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Woody mC

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Everything posted by Woody mC

  1. Now that I've listened to it from start to finish, I can attest that this album is a pretty sophisticated work and is equally great for both easy listening in the background and for turning up amp volume if you'd like to rock the house! Each of the tracks has its own particular highlight, starting with the "Arabic"-sounding vocals in the first one and transporting that "DK Fear Factory ambience", which is especially present in track #2. "80's Surreal Feel" reminded me of both the good ol' Kraftwerk days and 90s chiptune sounds a lot, creating some sort of EBM genre music. DKC2 mine track vibes followed in the next track since it used the same chord progression, which made it an instant temptation for me to whistle along with the original DKC2 melody for a perfectly fitting "2nd melody". "Darkened Waters ~ Requiem of a Cyborg" features a nice increase in tension, with the mysteriously sounding drumless solo strings part being a perfect intermission before the intensity ramp-up to the finale. SHMUP would be an instant winner for any 90s RPG final boss battle, I guess... And, last but not least, you definitely should get some demo/intro coders to use "Cyborg A$$ Moochers" for a presentation in the demo scene! NICELY DONE, HoboKa!
  2. Thanks a lot for your nice commendation, @Docjekyll! Your idea above definitely has something tempting. Unfortunately, this was a live recording which is no longer subject to editing, but I'll keep that idea in mind for the next performances. Regarding the slow start: This is a common issue in my live impro sessions (let's call it "the motif gathering phase") where ideas keep pouring in to my brain and fingers and need a bit of time to consolidate into some sort of "stable equilibrium". According to my observation, there's another issue on the listener's side with this kind of music; impatience is a very wide-spread character trait today, which makes it hard to "narrate a full paragraph" in a musical context. However, I'm so glad that you had the patience to follow till the very end! This is something I highly appreciate.
  3. Hope you had the chance to get access to other organs (or at least the one to be heard in the recording) in the mean time. From my own experience, I can say that this is such a crucial point to get used to the differing touch of various organs, styles and organ building traditions. The recording itself was a good start; I'd be curious to know what your playing style of today would sound like! Regarding the song selection, I've absolutely no idea why I didn't pick that up by myself already (as it's pretty much burnt into my memory since my childhood days) --- anyway, here's my ALttP Ending Theme by-ear replay from about 4.5 years ago to add up to your recording!
  4. "Metroid: Organ Transplants" cinema premiere --- Movie poster has been printed! :-)


