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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Yes, any sampler worth its salt (eg. Kompakt, which is included with QLSO) can load multiple independent sounds. It would be a pretty useless plugin if it couldn't do that. All you have to do is set QLSO VST to any given port - it's the LED in the upper right corner of the FL wrapper - then create "MIDI Out" channels pointing to that port. So for example, let's say you pick port 2. You create a MIDI Out and set it to port 2. Then, the MIDI channel of the MIDI Out corresponds with the instrumenet you have loaded. By default, when you load an instrument, it starts at channel 1 and rises by 1 each new one you load. However, you can set them to whatever you want within the QLSO plugin. You can have 2 violin and 1 viola patch all on MIDI channel one, then timpani on channel 13. Or whatever.
  2. No. I think it was originally intended for GBA but is now going to DS.
  3. Sounds GREAT! Is there a better stream, though? The video is really choppy for me, even after fully loading it... can't really hear the song all the way through without gaps every 4 seconds.
  4. If you simply edit out the release tails (easy with Kontakt, harder with Kompakt) it significantly reduces the perception of reverb.
  5. WOW that "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" remix is the SHIT. That is just straight up good music.
  6. A really great remix, classic Prot style, the only thing I didn't like was the bass mixing. Sounds way too loud to me, practically overrides every other element in the mix... maybe I'm just crazy since no one else mentioned it...
  7. Well, I haven't used SONAR since version 3 - last I did, it wasn't anything like FL's piano roll. Likewise, I've used Logic, Cubase, Pro Tools, Reason... none of them have the features I described. So if all those features really *are* implemented, cool. The velocity editing still doesn't sound as good, though.
  8. I think that's unlikely to happen. These things are not really done for the art so much as they are done for the money. There is no money in obscure games. Even on a practical level, think of cover bands, which are somewhat analogous to VGM concerts. Would you see a Police cover band play? Yeah, maybe. How about a Beatles cover band, assuming you like the Beatles? Probably. What about a zircon cover band? Uh... well, I'm not really popular and most people don't know me, so there's not really a market for people performing my music.
  9. Absolutely LOVE it, Disco Dan is perhaps my all time favorite OC ReMixer and one of my biggest influences (Calamitous Judgment = Triforce Majeure.) This is really a great nod to old-school OCR; I've listened to it at least 20 times already.
  10. If you want film score stuff, get bustatunez' "Impact Steel" (http://www.rogetmusic.com/ImpactSteel/) or wait for Stormdrum 2... Battery 3 has some stuff in that category, but in general it is more of an all-purpose sampler. Some acoustic kits, some rock kits, some electronic. There are some gems here and there; I prefer to simply use the oneshot WAVs. Overall, it doesn't have a consistent level of quality, but for $90-100 it's worth it.
  11. I simply think FL's workflow is unbeatable. Primarily: * Left click to create a note. * Left click and hold while creating a note to drag it around; as you move through new pitches, you hear the note sound off. (VERY IMPORTANT!) * Left click and hold on an existing note to move it. * Left click and hold from the right edge of a note to resize it. * Left click and hold through the velocity lane to edit an entire group of note velocities at the same time. * Left click on an existing note to hear it sound off. Preview duration is based on how long you hold. * Right click and drag through the velocity lane to create a smooth line. * Right click to delete a note. * Mass velocity editing by pressing Ctrl+X (scale velocities); change relative dynamics, do an offset, etc. * One-click quantizing to snap value OR to customizable grooves. No other sequencer in existence that I have used can do all this, and I do all of these operations all the time. All of this is WITHOUT changing tools.
  12. Thanks for the comments all. I know it's a bit short... the actual 'licensing' version is *41* tracks with a base of 11 songs (plus 3 vocal edits by Jill, which will be featured on HER album, and I didn't want to gank them from her.) I'll be working on a new 'real' album soon, maybe for a late '08 early '09 release. Depends on my free time... plus I still have a lot of copies of Antigravity left, and I feel I should be promoting that more :I
  13. You did? What's your email? Maybe it got removed from my database somehow. If this is the case I will absolutely extend that "pay what you want" offer, dude. I don't screw my fans over.
  14. I think games lately have been too easy. I mostly have been playing RPGs & SRPGs, and they are simply all cakewalks. I rarely if ever have to worry about dying. Even remakes/ports have been dumbed down for the kids. I can't remember the last time I was even frustrated with a game due to difficulty, and the majority of reviews I read for games I am interested in (eg. Eternal Sonata) say they are either easy or very easy. Same goes for PC games like Bioshock, from what I've heard. Difficulty IS important. It's all well and good to make a deep battle system with dazzling graphics and a great story, but WTF is the point if I'm not *challenged*? It just feels like I'm wasting my time. I remember with older PC RPGs and console games I actually felt challenged. Hell, even playing those same games today, they're still just as hard - for example, Master of Orion II. I want more of those. If nothing else, I want a difficulty selection - easy, medium, hard. Maybe "impossible" too. To further delve into the topic, I think difficulty should come from TACTICS, primarily. I hate that many RTS games - when played online - simply boil down to who can execute the most actions in a short period of time. Micro/Macro skills. This is no better than twitch action. That's why I usually prefer more thoughtful, turn-based games where my strategy is tested. Likewise, designing RPGs with monsters that have massive HP and max of every stat is an OK practice to increase challenge, but not ideal. After all, I can simply raise my levels and get more gear to win. That's just a timesink. Frankly, for all the hate it gets, I think no game has challenged me more in recent years than World of Warcraft. There were so many cases playing that game where I had to think quickly and invent new tactics, and adapt to changing circumstances. People knock it all the time for just being 'another MMO' but it isn't, IMO. PVP in WoW, provided the teams have roughly equal skill, is an exhilarating thing.
