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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. The guitar sounds cool, as real guitar usually does, but the song barely builds at all. It just ... continues. Secondly, the guitar doesnt seem to follow the beat all that well. Its definately there, but seems out of sync. At 2:04 things get pretty messy. Guitar songs always make it in ocr. I believe simply being a guitar song isnt enough. Something besides playing chords on the guitar must be displayed. NO
  2. There is an extreme amount of repitition here. The song follows the original quite closely. The drums are limiting. There are some strong off key issues. I would work on drums as well as the melodic aspects. Gotta watch those Keys. No
  3. Remix of Sonic 3's Ice Cap Zone. Song name Ice Cap 2003 remixed by Nikolas Hall/Aka known as Nik Manic. Please listen to the effort put into this remix before discarding it as just "another ice cap remix"..... i love this song, and still think the perfect remix is yet to be found, thank you for your time. Nikolas Hall I think that with so many Ice Cap songs on oc currently, we should ask that this song provide something that isnt already on the site. Just a thought - Prot
  4. This song is pretty simplistic. It has nice synth effects, but much of the notation follows no key wahtsoever, such as 2:34. Secondly, much of the drums/melody repeat. I do like the tempo increase though. Frankly, I kinda expect better from bd at this point. Try more cool beats, cool melody, cool styles, anything... NO
  5. Wow.. weird. Who did the singing ? And which song is it from the game?
  6. Heard this one way back, and again now. First off, its too short. Second, this song has been done soo many times; it had better show something new. The drums are rather unvaried. Note for note with the original. The synths have some aweful conflicting releases. Best way to watch that is to check your 'release' and make sure its not too long when notes are going fast like in this song. Some iffy notes on the chords, as dan said. Rather messy on the second half. Sorry bud, nice idea. NO
  7. I've been asked this several times, so to clear things up, This song is a remix of only ONE song, DKC2 - Jungle. This is the theme that shows up in the lost levels jungle. You can hear it by getting jungle.spc from the dkc2 sound track on zophar. I will say that a lot of the song was improve and/or original material, but it is still significantly that song and no other.
  8. Lots of nice samples and synths, but very poor use of instruments. The intro synths have way too much release. A few quality problems here and there.. The melody just keeps repeating. The beat is extremely simple. That violin needs some reverb or at least better usage. I'm borderline on this one. Fix the intro release synths and It might pass, but until then, NO
  9. And another: Sim_City_Speed_Town_OC_ReMix.mp3 If you listen, its the original played over with some... very ... subpar drums. Anyway, I think it constitutes drums over original. And Another: Koudelka_Requiem(ElectricFlamesMix)_OC_ReMix.mp3 This is at Pordon's request. It is indeed track1.mp3 with drums over it and some flanging. He did some repeating, but thats all.
  10. 1. YES Reason: Just sound effects, no game music. 2. YES Reason: Most certainly the original with a drum loop,sped up. 3. YES Reason: MIDI rip with instruments changed. 4. YES Reason: The original spc not even in sync with the drumloop, and a bunch of distorted sound effects from the game. He somehow managed to make it out of tune as well. 5. YES Reason: SPC with drum loops. 6. YES Reason: No SC music whatsoever. 7. YES Reason: GBS rip + drums. 8. YES Reason: NSF rip + drums. 9. YES Reason: Original with drums layered on top. Nice job, fun, but a definate violation 10. YES Reason: NSF rip + drumloop 11. YES Reason: NSF rip + drumloop 12. YES Reason: SFX, no Music. 13. YES Reason: Found the nsf, listened to the whole track. Its not in there. 14. YES Reason: Its not so much a remix as a huge 2 minute flange effect. 15. YES Reason: I like the idea, but the quality issues and sanity issues must come into consideration. 16. YES Chuchurocket_BadCD_OC_ReMix.mp3 Reason: Drum loop on original. 17. YES Kirby's_Superstar_Wind_Breaker_OC_Remix.mp3 Reason: original with layered scratching/fx 18. YES Counterstrike_InTheLineOfFire_OC_ReMix.mp3 Reason: Not Game Music 19. YES Counterstrike_PaleriderTraining_OC_ReMix.mp3 Reason: Not Game Music 20. YES Reason: exactly the same as original 21. NO Robocop_CPC_Zone_OC_ReMix.mp3 Reason: Uses original very extensively. But later on theres a ton of original. This is not an extreme violation. 22. YES Final_Fantasy_7_OneWingedTechno_OC_ReMix.mp3 Reason: Apparently a MIDI rip, But has original values too. Still, its too extreme of a violation. 23. YES Sim_City_Speed_Town_OC_ReMix.mp3 Reason: If you listen, its the original played over with some... very ... subpar drums. Anyway, I think it constitutes drums over original.
  11. Its been over a week, I dont think we'll get a response. Any ideas? I say continue voting on it. If it gets a yes, we'll persue a higher quality encode.
