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Everything posted by zircon

  1. For the record, this wasn't prompted by just one remix or one remixer, and the people that have been doing it actually do browse the forums.
  2. Lately we have received a number of resubmissions very shortly after the original remixes were rejected. While we encourage people to resubmit, please keep in mind a few things. 1. When we reject a remix, even IF we ask for a resubmit, we expect you to seriously and carefully look over our advice. Don't just go back to your track, tweak some knobs, and resubmit. Use the WIP forums, #ocrwip on IRC, and the Remixing forum to get help on specific issues. 2. There is a three week wait required between submissions. We have been lax on this lately, but not anymore. The judges panel is not the WIP forum. We do not want to hear every minor update or revision to your rejected remix. It is a waste of our time and a waste of your time. Most successful resubmissions we receive are sent after the remixer gets extensive feedback from others and spends genuine time on trying to improve based on our advice.
  3. Agreed... also a cool drum pattern does not necessarily mean a playable or realistic one. Limiting yourself to only what a real drummer could play is not really that useful unless you're very specifically doing a live performance emulation. The majority of remixes on the site aren't like that though. So I'd say don't limit yourself unless you really intend to emulate the real thing as much as possible (which is not always desirable.)
  4. Yes, I do realize that. Why else would I be asking? The issue is that if these are actually from Aerosmith songs, they're not eligible for use in OC ReMixes. Supposedly, Aerosmith's music was used in game, but I don't know where, and I don't know Aerosmith well enough either.
  5. I need a fan of Aerosmith to help the panel out. http://mystro88.googlepages.com/revx.rsn Grab this RSN set (play with Chipamp) and check out the tracks "Inside Club X" and "Outside Club X". Please tell me if either of these appear to draw on riffs from Aerosmith songs, and if possible, what songs. Thanks in advance.
  6. Man you gotta actually read our comments when you go for a resub. We brought up volume last time, so that should have been addressed. The whole first part of the track is 6db under 0, and the loudest parts of the song are ~1.5, but only on the perc hits, so you DEFINITELY need some master compression. Agreed with Larry that composition is meandering. You can do new age without being aimless. I felt like the source had some very strong motifs that were just watered down here. Even the main melody at 2:32 was changed in such a way to lose its power, probably because of what you did with the chords underneath. Sound choices tended to be thin with little low to low-mid presence. All the block string chords were not very interesting, if you're going to do that I would use pads instead so you could at least have some motion to the sound. The drums absolutely don't work later on in any way... the pattern doesn't do much, the mixing is too high-biased, and the sounds don't fit. The ending was sort of pointless as it just moved around through some chords and voicings before fading out. Lack of direction in the arrangement is the main problem here. You need more interesting writing. Production is also not strong and should be improved, starting with volume and EQ issues. NO, resub
  7. Why would that be inaccurate? Their methodology page explains pretty well why that's a good method compared to simply counting all shipments.
  8. In what way is it inaccurate? Do you have a better source?
  9. Mixing is somewhat better this time around. However, it's crowded at :17 right off the bat. Rhythm guitars have a lot of 'thin' high end still for some reason, which is crowding thing. The strings overall are crowding things. Agreed with Larry on the chord clashes. Cymbals are probably a little too loud, they practically override the kick/snare in terms of volume. Synth at 1:20 doesn't really fit in, mixing-wise. The reverb on the strings is probably excessive considering most other parts don't seem to have it. Cut back on the volume of everything and any compression/limiting, give yourself some headroom, and keep tweaking. The bass tone is.. weird. Sounds like it's being played through a paper cup in front of a speaker on the attacks. Try something else. Arrangement is pretty nice. Some of the ideas aren't executed as well as they could be, like the 2:13 section. Chords don't quite fit, and the bass notes don't sound great either. Switching sources at 2:39, I don't agree with the chords used under there either all the time, some things didn't sound great. The solos towards the end were nice but some of the arpeggios didn't fit with the bass & chords, though that may have been more of an issue in the bass than anything else. This seems to be a consistent problem. Try to pay more attention to the harmonies you've got going on. Improved overall, but not there yet. Keep at it. NO, resub
  10. There was a book written on this topic recently illustrated by Gabe from Penny Arcade. I've seen it at a few different Gamestops; ask around about it. I flipped through and it seemed comprehensive, realistic, and helpful. I do think it's an absolutely terrible idea for a career. Temp job? Maybe. But it's barely better at working at a Wendy's flipping burgers, and that's just... not really something you can expect to do for a career and make anything other than a poverty-level salary.
