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Everything posted by zircon

  1. A few general words of advice.. 1. When recording the male voice you will inevitably have a lot of bass content. So, you really need to consider the "proximity effect" (with non-omnidirectional mics, bass response increases exponentially as you get closer to the mic). I usually prefer recording 8-14 inches away from my SM-58. It's sensitive enough that it is still very detailed, and while the recording is a bit on the quiet side, I can always normalize it. This avoids most of the proximity effect so you don't have to spend time hacking at your recording w/ EQ. In addition you won't have to worry about sibilance and plosives as much. 2. Compression is really really useful. Most times I don't use extreme compression on tracks because it can produce unnatural pumping. However, by virtue of how people normally talk and sing, you're going to have a wide dynamic range. Compressing it is really the only efficient way to level everything out into something more manageable. Otherwise you're basically going to have to manually automate the track volume for louder and softer sections, which is pointless. That's about all I have.
  2. Dr. Wily; that was an action shot of me moderating a thread. MWAHAHAHAHAHA
  3. The forum was pruned accidentally by djp, and we can't get most of those topics back
  4. DCT; blargh Believe it or not though, I do smile and laugh and generally act like a normal person! It's just when I have to stop everything and then try to recreate it that I look monumentally retarded. So, action shots and serious shots will have to do for now.
  5. Yeah.. I don't know, something like that. I think Unholy Rapture (another weaker guild) wanted to merge anyway. Regardless, I'm done with SL. They were my guild for a year, and we were ALMOST at the top, but by the time I became GM it was too late to fix it. Everyone was already jumping ship.
  6. I disagree with Gray that the reverb makes this sound "lofi". It doesn't. It does make the sounds blur together more, and crowds the low end (generally you want your reverbs to have low cuts so you don't get extra bass frequencies resonating). I think it could be cut back a bit of course, but it's not really a deal breaker. The main issue - if I had to pick one - would be the EQ. The lows and low-mids are very crowded. The lead synths need to be brought out more, the kick shouldn't be quite as muddy, and the snare should be toned down. What I usually like to do to get a good balance is start rolling off non-bass instruments at around 250hz. This leaves a LOT more room for stuff to breathe. At times the mix also seems overly compressed, like around 4:00. There's just tons of stuff going on there. That's not necessarily bad but you really need to polish it so that things stand out more. I assume you were going for a sort of "wall of sound" kind of texture where the listener is just assaulted with the full spectrum. This can work really well and a lot of ReMixers do it, but if you don't EQ/mix/pan things correctly it will sound like a mess. The production problems are just a little too much for me. Please spend a little more time working on that aspect and it will earn a YES from me. NO
  7. The groove here isn't quite as layered as some of your other stuff, TO, and I was kind of hoping it would build up a little more into a familiar rhythm. I guess that's mostly a subjective thing though since what you have going on does get the job done. I do like the instrumentation overall.. it might not be quite as shiny and polished as it could be, but it has its own flavor that is enjoyable in and of itself. Nice arrangement work though I think some of the guitar chords are a little 'off'. The structure is rather simplistic but it's not repetitive, and things change over the course of the song, so it's OK by me. YES
  8. Malevolent Gaze is kind of a joke. It's a nonfactor guild. The top guilds are basically Limbo (on C'Thun), Rune (on C'Thun), and Black Letter Day (on Huhuran - should die today). Lesser guilds that still aren't bad: Red Cell (on Sartura or Fankriss, BWL on farm), Deadmoon Tribe (on Chrommagus), and The Rebellion (on Vael).
  9. I agree with the overcrowding completely. But I don't know about making another subforum, we already have a lot of those ;0 We're actually going to be making a bunch of new forums for the vbulletin switch, including a new FL forum.. Anyway if you can't even SWITCH drivers in FL there's some serious problem there. I have no idea.
  10. As Yoozer said, we presume innocence unless there is a reason to believe otherwise. There are some people who posted in this very thread that use warez, I know it and they know it, but we don't ask any questions. Anyway I actually had a similar problem as this guy. When I loaded certain projects, it would try to open instruments + effects and then simply crash. It was very frustrating. Ultimately, someone recommended I switch to Asio4All drivers (from my 0404's asio drivers) and that solved the problem. I recommended the same thing to this guy when he came on IRC last night. Then once the project is loaded you can usually switch back to whatever drivers you were using before, which may be preferable for whatever reason.
  11. Fear Ward is a PRIEST racial. Will of the Forsaken is a non-class racial. I would trade my Priest racials for the Dwarf Priest racials. Or the Human ones for that matter. Devouring Plague is nice but highly limited in its use. Horde does not have it easy mode for PVP either. Paladins are superior healers in every way, shape, and form to horde healers. They are by far the most durable and effective combat healers on the battlefield. Priests don't hold a candle to them; no parry, no block, often less than 1/3 the armor, no Cleanse, no immune shield, worse mana efficiency, etc. Shamans have their uses as well but while I have lost countless times on teams with 3-4 Shamans, I have rarely seen a Paladin-heavy team lose (these are comparably geared + skilled players).
