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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Yeah I dunno what kind of shitty guilds you guys are in. We've got at least 2 Feral druids right now in my guild and they're very nice to have, especially for PVP (best WSG flag runners in the game).
  2. You'd be surprised. Lots of people play Priests, Shamans, and Paladins. Given that Priests can spec Shadow and do uber dps, and Druids *can* feasibly go Moonkin or Feral, I'd say WoW allows for more flexibility than any other MMORPG of its kind.
  3. Well, Long Island is an entirely different story! You guys have your own accent different than other parts of NY.
  4. I started my first ReMix when I was 15, in late December 2002, finished it in early 2003. Prior I had never touched any digital music software, or wrote anything at all, though I did play the piano.
  5. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... VGDJ Episode 038, now available at WWW.VGDJ.NET! Enjoy! :>
  6. BTW: if you thought it was bad before, Sleazy, I'm working on picking up my new enchants and Ironweave gear. Once I finish what I need I'm going to have nearly 5k HP self buffed and nearly 4k armor.
  7. I wouldn't hook it up directly to your soundcard. You need some kind of preamp to bring it up to line level.
  8. If you can't survive the initial stunlock, your health and armor is too low. Unless the Rogue is decked out in AQ gear, 4k+ health self buffed should be sufficient. Just remember, as soon as the stunlock begins, start spamming Fear and prepare to immediately throw up a Shield, Renew, and a Flash Heal. Then DoT the Rogue and proceed as normal. xinster; that build is OK but IMO, skip the Holy tree except for Healing Focus. The imp Fort/Shield is nice for survivability and personally I like having Inner Focus in Discipline for an almost-guaranteed Crit (or free Devouring Plague). But whatever you do try to get 2-3 points into Imp Mind Blast. It's useful.
  9. Well.. <- Priests, played correctly, have insane damage mitigation and recovery abilities. Every 15 seconds we can put up a shield that absorbs 1100 damage. My Renew spell is always going, which heals for 260 every couple seconds. I have an instant heal (Holy Nova) that does about 300-400 and damages anyone in the area for about 200. As an Undead priest I have a spell that does about 1k damage to an opponent and drains all that to me, as well. Every time I am crit, I recover 25% of that damage over 5 seconds also (so 1k crit = +250 life). With all these abilities combined, it's rare that I even need to use my 1.4 second cast time heal which does about 1.1k life. Presumably it's the same for a Paladin or Shaman, played well. At least that is the approach I would take. How much damage do you put out whilst keeping yourself so alive? Not a lot. I usually do about 100 dps, primarily from Shadow Word: Pain and (if I'm trying) Devouring Plague. This is further augmented with Power Infusion and the Zandalarian Hero Charm, but even so, it can take several rounds of dots before the opponent is dead. Occasionally I will use Mind Blast (400-600 dmg on a cooldown) or my Wand (80 or so dps). This is as compared to Shadow priests who can do 400 dps no problem (MF ticks for 250, SW:P ticks for 250, Devouring Plague for 250, and all that damage builds up with Shadow Vulnerability). Plus of course they are getting healed due to Vampiric Embrace. xinster; No, it's pretty much player skill. SleazyC was quite confident he could beat me and I have no doubt he beat 99% of Priests on his server. In addition I was quite capable of beating people 1v1 and surviving in PVP pre-1.10, but the additional changes are welcome. I am a very good player so I can make use of them well. I would wager that a VERY small segment of the Priest population really knows what they are doing when it comes to PVP.
  10. Well.. <- Priests, played correctly, have insane damage mitigation and recovery abilities. Every 15 seconds we can put up a shield that absorbs 1100 damage. My Renew spell is always going, which heals for 260 every couple seconds. I have an instant heal (Holy Nova) that does about 300-400 and damages anyone in the area for about 200. As an Undead priest I have a spell that does about 1k damage to an opponent and drains all that to me, as well. Every time I am crit, I recover 25% of that damage over 5 seconds also (so 1k crit = +250 life). With all these abilities combined, it's rare that I even need to use my 1.4 second cast time heal which does about 1.1k life. Presumably it's the same for a Paladin or Shaman, played well. At least that is the approach I would take.
  11. Symphony of Voices is about $400 - I own that one and it gets a LOT of use. It ain't one of the most popular libraries of all time for nothing.
