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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. Large amount of repeating in the beginning and end. Lack of percussion and expantion of the original throughout most of the song save the middle section. For such a short song more effort and time should put into it. NO
  2. There is no improvement off the original here. There is an extreme amount of repetitivness. Would like to see expantion on the music quality of the original or lack thereof. NO
  3. I use an uncommon form of variable bitrate that winamp doesnt calculate very well at all. The song is 5:07 by my watch. Winamp will say anywhere from 6 to 8 minutes ;p Its a 'problem' with all my remixes, but I do it because the mp3 quality result is superior to the more 'standard' ways and still works on all players.
  4. That section at 2:05 sounds totally off key to me. Maybe its just me, but as usual it stuck out like a sore thumb. Nice and uppity, but far too repetitive for my tastes.
  5. Lots of nifty off key stuffs there. Doesn't follow chord structure too well. Even more nifty off key sections around 1:45. I like how the key changes, its not done too often. Too bad the song just keeps repeating and the drums never change. Hurts my ears. NO work on your music theory and percussion.
  6. That beat is way out of sync. Its not even tastefully out of sync. This song is repetitive and simplistic. Not too much going on here. This probably follows the original exactly, am I right? Please work on varying your songs more. Don't do fade out endings. Work on your own percussion. NO
  7. Was worried at the beginning, but now it seems to be picking up. Nice arrangement. Original sections, cool. Low violin is too loud. It drownds out the other instruments. Nice light arrangement with plenty of originality. Very moody. I think the phaser is uncalled for. Still, this is nice quality stuff. A nice addition to oc. YES
  8. File server busy. Will try later. MMX.. ....
  9. Oh god, I really hope this wasn't submitted in 1999... Ya never know with this panel Dangerous intro. Ok, nothing is happening here. I don't even recognize the lavos theme here. The beat isn't changing. Its pretty repetitive. That lone guitar really doesn't work. Those short lived strings don't help the guitar out at all. This is far too minimalistic. New chords don't work. This mix feels very dead now. Doesn't do the great original justice by a long shot. NO
  10. HAPPY!! Uplifting. I like the square. Whoops, got messy at :40. Go away evil instruments!! SHEW SHEW!!!! oh well, I really dont care for those spastic high synths. I like the variance on the beat. I like the effects used. Good beat at 2:13. Good arranging. Happy and uplifting indeed. Nice instrument choice. I hope that square tastefully disappears soon. Well, its not going away, but its changing. Good . Yes, I like the variation. It makes the song seem far less repetitive. I would have preferred to see some chord changes though. Going through 2nd loop now. Yup, this is fine. YES
  11. Hmm, note for note intro. Lets see where it goes. 0:30 Note for note still. 0:40 Note for note still. 0:50 Note for note still. 1:00 Note for note still. 1:10 Note for note still. 1:20 Note for note still. 1:30 Note for note still. 1:40 Note for note still. ok, thats all I need to hear. NO no spc rips please.
  12. This song never really builds up the range. No bass instruments ever come in except a bit at the end. The song is overly simplistic, and way too short for an orchistral piece. I'll give it a NO. Nice samples :/
  13. Geoshittys is uncommonly and unprecedentedly not letting me download an mp3. Ah, after 50 retrys, I got it!!!!!!!!!! Hmm off key notes. Poor precussion. Repetetivity. Highpitched irritation. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: no originality. YES! yes.... I will give it a NO!
  14. What is it with Sonic and Fruityloops-sounding songs? Ok, first minute has nearly nothing to it, I hope this picks up soon. Sections around 1:25 don't fit at all. Chord problems. It doesnt work too well as style. The song is finally into the main theme now. The simplistic beat still hasnt changed yet. It seems simplicity and repetitivity is haunting this song. Way too much repetition here. NO
  15. Is it me, or does GreyLightning seem to use template submission emails. They all use the same words. Odd... ok, The style is here. Mood is established. Doesnt vary much on the drums. Very slow and melodic. The question here is: Is this the original melody over some static drums? Is there any originality here? The answer is: I dunno. Someone wanna help me out with this? The drums are varying more now. This song really has some cool atmosphere. The flute is light and harmonious. Very nice. I'll give it a YES until such time as someone points out that it follows the original far too closely, etc.
  16. note: you may have to download it directly http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jotj/files/ jotjssgd6.mp3 MM... CC.... I liked the original, but I really dont like how its played here. Its a nice peaceful original, but here there is heavy D&B drums playing against synthy guitars. Its very jumpy and harsh, but doesnt seem to work with such a peacful, quiet original. I think if the beats were something softer and the guitar was less of a synthy metalic guitar and more of a nylon or something this would have been easier on the ears. Other than that, it doesnt stray too far from the original except in percussion. NO
  17. Sound quality is lacking here. Its not always about the sample quality, but how things are arranged. It seems to me that everything is muffled and closed. I would attribute this to too much reverb. VERY repetitive now. The beat works according to theory, but it still sounds annoying. Everything is in sync, but there is some off-sync delays that are being thrown into the mix that make the beat sound off. Ending is lax. I expect more quality from ryu7x, but that isnt the reason I'm giving it a NO, The song lacked arrangement quality.
  18. This song is too short at 2:53. It mostly repeats in this time. I'd like to see it longer and include more variation. The percussion never seems to change. It only seems to go away and come back. The new chords in this song as opposed to the chords used in the original don't seem to work very well. I would like to see some instrument changes as well rather than just large detuned synths. Overall, this song doesn't vary enough at 2min :53sec NO
  19. Synth all over the place to start out. Lots of reliance on sample quality. No precussion eh? No originality? No improvements over the originals? No deal
  20. Lovely! Love the original thought that went over that old star theme. Keeping the sample quality at a seemingly 22khz range is a professional technique that I see quite often and it worked on this song very well. I can never do it this well infact, and I've tried several times. Nice and relaxing. Yes
  21. Ah, dkc2, the brightspot in a sea of .... brightspots... in the game music world. This really impresses in the high sound quality area. Love the original. Nothing wrong with this so far. Lovely! YES
  22. msg me if you need it. I managed to download it. Theres some serious volume issues here. Guitars have distortion/chorus plugins on them making them way too loud. Strings off key. Interesting ideas, but theres a lot of off key stufss here (aside from the strings)1:30 - 2:10 for example has a ton of off key sections. NO
  23. This one was lacking the motivation of the others. While that isnt enough to reject a mix, I see a lot of minimalistic expression in this mix. I dont think the rockin original works very well as a repetitive minimalistic song. Other than that, the bent synths runnin along the whole song seem out of other place. This song either goes exactly on the trail of the original or goes way off. I believe the song should be close or far, but not attempt both. The first half of the mix was mostly improve remotely based on the original while the ending fills in the original rather closely. Better instrument choice could have been applied rather than having only sine/triangle wave synths and a few saws. NO
  24. Too repetitive for my tastes. Had a nice feel, but I'd like to have seen far more variety. It repeated 3 times, I think, with nearly no changes.
  25. Since I downloaded all the ocremixes lately, I might as well say that This is one of the worst I've heard on oc. Sounds like a random midi generator + a horribly annoying off key synthetic rumble. It goes no where, provokes no mood, and grabs my attention in no way save for a gripping erge to delete the file. But I cant, I need to hang on to it for a while... Well, I suppose if someone gave it a 10/10, I'm missing something.
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