  12. I've probably heard this one near a hundred times. Its hardly identical to the original, jo, and represents well the matt pollard minimalistic era.
  13. Hi Prot, It's been 3 months now and I haven't seen it on the judges forum list, so I'm pming you the submission information as you told me to do so. I just wish I would've saved my old submission email. Ah well, here's the info: Artist: Adhesive_Boy Game: Treasure Hunter G (this was for a contest, so I don't know much about the game itself) System: SNES Title: Linoleum Stalactites (the best I could come up with...sad, isn't it?) Song remixed: The World's Cavern 1 (it's called "THG17" on the SPC I have from zophar.net) Composer: John Pee (again, not 100% sure. That's what it said on the original SPC I had of just that tune, but it's not one from zophar. I can upload it if you want. And the name does make me giggle a little bit.) Email: (I'd like this to be added to my Remixer profile, if possible) I also have been told that this game is by Square and released in Japan only. Anyone (judges, djp, or some random people off the street) know this for sure? I probably should've found the rom before I submitted this... Anyway, if you want specifics, you can read the id tag. There are some EQ-ing problems that I had no idea how to work out then and a few other minor issues like the fact that the lead is kinda strange...I wasn't really trying to replicate a real guitar sound, it just sounded right to me at the time, and it kind of simplifies the original tune, but overall I'm pretty confident in this one. I hope you enjoy it! - Adhesive_Boy ---------------------------------- Well...I'm a dumbass. Here it is: There you go. - Adhesive_Boy NOTE: He says all the drums are his, no drumloops. I've seen his drums before, so I believe him.
  14. I'm kinda borderline on this one. It has lots of nice sounding synths, and lots of filling sample sound effects, but its sequencing is rather mediocre. The whole feel is like a half hearted attempt at a mix. I realize that this was indeed the goal of the mix. It accomplished that rather well. What I dont like is how the song strayed from the original chord progression so much. Its rather sloppy. I'll give it another listen later.
  15. Hello Michael and Jason, We are currently reviewing your song for ocremix and have a request; Would it be possible to send us a version of the song encoded at 128kbps instead of 64kbps? 128 and 44khz/16bit are teh minimum quality restrictions for a submission. The judges appear to be enjoying your song, but if we dont get a better version, I'm afraid it will be rejected. Just contact me with an updated link or file and we'll reevaluate it. Thank you Ari Asulin Oc Remix Aim - Protricity2k ICQ - 14990394 ------------------- Title of the song: memories of Elle By DJ Michael and Jason mbearden@txucom.net This is my first submission. THis is a tear Jerker that I made with Acid Pro 4.0 It's the ending theme for Terranigma I added the Chorus. _________________ - djpretzel / remix.overclocked.org / iterations.net
  16. Indeed, I listen to that one regularly. I liked his old style far better.
  17. There really isnt much going on here except a continuation of one melody with nearly no expantion. The distorted instrument is rather floody and hits some painful notes with the other distorted instrument on the left. No ending. Extensive use of drumloops that dont even fit the style of the song. Needs to be more. NO OVERRIDE
  18. Really dont like that lead instrument. Its hella messed up. Hard on the ears. Man, that ugly lead is back again. Its like a good lead that someone distorted to all hell. Note for note eh? 3:00 Beat hasnt changed at all thus far. Transitions are poor. They just get quiet and then the next part starts. Finally, the beat changed up, but that lead is killing me, and again, the melody is note for note. Not liking 4:30 at all; the melody is rather unfiting of the accompany. 4:50 gives another fade in fade out transition. And to my surprise, this section is also note for note with the original. Work on expanding the melody rather than just putting simple drums over the original melody. NO
  19. Very nice boost at 1:15. Whoa, everything got totally messed up at 1:28. Rather ugly here. But then it gets moving again. Continues very nicely from then on. Piano is kinda muffled, some ugly notes happening, but it seems to me that piano is more of an effect, as such it works. I like the transition; didn't even realise it was happening. Nice way to end. YES
  20. I would point out that any compliments on notation should be going out to the original because this song is pretty much exactly the same notation wise. That is the reason I voted no. I agree that the original is pretty well done with no real problems. I just think this is one song where the judges should hear the original for considertion.
  21. Yay for invalid session. Anyway, YES It was good, yatta yatta, do a real ending next time, yatta yatta... I emailed the author to try to get those off notes fixed at 2:18 and 4:44. yea.
  22. Hehe, winamp is smiling at me. This doesn't sound too much like jazz to me. LOVING that piano. Great instrumentation. Love the feel of the song. The major Rock-style EQ isnt a problem here, save that on certain setups, one probably wont hear the mid tones at all. On the downside, this song is extremely slow and repeats once. I don't like the fade out ending. Yes for excellent arranging and feel.
  23. The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information. having trouble with djp's space also
  24. A very basic song. Melody is nearly the same as the original. Sample quality is lacking. Percussions are rather simplistic as well. Overall, its a song that needs more motivation. NO
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