  15. Hey all! I'm pleased to announce the digital release of my new album, "The World Circuit". This album is not a full-length release like Antigravity or Impulse Prime, but rather more of an EP. It was originally written for use in media licensing, but I decided to make a slimmed-down version available to the public. The description, from my website & CD Baby: It is available EXCLUSIVELY in digital format - WAV through my own site or MP3 through CD Baby. The list price is $7.99, though it IS part of the $5 CD Baby sale, which means you only pay $5 for the DRM-free MP3 version provided you pick up another 2 CDs @ $5. You CAN get the physical or digital copy of Antigravity as part of this sale, as well as sgx's Better Than Sliced Beats! Worth noting... people on my mailing list got a special offer for this album; not only did they get to hear previews sooner AND obtain it before the official release, but I also took a cue from Radiohead. You could pay nothing for it, a minimum of $1.30 through Paypal, the list price, or really anything in between. So really, any of y'all who aren't on my mailing list, you definitely should sign up so you don't miss killer deals like this in the future. Just send an email with the subject "Subscribe" to list (at) zirconstudios (dot) com. Anyway, this is probably the most varied release I've done and the early reception from people on my list has been very good. If you like my remixes, my original music, or ethnic music in general, then I think you'll be interested. >>> CHECK IT OUT HERE! <<< Thanks in advance, and ENJOY!!
  16. I'd have to say FL has been pretty much invaluable to me... but since it's my sequencer, I'll say that Stylus RMX is probably my #1 tool, tied with Kontakt 2.
  17. Silver bundle is what you want, IMO. Pro XP is simply an expansion pack; you need the original to use it. QLSO Gold adds more articulations and chromatic sampling to Silver, but for your purposes I would just go with Silver + Silver Pro XP. Great sound quality, lots of articulations, easy enough to use. I have GPO and I really don't use it anymore after getting QLSO.
  18. http://www.soundtempest.net/owa.mp3
  19. Wow, this surprised me in overall quality. Bass drum could definitely have more punch to it, but the patterns are generally great. The bass is sick. I don't really hear the connections to RA2's hell march (I mostly remember the descending guitar line) but maybe I'm not remembering it properly. Cool glitch stuff. A more punchy bass drum, pendulum style, would be the main thing I'd like to hear here. Also, more drum layers as the song goes on!
  20. Lots of good advice statas. You live in Philly? We should talk sometime. I'll catch you on AIM late tonight or tomorrow. I will anticipate crashes but my laptop is surprisingly stable, and so is FL. I can count the crashes I've experienced in the last year on one hand.
  21. My vote... * Footer ads for everyone * Ads at the bottom of the sidebar * Ads after first post for non-registered users * Allow people to buy ad space at a certain monthly rate for a certain spot - maybe use Project Wonderful
  22. This fact alone reinforces my vote that OCR blogs would be cool.
  23. Harmony; Thanks for the tip! Actually, recording the shows never even crossed my mind. That's a great idea. Maybe I will look for a USB2.0 interface though. Anyone have any suggestions for a USB2.0 interface that is as portable and without frills as possible? po; Actually, I haven't bought anything here yet. I have only used my laptop in a live performance once with a single MIDI keyboard. I would definitely test all of it out before doing anything. To increase stability I would lean towards bouncing down a lot of stuff as audio and NOT using the original synth plugins where possible. I can always apply VST filters, for example, to give motion to the sound. This should cut back on possible glitches during a live performance. Tweek; Thanks for the clarification on the mixing 'board' setup. I actually have both a Behringer 502 and 802 on hand that I just haven't been using, I suppose I should break 'em out.
  24. Nah, I definitely don't need anywhere near that much stuff. No mics, no mic stands, no EQs/power conditioners/racks (everything is coming out of my computer, so I can just use plugins)... remember this isn't a band. This is me, by myself, doing everything 'in the box'. For monitoring, as I said in the first post, I'd prefer isolated headphones. As for the van.. not happening. I'm not getting a car or van. This is a dense urban area, so parking alone is nearly impossible. Combine that with insurance, registration, gas, maintenance, and the cost of the vehicle itself; I do not have the money, period. I'm also not borrowing anyone else's. Public transport only.
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