N5L5y5Rog New version attached below Chaoz Fantasy.mp3
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