  12. Its not as gamebreaking as people make it out to be - and its far from trivializing the bosses as that one spell shouldn't be banked on keeping the entire raid alive, seeing that so many other things are happening that don't make fear ward that much of a major piece of the fight, but if its the case then that would be a very poor group of players. I will say that during progression it is very useful but after that its not needed terribly, if at all - and with only the main tank being the primary concern to not get feared, its nothing that grounding totems and a smart MT that knows how to stance dance can't fix. There are plenty of terrible people out there who still can't and may never beat those bosses even with the supossed silver bullet they may posess. Maybe I never noticed but when was fear ward ever used in a Razorgore fight? And if you really wanted to bring up an issues with why most people truly think alliance is easy mode, Blessing of kings and salv would have done the trick. I misspoke re: razorgore. DI'ing him makes it quite a bit easier. And obviously, you don't NEED to rely on fearward, but it makes things a hell of a lot easier. My old guild was stuck on Nef for 2 months. Our only problem? The MT getting feared. The tanks were not skilled enough to stance dance, and tremor totems are completely unreliable (if you know their mechanics, they are not proactive, they may take up to 3 seconds to activate). EVERY other part of the fight we had on lockdown. Our healing was fine, Phase 1 was fine, DPS was fine, callouts were fine. The simple fact is that if we had been Alliance, we would have killed nef MUCH sooner. Once again, Alliance really is easy mode. I'm aware BoK and BoS are very powerful also, but Fear Ward in particular pisses me off because I'm an Undead Priest and I don't get it. I would trade Devouring Plague anyday for it. Hell, I'd trade WotF for Stoneform too, given that our trinket dispels Fear but we have no way to get out of Poisons (Viper Sting, Crippling, etc) with gear or Horde racials.
  13. Even as far as grooves go this seems pretty basic to me. The lo-fi, gritty aspect of it isn't as well-executed as it could be, in my opinion - plenty of remixers have a similar style for their drum work that works better than this. I didn't really feel like that atmosphere was that much to write home about either. It's solid but creating a more evolving or denser pad texture would have made it a lot more enjoyable. Even the additional of more harmony synths could help there. However, by the end, the atmosphere has built up into something that is more layered and (in my opinion) more interesting to listen to. In regards to the bad notes, I did not think they were a big deal at all. I've heard note combinations that have sounded much worse before. In the context I agree with Darke that it is negligible. Basically my complaints here are the simplicity of the groove and the tonal choices for it, and the relatively basic harmony action. I remember "Xenosphere" gave us some similar trouble, but we did end up passing that one, and it had a comparable level of arrangement and simplicity. The difference is the quality of production, in my opinion. That is what the key factor is in my decision here. After giving it some thought, my vote will be a YES It's borderline, and there are things I feel could be improved, but it's strong enough for our bar and we've posted mixes that aren't too different from this one.
  14. No. But Paladins are definitely easymode for virtually everything, Dwarf priests aside. Blessing of Wisdom + Judgement of Wisdom are simply superior; a handful of Paladins can get more buffs for more people in the raid than a handful of Shamans, their auras stack with their blessings, better aggro reduction, the list goes on.
  15. Wow, one optional boss. As opposed to trivializing Onyxia, Razorgore, Nefarian, Taerar, etc. with Fear Ward alone.
  16. Crosstalk from other electronic devices, possibly?
  17. Sorry to here it happened like that. What are your plans now if you don't mind me asking? I don't know. It's the only guild I've ever been in, but I've gained such a good reputation over time that I have access to basically any guild I want now. Which is pretty cool. So I apped to "Black Letter Day" which is a small, tight group of very skilled players.
  18. Well, that was an interesting end to an interesting guild. After the old GM left, about 5 people left with him (quit the game). Then, over the next week, about 10-15 more people left, all of whom were our most geared core. A few officers quit, our main tanks left. Basically the guild was in shambles, unable to even get through MC, even though we had beaten Nef before. It was pretty clear it was over. After a huge chunk of other people left last night I headed out myself, and distributed parts of the guild bank to people who had worked to earn it. Crazy stuff.
  19. For $70-$80 you are not going to get a good interface, unless EMU 0404s are that low now.
  20. As I understand it, the M-Audio built in interfaces are serviceable, but they're more there for convenience sake; not as a replacement for a really good interface. In other words, if you're serious about recording something and don't want to compromise quality you are better off using something else.
  21. Keep in mind if you get the Player, you get a discount on the full version.
  22. A big draw is K2's scripting features. They can turn a fast marcato string line that sounded very mechanical into a smooth, natural one. There are scripts to add natural-sounding vibrato and legato as well. It's great.
  23. Can you FEEL the POWER? It's gotta be.. VGDJ Episode 040, now available at WWW.VGDJ.NET! A mighty episode for our listeners. Enjoy!
  24. According to Unknown (Ty), the CDxtract demo let's you convert one folder at a time. However, it considers the entire CD as one folder, so you SHOULD be able to use that to convert to soundfont. In regards to the Guitar + bass programming.. you're going to want some sort of sampler like Kontakt, Halion, or VSampler to reprogram it. It is very poorly programmed to begin with. There are different patches for high/low regions on the keyboards and soft and loud velocities.
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