  11. http://vgchartz.com/ Wii is on top, 360 closely trailing, PS3 is not even a competitor.. worldwide anyway. In Japan, PS3 > 360.
  12. Though I only had the privilege of speaking with Reuben online a few times, I was profoundly saddened when I learned of his passing. I did not know him closely as a friend, as others might have. However, from the times I did interact with him online, he showed himself to be nothing less than a friendly, respectful, and joyous man. His music reflected a true passion and love for art; yet despite his popularity throughout our community, he was genuinely modest. Reuben seemed so happy simply to share his creations with us. I give my deepest condolences to his family and friends.
  13. When someone passes away, how we feel is determined by how well we knew them. How we pay our respects, and what we say, is determined the same way. I would wager a guess that nearly everyone here never met R.K. in person. Not only that, but I'd say the vast majority of people here have not even spoken with him - or if they have, not for more than a few sentences. I had the privilege of working with him, albeit briefly, on the FF7 project, but even then, we only spoke about music. We can read his website, read what his personal friends have said about him, read articles that he has been mentioned in, but at the end of the day it would be disingenuous to say these things could replace actual, prolonged interaction - at best, they give us a cursory glance of what his personality and life was like outside of music, but hardly enough to truly know him. Thus the only way most of us can honestly say we knew Reuben was through his music; and that was a substantial part of his life, which a lot of passion went in to. I do not think it is disrespectful for those who appreciated his work and contributions to speak of him in the context of the single thing they knew him through.
  14. Vampires were popular before Hollywood was anywhere near as big as it is now. If you look at the synopsis for the book that "The Omega Man" and "I Am Legend" (and several other movies) is based on, which was written in the 50s, the whole point of it is that a virus has spread humanity that turns them into vampires. Check out the Wiki article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_Legend So, prepare for disappointment I guess.
  15. You make it sound like he wrote the "Vintage 2004" line. He did well in Ali; he's definitely versatile. I think he can pull it off.
  16. My best suggestion - and how I come up with a lot of my own drum patterns - is to try and emulate the drum patterns of other people. It also helps to try to enact rhythms using your own body, with a combination of beatboxing and hand drumming/finger tapping. This can help to solidify an idea, and is more natural than trying to mouse in or sequence an idea when it isn't quite 'there' yet. Once you have something in your head and you're "performing" it aloud and it sounds good, then sequence it.
  17. I care, but I have enough synths and samples of synths at the moment that I'm not really in the market for more - even at this price point.
  18. Nice interview, glad they didn't get into any really generic stuff as most mags have to for this subject.
  19. All you need is the "Enable Multiple Outputs" option checked in the FL wrapper options. Then, AD will output like this, if you are on, say, mixer track 1: Outs 1&2 = Mixer track 1 Outs 3&4 = Track 2 Outs 5&6 = Track 3 And so on, sequentially, per stereo out pair.
  20. Yeah, try Tindeck Audio... I will check this out a little later though, FF7 bias
  21. No, actually, Sauronman is right. FFT has a complex, dynamic soundtrack. It's WAY easier to mix things with simple melodies and chord progressions.
  22. Yes, I forgot to mention that. Bela D's "Giovani Edition" is quite realistic and has a very natural sound, plus more basic phrase building - not as advanced as QLSC, but still nice. It definitely takes advantage of Kontakt programming. They have also announced a separate full adult choir product; we'll see how that goes.
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