  12. Yeah; as a matter of fact, that was Voices of the Apocalypse, the "prequel" to this product if you will. This has even better recording quality, it's more realistic, better wordbuilder... etc.
  13. A little old.. this has been out for some time now. But yeah, as far as dramatic choirs go, this really cannot be beat
  14. As a matter of fact, ANYONE HERE WITH LEVEL 60s transfer them to the Public Test Realm. We should get an OCR bg team going.
  15. They're on the WoW site. World of Warcraft Client Patch (Disclaimer: These patch notes are for the Public Test Realm and the content of the patch is subject to change.) World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.10.2 General * Guild Recruitment channel functionality has been improved to be turned off for players already in guilds, and turned on for players not in guilds by default. * Fixed a bug which caused players to drop from combat after destroying a totem. * Fixed a soft-lock bug that occurred under certain conditions when players were near ships, zeppelins, elevators, and the Deeprun Tram. Mages * Arcane Power: This aura will no longer stack with Power Infusion. If you use it, Arcane Power's aura will replace Power Infusion's aura. Paladins * Holy Shock will now be guaranteed to crit when used offensively while Divine Favor is active. * Eye for an Eye will now properly produce its damage effect on the attacking caster. Priests * Inner Fire: Rank 3 will no longer have charges consumed when Power Word: Shield is active. * Power Infusion: This aura will no longer stack with Arcane Power. If you attempt to cast it on someone with Arcane Power, the spell will fail. * Starshards: Ranks 1 and 2 inadvertently received too much bonus from spell damage, while Rank 7 received no bonus from spell damage. Each of those ranks are now fixed to receive the correct bonus. Rogues * Fixed a bug which prevented Vanish from working properly under certain conditions. * Seal Fate will now correctly provide a bonus combat point upon landing a critical strike. Warlocks * Improved Shadow Bolt will now proc properly after landing a critical strike with Shadow Bolt. Warriors * Rage generated from Unbridled Wrath and Shield Specialization will now display properly in the combat log. Mac * Fixed a client crash caused by weather effects when running OS 10.3.9. World Environment * Players should no longer become dismounted while riding through certain areas of the Undercity. * Fixed a number of clipping issues and awkward turns discovered throughout various chained flight paths. * Certain creatures in Eastern Plaguelands weren't providing reputation gain with the Argent Dawn. This has been fixed.
  16. TEST REALMS ARE UP. You know what that means, SleazyC.
  17. Yeah, while I was working on everything past 2:40, I figured that some people would have a beef with that section. The fact is that I really had no ideas once I had gotten to 2:40; literally, none. I was stuck for at least a month. The best thing I could think of was a tempo change (which isn't all THAT sudden given that a lot of romantic-era pieces change tempos from measure to measure rather abruptly). I had some ideas that I wanted to implement that could only be done at a higher tempo (everything 3:00-3:30) but there was no logical way to get there that I could find, and believe me, I did try a lot of things. In the end, I'd say there was probably a better way of going about the transition, but at my current level of musical ability, I was unable to think of one. But I don't think the result was all that bad. I was struggling with whether or not I would give up the mix entirely when I was working on it - after about 10 listens to that part though, I figured it wasn't worth sacrificing the whole mix over, and decided to keep it in.
  18. soc makes an excellent point, as does chavous, the genre is very important. Now, a bit more information would be helpful. Could you clarify exactly how this jingle is being used? Is this the theme for the channel as a whole? If so, how and where is it played? Is it simply background music? Is it being used in an advertisement for the channel? This drastically changes how you would be crafting the jingle.
  19. That sounds probable, but not likely - you'd definitely need to know EXACTLY what you're doing, have lots of gold on hand, twinked gear ready for you at every level, and probably high levels buffing/healing you at all times and making sure yeou don't get ganked. As far as I know, 11-12 days /played is the average for hitting 60. 9-10 is considered fast. Most people who are new to the game or MMORPGs spend time questing, PVPing, using the AH, levelling craft skills (and so forth) which makes things take longer.
  20. If you're interested in joining my guild, we're low on Hunters and Druids more than anything else. We're completely full on Rogues, satisfied with Warlocks, and have a decent Priest rotation. Shamans can fluctuate but we're not overpopulated on them, same with Mages. If you're into PVP, we have basically 1 Priest that PVPs - me. No Druids, hardly any Shamans, very few Hunters/Warlocks. Tons of Warriors, Rogues, and Mages though
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