  5. Agreed! Sliding in Shiek's theme was a welcome surprise, kudos for the unobtrusive implementation.
  6. It's been over a decade now since my first (unsuccessful) submission, so I thought it could be worth a retry with one of my more recent live improvisations, which might be a bit...uhmmm...unconventional. Meanwhile, I've dug deep into the world of pipe organs as an autodidact, with many lessons learned already and even more to still learn -- but decide for yourself as you take a listen. Hope you'll enjoy! Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" Name of arrangement: "Temple Of Time: Chant & Carillon" Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Temple of Time" Link to OST: https://fi.zophar.net/soundfiles/nintendo-64-usf/legend-of-zelda-the-ocarina-of-time/44%20Temple%20of%20Time.mp3 Download Links Submission audio (FLAC 2.0ch 16bit 44.1kHz): http://via.woody-mc.de/to/Q90hnnkQBOVdSipq Original recording master (FLAC 7.1ch 16bit 48kHz): http://via.woody-mc.de/to/9vnNo0P0MQShcRBN VOD illustration: https://youtu.be/u4MjElSvRVI Additional Comments Following my childhood dream and fascination for pipe organs, to become a self-taught pipe organist with a focus on VGM and movie soundtracks was an unevitable destiny with regards to my hobby and passion. Thus, the live improvisation on one of TLoZ:OoT's most notable themes is somewhat a milestone for me, as I was able to put that big cathedral grandeur and acoustics into a piece that would be more than fitting as an OST for the place where the game actually placed the original. In fact, "Temple of Time: Chant & Carillon" consists of two interwoven movements, namely the chant portion in the first half (resembling an "accompaniment" to the vocals heard in the OST) and the carillon section, which refers to a "carillon piece" in the context of pipe organ music; these try to imitate the ringing of church bells through fast arpeggiated chords while the main melody is often played with the left hand on another manual or with even the feet using the pedals, featuring a different registration (= timbre). The piece itself features almost the full dynamic range of the organ with a more or less linear increase, reaching its first culmination point at a striking dissonant chord around 6:10, before it enters the finale section which eventually utilises "full organ" (= all stops activated) for the final chords cadence (hope you'll own a decent LFE to enjoy the frequencies around ~16Hz). Just like many of my other creations, this has been played live at home using a three-manual DIY organ console with Milan Digital Audio's "Hauptwerk" as the software backbone and features MDA's "1903 Notre Dame de Metz" sample set being mapped to four different speaker pairs. The "audio artifacts" you might notice, such as key attacks, blower noise and some hizz from certain pipe ranks are indeed intended to be present in the final recording and are both a sign of realism and paying attention to the details when the sample set was recorded as well as they're vital for the authenticity of the piece's final recording. It should be noted that this exact recording -- like pretty much all of my music -- is a unique on-the-fly improvisation, which means that it cannot be revised or otherwise be "polished" in any way, not even for a resubmission attempt. Be sure to watch the VOD if you'd like to see the pictures that I had in mind when I improvised this (and for some nice goosebumps during the final measures -- at least I hope so).
  7. Metroid: Organ Transplants" is coming to cinemas near Munich! If you're one of our members living at or near Munich, Germany, I'd like to invite you to join the cinema premiere of my latest orchestra + pipe organ surround album, called "Metroid: Organ Transplants"! In case you're interested to catch one of the 10 available [EDIT: complimentary tickets --> guest seats], please feel free to contact me via PM. The event is currently (roughly) planned around the Easter weekend; details regarding the exact event date/time and location will be sent in response as soon as they become available. EDIT: Clarified that --- in compliance with the OCR terms --- no money will ever be charged for this (even if I have to pay mucho €€€ for the reservation fee). However, this is a private event with friends and family, so the extra "complimentary" seats for other fans are limited. Also, I'd like to encourage you to start your own cinema event somewhere else, so you're invited to reuse the digital cinema packages (DCP) that I compiled (available for download via my discography at http://en.wpoa.de/WPOA-MOT) or to contact me via PM if you need help with creating your own custom DCP to meet the specs of your digital cinema projection system.
  8. Nice one! TBH, your Arrival remix has much more of the spookiness that I'd like to have had in the first track of my album...too sad I didn't have yours at hand prior to my recording. ? Crateria is an awesome subwoofer dust cleaner, with the Statue Room being a logical choice for calming that one down.
  9. This would never have been possible without the incredible groundwork of @Protricity, @Slimy, @AJiLe, @beckett007, @Nutritious and especially @Sam Dillard. As the titles and credits say, this album is a tribute to their outstanding compositions, enhanced with passionate live organ playing and a bunch of painstakingly synced gameplay cuts. My sincere gratitude goes to all of the aforementioned composers --- Thank y'all so much!
  10. I'd call this the "peaceful counterpiece" to my "Metroid: Organ Transplants" album. Amazingly soothing and relaxing! Mind a collab next time?
  11. Thanks for liking my "Metroid: Organ Transplants", too! Hopefully, you also watched the movie...
  12. Well, looks like we had pretty similar ideas to welcome the new year... Stumbled upon your post here since it was just next to my yesterday's album release of "Metroid: Organ Transplants"! Love your arrangement --- the Fi theme in particular, but also how you managed to weave in the ALBW themes! The video cut was nice and supportive to the music as well. Happy New Year, Ben!
  13. Good news! The premiere has been scheduled on YouTube -- can't wait to see y'all at prime time UTC on New Years Day: Sat, Jan 1st 2022 20:15 (8:15pm) UTC
  14. Hi all, I'm proud to announce that my latest album, "Metroid: Organ Transplants" has entered the final stage of video production and is about to be released on Youtube, ContreBombarde and as free downloadable CD/DVD images around the New Years Day. What started out as an "accidental recording", over the past two months has grown into a personal tribute to the most stunning orchestral OC remixes attributed to the Metroid franchise: My third orchestra+organ play-along album contains nine OC remixes by various artists, all of them in a similar style, as if the original composers would have had a silent agreement that, one day, these pieces were intended to be put together. The glue between all of the tracks is suggested by the album title — they're all enhanced and backed by a three-manuals French-Romantic Cavaillé-Coll pipe organ, which I added on top by playing along in two live sessions (yes, I love plays on words, hence the album title). This adds even more drama, gravity and a bunch of particular highlights. Since the additional pipe organ track was recorded in 7.1 surround, the original OC remixes, which served as the re-remixing basis, were also upgraded to 7.1 to fit the setup. The recording and mixing process, credits research, video material research, storybook and composition, album art, media production, etc. took about three months of spare-time work — definitely my most ambitious project so far and an interesting first contact with DAWs in general and Ardour 6 in particular. The album will be available for download via my discography at http://en.wpoa.de/WPOA-MOT as a stereo CD image, as a DVD image with both a 5.1 surround sound and a 2.0 stereo track including a full 45min video cut of Metroid gameplay, cutscenes and artwork created by other people on the web (let's call it "the movie cut"), in lossless FLAC format with 7.1 channels (the "golden master") and will be accompanied by PDFs with cover/inlay/label artwork, separately for both the CD and DVD, which I put together for personal hardcopies that I usually give away to friends and family as a gift. Track list: Putting Down On Zebes (by @Protricity, part of https://ocremix.org/album/3) Footprints On Zebes (by @Slimy, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03306) Kraid Begins (by @AJiLe, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01890) The Crimson Depths, (by @Sam Dillard, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02275) Into The Green World (by @Sam Dillard, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02515) Beyond The Glass (by @Sam Dillard, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02927) Mother Brain Suite (by @beckett007, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01675) The Galaxy Awaits (by @Nutritious, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01804) Mission Complete: Ending Suite (by @Sam Dillard, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02648) The following album teaser video is available on my channel. Once the release is prepared, this thread will be updated with the final link to the YouTube premiere of the full album video (stereo only, since YT still doesn't support surround sound in their audio tracks). I'm eager to know what you think about it -- and, hopefully, I'm going to meet at least some of the original remixers at the premiere! Hope you'll enjoy the show!
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