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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. public boolean voteOn( Song squarephants.mp3 ) { if ( electroretro_Did_All_The_Strings_And_Instrumentation_Sequencing_Himself == true) return true; else return false; } if voteOn( Squarephants.mp3 ) YES else NO If you didn't get any of that, the someone try to find out if he did the strings and instrumentation himself or if he used a game recording. If he did it, I'll give it a YES. If not, its a NO.
  2. Might I suggest we are listening to different versions of the same song? I didnt hear everything the rest of you's are talking about. What I do hear is overuse of drumloops and sound effects, and extremely repetitive sequencing. NO
  3. Pros: Nice moody intro. Cons: Repeating constantly. Some of the high pad synth chords gave me a bad headache. This song totally lacks the feel of the original. The melody has been simplified to the point that I actually find the tune boring. Its a shame, shademan was always one I really liked. ... Is it ever even going to get into the real melody of the song? It just keeps repeating the intro... Oh, there it goes. Using that violin sample with such long attack so fast sounds rather bad. One should cut the attack when one goes into a fast sequence, says I. Sorry, everything is wrong with this. NO
  4. I do not accede to this kind of submission. It doesnt move my heart either that he is frustrated with either a slow submission process or a failed vgmix. Lastly, I dont think that having a pot full of 'high quality' mixes gives him precedence over any other member of the community. We have rules. If everyone would like to agree on one song and vote, thats fine by me.
  5. I actually started it last month while attempting to wrap up the DKC2 redux track I was working on, then my computer got f*cked. Then I took on 2 jobs and tried to move into a new place. until things calm down and I have a chance to fix my computer, I cant do anything. It will come, just wait a good OC-submission-waiting-period or 2 and I'll have finished it with all the others
  6. I wanted to judge a song from work. Speakers are just too ugly. Sorry, maybe later It sounds like Sgtrama is getting better, but it still sounds like FL is doing all the work here. Also the song is damned repetitive. I'll probably go with a NO after I hear it with my headphonies. Holy damn, no wait, this song IS repetitive... AND short. ok, this is a NO I'll give it a listen later with my phones, but I doubt my review will change. Funny how some songs sound better on shitty speakers..
  7. Who let Beatfag on the panel?
  8. Cons: Holy reverb. BOW Repetitive. Reverb really kills the quality of some of those instruments. Pros: Good ideas on the synth, nice to see some expantion of this extremely simplistic original. Less repeat and less reverb. NO
  9. Yea, amazing synths, right. But, not really... Pros: However, there is some tight sequencing going on here. Great job on the beat. Cons: Song is damn repetitive. I hope something starts happening soon. Ugh.. just ... soo repetitive.... Sorry, lets be more intuitive. Good sounds though! NO
  10. I think the instrumentation is VERY poorly done. In 1.33 minutes ya got 2 repeats. Play this as a 8mb midi and you'll see what I mean by simple. Chorused strings make it sound like theres actual work involved; no, its just a chorused sample. No
  11. lots of funk samplage. The samples used do all the work, as do the drumloops. Nope
  12. Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I heard this one already. It had that starfox/Back to the future theme thing towards the center. Samples sound great. I dont care for the simplicity of the beginning. Also, is it straying into CT music in the center? Hmm, the whole song sounds to me very simple like a trptcox song. It sounds more like a demo song for the gigasamples than a strong medley. NO
  13. Ugh! It sounds like 2 songs playing at once. Oh wait, 2 songs ARE playing at once. Hold up... ok... Pros: Cons: This is very poorly played. Clippage. hurts my ears. My poor ears... NO
  14. Yea, it just repeats a lot. Not much different from the original. Theres somethink going on with the low bass instrument. Sounds like too much ressonance. Hurts on earphones. Just not above the bar. I would recommend some instrument changes and do something to make it not sound so repetitive. NO
  15. Pros: Interesting and original take on the ever-exhausted prelude Cons: Way too short. Need more skill on the peddle, me thinks. NO
  16. More effort, This is too short and simple. Clippage NO This song would work as an intro to a song, but as it stands, its not much of anything.
