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Everything posted by Jorito

  1. Jorito Kuwanger's Pad (Boomer Kuwanger in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Cyberfunk (Splash Warfly in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Jumpstyle Flamethrower (Flame Mammoth in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Maverick Astley
  2. Well, I do have something to add If Ivan feels it's helpful, I'm happy to help out with whatever needs doing to get this album released. I'm pretty experienced at managing and making sure stuff gets done. But if you'd rather finish it up yourself that's also fine with me
  3. I'm guessing that it'll be a lot easier for round 6. At least source usage in my track is pretty straight forward because I had plenty of melodic material to play with
  4. And me too Can be in Renoise instruments for me as well; I'll just rewire it into Logic!
  5. Before making this long post, let me thank my fellow team mates for their help that really made the track a lot better! Thanks to Eino for his collab on the lyrics (a fun and inspiring online co-writing session) and to Tuberz for his vocals and all the extra work he had to do because he had no gear Setting the plot for the lyrics: Imagine this dystopian society led by evil overlords X and Zero, where everybody is turned into unemotional robots. Our protagonist Gravity Beetle is a renegade who still believes in the power of funk to set you free. verse 1: in the year two thousand and XX all the mavericks are contained locking their emotions into place making everyone the same dancing is forbidden by the law and offenders are detained (the) only time to get into the groove is with nobody else around pre chorus: is it only me who likes these funk beats? is there no one else who moves to this groove? chorus 1: ne-ver gonna give up the funk, baby ne-ver let your head down (that's for sure) ne-ver gonna leave from the dancefloor, no ne-ver gonna give up verse 2: there i was just walking down the street trying to act all robot-like but the music playing in my head.. i just could not follow the line here comes Zero, full into the chase to hunt anyone standing out run for your life, soul and heart ablaze don't stop running until you're safe chorus 2: ne-ver gonna give up the funk, oh my ne-ver let your head down (that's for sure) ne-ver gonna leave from the dancefloor, no ne-ver gonna give up verse 3: with the music playing in your head let the rhythm guide your feet (the) funky moves that make you feel alive are the road that will set us free everyone is fully in the groove, and now anyone can see come join us, I’ll show you how to move and now nothing can stop the beat ---------------------->8---------------->8-------------------->8---------------- And finally a bit of source breakdown: - 0:04 - 0:18 - intro arp from Cyber Maze Core (0:02-0:15) - 0:18 - 0:47 - lead from Cyber Maze Core (0:18-0:43) - 0:48 - 1:03 - lead from Cyber Maze Core (0:47 - 0:59) - 1:03 - 1:18 - lead from Gravity Beetle (0:26-0:50) - 1:18 - 1:32 - as above but also with Gravity Beetle (0:01-0:07) - 1:33 - 2:02 - see 0:18-0:47 - 2:02 - 2:31 - lead from Cyber Maze Core (1:01-1:26) - 2:31 - 3:01 - see 1:03-1:32 - 3:01 - 3:30 - see 0:18-0:47 I’ll leave it up to you to find the references to the 3rd source (there’s at least 3!)
  6. Submitted! Had a lot of fun making this tasty jam; hope y'all like it! I'll post a source breakdown and some other stuff later.
  7. Jorito Palace Of The Beast (Slash Beast in Sigma Palace [X8]) Leap of Faith (Vanishing Gungaroo in Sigma Palace [X8]) Chiral (Spiral Pegacion in Sigma Palace [X8]) Maverick Astley
  8. Definitely more on the tactical side but a great game: Valkyria Chronicles.
  9. Making good progress with my track but have a lot of polishing to do. I think it's gonna turn out pretty good, but we'll wait and see. It's gonna be another rush towards the deadline in any case
  10. I'm eager to read all about evktalo's insanity and how the story unfolds. How many people will be slaughtered (tuberzd), how many Doritos are eaten and how the hell did they end up in this band called Maverick BeAstley? Guess we'll find out in the new episode! Hope it doesn't involve Hacksocks singing weWillRockyou at loud volumes and throwing NutS at Usa people.
  11. Something similar happened on the Maverick Astley side. Eino barely finished his arrangement, Callum did some recording in the single hour he had to spare today and it's up to me to do my producing business to get it into shape. Running towards the deadline
  12. Hm, choices choices. I like the idea of a full OCRA album, but not so much opening it up to all ps1 games. That IMHO will lead to the typical games you see in OCR's top listings (FF, Chrono Cross, Megaman, you know the drill), which is cool but not for this album I think. What I found interesting about this album is that you limited it to the less remixed games, games with only 1-2 remixes. How about a compromise between the two? Make it an OCRA album, but don't target it to the 20th anniversary per se. Name it something like 'PS1 Lost Gems' or 'Forgotten Treasures' or something. That would keep the pressure off you to do the release properly (as the album deserves) while still sticking with the album concept. To OCRA or OCRI doesn't really matter to me, but with OCRA you maybe get a bit more exposure, which is always cool. $0.02.
  13. Jorito Vector Point Engineering Sigma Fortress (Blizzard Buffalo in Final Weapon [X4]) Sins of the Syndicate (Gravity Antonion in Final Weapon [X4]) Space Base (Shining Hotaronicus in Final Weapon [X4]) Maverick Astley
  14. Depending on your DAW that might not be a good idea. For Logic Pro it's known to be better to use multiple instances due to the way Logic's engine works; if you use a single Kontakt instance it would clog up only a single core, ignoring the others. More on topic; in my experience (also on a Mac) the Play engine is sometimes a bit cranky. It likes to complain early about lack of memory (earlier than Kontakt at least) and it's also quite greedy when it comes to using RAM. According to the interwebs it works better on Windows. I had the same situation as you, also with 8GB of RAM. I upgraded to more memory, and that solved a lot of these issues for me.
  15. Don't have access yet, but I'm happy to wait until I have a WIP. That's probably gonna be after SFRG though.
  16. Given that it's almost September (target release date), I was wondering about where we are
  17. Maybe it's only me, but wouldn't that make a lot of work to submit an entry? Basically you have to get a good feeling and understanding for both soundtracks first before you can start remixing. From a time perspective a week might be a bit short maybe. The concept is interesting though, it'd be cool to see what comes out of it. I could see myself participating provided I would know both of the soundtracks (or its composers) reasonably well. That kind of contrasts with how I approach PRC/MnP where I sometimes participate just because somebody picked a cool, inspiring source track that I didn't know but does begs to be remixed.
  18. Not sure how Ivan does those middle-of-the-night listening parties. They are around 2 in the morning for me... Must be holidays @ Ivan's I guess!
  19. Hyped for the release! This might actually be the first album release with tracks from me. It's gonna be the first official OCR album release for me! 't Was an entertaining ride, thanks for having me
  20. Okay, I'll bite... Music-wise I've been working on some album tracks these past months, 2 of which are hopefully released in the next 1-2 months (Vampire Variations 3 and PSX tribute album) and the others still in the pipeline. Currently participating in the Sigma Fortress gauntlet and digging it. Guess that's also where quite a bit of current activity is happening. And of course the odd tracks to finish because I work on too many tracks at once Other than the music stuff (both making it and learning to improve my skills) not a lot of gaming going on... Most other time filled with working (at a startup, so pretty hectic) and doing some courses during the week. Last game I played was Infamous Second Son, which I still have to finish. I'm considering replaying Chrono Trigger for some weird reason tho. Really should replay the ME trilogy again too, my nostalgia demands it!
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