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Everything posted by Jorito

  1. Ivan made me do it. He selected such a good source track that I couldn't resist. Since the first track is nearly done, sign me up for another one: Suikoden 2's . Time for something less upbeat and acoustic!
  2. Mine is just a Japanese version of my first name, from back when I was playing Japanese games and looked into katakana for s short while. Somehow it stuck.
  3. ^ this basically. But I might be biased because I was the Star for this song Still, quite a pity there were no other entries...
  4. I have been remixing since before OCR was around (yes, I'm a dinosaur) so I'm not really sure which track got me started. I imagine it was either Konami's on the MSX or Falcom's Ys music.
  5. Was reading back for a bit inspiration and dug up this jewel of a quote. Since it's nearly 3 months later, we wouldn't want to forget about it, now would we?
  6. I'm contemplating if I should do another track or not. Permission aside, my main problem is that I didn't grow up with a NES and my nostalgia is mostly in MSX computer games. But some cross platform (Konami or Falcom) titles might be good for nostalgia and quality. Thoughts?
  7. ^ Basically this No apologies needed from my end. I can imagine people needing/wanting a MIDI as a starting point, it's just not the way I like to work.
  8. That was no problem for me, tho I did have to do a lot of cleanup. I guess I was pretty disappointed and opinionated on what the midi should sound like, and it failed to deliver I mean, just compare the bass line int the second part, the one in the orginal was sooo much better. I guess never using MIDI as your starting point spoils you a bit
  9. I'm afraid I have to chicken out, my schedule doesn't allow to work on my track. Also the midi didn't work for me that well (it missed quite a bit of the vibe here and I tend to do my own transcription but don't have time for it...). Better luck next time. Anyway, good to hear that Yoshi's track is done, looking forward to the final tracks. Good luck all!
  10. I'll see if I can cook up something. Probably not more than a sound upgrade, but we'll see.
  11. Great suggestion from evktalo... OMF is a great game with a cool soundtrack; I played that a lot! Another title that instantly sprang to mind is Robo's theme from Chrono Trigger
  12. I'm too busy to sign up as a novice (working on 4 album tracks at the same time is not the best idea ) but I'm more than happy to help out as a star again if you guys need me.
  13. Curious about what we can do with this track too, and looking forward to working with Jesse again. Let's hope Mr. Stock likes it too
  14. So.... my track has lyrics, so it needs vocals. Did anyone volunteer vocals for this album or should I go beg random people?
  15. Aw, drats, forgot to vote. Was too damn tired yesterday to remember and be active. Anyway, I did listen to the entries, they were pretty interesting and also a nice variation of tracks and styles. Actually found it hard to rank them entries. Good job everybody, looking forward to the next round!
  16. I think it's this one: Already thought it sounded familiar when I was listening to the entries @ ThaSauce
  17. Heh, quite a cool track actually. Not sure if I have the time to join, but... who knows
  18. LOL! Since I read that entire thread just a week or 2 ago, I can appreciate that in the fullest. Too bad I ain't got studio killer chips nor dibs to bask in glory.
  19. I could just renamed it from Wicked Chip to Whipped Chip
  20. For myself, the track is done. We'll see what the judges think of it by the end of the year and if they feel a resub is in order I'll tackle that when it comes. No use worrying about it until then Anyways, appreciate the extra insights. It's not gonna stop me from doing another chiptune when I feel like it at least
  21. I'm not aware of any anti chiptune policies on the site/panel, but yes, the sound was pretty intentional. I started out (and stuck with) the idea of a chiptune inspiration with non-chiptune drums and not pure chiptune. Heck, in the end the project counted ~50 tracks if you count all the individual parts and layers, try to do that with a pure chiptune
  22. Aw, drats, forgot to actively check for the next round. Awell, if any thinks my stardom is good enough I'm willing to sign up as a star. I'm in the Europe/Amsterdam timezone and working with Logic Pro X (and Bitwig or Renoise if needed).
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