  17. Milcos has restored my faith in him with this... for now... ... I would have liked to see more variation in the style, but it still sounds pretty good. ... ... ... IHAVE NOTHINGELSE TO SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES
  18. [23:39:13] akumarob: it would mean that AOLers are that much closer to God [23:39:19] PRoTRiCiTy2K: heeh, and those unmod guys... ugh [23:40:05] * PRoTRiCiTy2K is listening to 'Vigilante (Jesse Taub) - - MegmanX The Zero Sacrifice OCR' for some dumbass reason. [23:40:10] PRoTRiCiTy2K: ohhhhh [23:40:11] PRoTRiCiTy2K: GOD NO [23:40:14] PRoTRiCiTy2K: oh nooooooooo [23:40:16] PRoTRiCiTy2K: please god [23:40:19] PRoTRiCiTy2K: NOOOOOOOOO [23:40:23] PRoTRiCiTy2K: DONT FUCK THIS SONG UP [23:40:25] akumarob: aw [23:40:26] PRoTRiCiTy2K: WHAT THE HELL NOOOOOOOOOOO [23:40:27] akumarob: is it that bad? [23:40:31] PRoTRiCiTy2K: STOP [23:40:33] PRoTRiCiTy2K: STOP PLEEASE! [23:40:34] akumarob: shitty [23:40:36] PRoTRiCiTy2K: YOU MUST STOP [23:40:41] PRoTRiCiTy2K: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! [23:40:44] PRoTRiCiTy2K: I GET THE POINT!!!!!!!! [23:40:48] akumarob: hahhah [23:40:51] PRoTRiCiTy2K: MUST YOU CONTINUE SO????????? [23:40:54] PRoTRiCiTy2K: IF YOU LOVED ME YOU'D STOP So anyway, that being my initial reaction. I really like the guitar solo. The synths can DIE. and I mean it, DIE. They are way too high freq What the hell is megaman1 music doing in there? or is it megaman 2? Those guitarsynth things sound really bad, they could have been used better. Anyway, the guitar solo impressed me a lotz. There are dynamics problems with the song though. God this review is SO disorganized. I really like how the remix was done. but some parts had instruments that sounded very out of place. Vigilante has a very nice inerpretation of the original though. and for that I'm giving it a YES
  19. This mix is rather confusing. Its not at all solid. The percussion is kinda... really bad. It sounds like it was made with a random drum generator. There are velocity problems with the bass kick etc. There isnt anything interesting about the guitar. I feel like the whole song has a bunch of color tone problems, instruments that dont fit well together. In whole, the song hit me with a very bad vibe. I would work better on the instrument choice, percussion, and arrangement of the melody. NO
  20. What they all said. Also, not only is it a Federal crime to midi rip, but please dont manage to make the song sound worse. NO
  21. I might be biased on this cause this guy threatened to beat the S#!7 out of me, but hey, he wouldnt have stood a chance against my MDK skills in the end. so anyway, Most impressed with this one. Very professional sounding. Not too complicated a mix. but definately OC worthy. YES oh man, I was looking forward to rejecting PXfury's song and then gloating about it later... ah well, NEXT TIME!!!!11121213
  22. This is almost like techno with a brush set. I really like the melody presented here. VERY cool. Very well done. This whole song has got me going now. This is the kinda stuff I like to see on OC. You would do well to find better drums though. YES
  23. Oh WOW. You made this song SO SO SO much better than the original (which is level 6 by the way, took me a while to find it) I would have gone lighter on the mega reverb/delay guitar. But you definately get all the stars for the grooves presented here. YES
  24. Its K-wix. Hello K-wix!!!! Volume keeps jumping up and down for no real reason. Everything is muffled. This is a well done remix though. There is simply too many sonic problems. Velocity, instrument volume, to name a few. I'd like to see this resubmitted with a more open feel, higher notes perhaps, or maybe a different orchestra kit. I thought the percussion was very lacking. Till next time, NO
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