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Everything posted by zircon

  1. I would not say that, [scene]. It's ultimately up to the ear of the mixer and how familiar they are with their setup. I've personally been using a pair of $50 speakers from Staples and $50 Sennheiser headphones, and I do just fine.
  2. This is a discussion thread for headphones and monitors. Here is some basic info to get us started, feel free to post if you have anything to add. HEADPHONES --------- * Avoid "listener", consumer-grade headphones. The goal of headphones as a musician is to hear the most accurate sound as possible. Some consumer headphones have features that try to 'improve' the sound somehow. You don't want that. * Ideally, you want closed headphones that cancel out noise. The reasons for this are pretty obvious. * Expect to spend about $50. If you don't have $50, don't bother buying anything, and save your money. Your listening setup is one of the most important parts of your workstation. Good brands:: - Sennheiser - Sony - AKG Recommended models: - Sennheiser EH2200 ($50-$75) - Sony MDR7506 ($100) - AKG K171 ($160) - AKG K240 ($100) MONITORS -------- Monitors are essentially like speakers. Typically you get two at a time, though a surround setup or a subwoofer is possible also. There are two kinds of monitors, "active" and "passive". "Passive" monitors require some sort of amplification system. This means you will need additional gear besides the monitors themselves. You will have to do a little more setup and spend some money on the amplification, but generally this will cost less. "Active" monitors have amplification built in, so you just plug them in and go. These are usually a little more expensive. * Most monitors below $200 have a marked decrease in quality. These "low end" monitors are consistently ranked poorly by professionals and trade publications, so ideally you want to get something in the midrange for truly accurate results. * Try to ensure that your room is a good environment for listening. In other words, you typically want a small room with little sound leakage, and some sort of materials to dampen reflections. This process is known as acoustic treatment. Even the best monitors are useless if you're in a terrible listening space. (more info would be helpful here too) * Make sure your monitors are positioned properly. (I know someone here has more info on this) Good brands: - Tapco - Event - Samson - Mackie - Tannoy - Alesis - Behringer (low end) - M-Audio (low end) Recommended models;
  3. I don't know what that has to do with this particular thread. I rarely if ever recommend expensive stuff - I get emails asking for "where to get started" constantly and I list a great number of things for any budget range, from FREE to thousands of dollars. As far as I'm aware, no one has complained about my recommendations, especially since they're usually asked for to begin with. I really have no idea what you're talking about. In general, it's a better idea to respond to specific posts and points that you disagree with rather than making a very broad, generalized one like you just did. It's difficult to respond to because we (the people that you're targetting) may not know what you have in mind. This is a free forum, you're more than welcome to disagree with anything me, compyfox, or anything else posts. Edit: I just realized you may be referencing the QLSO Silver post I made a few hours ago, and I think you may have misunderstood it. It was poorly worded; it SHOULD have read; "QLSO is absolutely awesome considering the price." I honestly have no idea why I said "you get what you pay for". That was a mistake and the opposite of what I meant to write.
  4. I think it's down to a (relatively reasonable) $700 now.. not too bad.
  5. Would it be difficult to simply release WAVs rather than a CD iso? I would think it would be more inconvenient considering many people have MP3 players now, and all of us here obviously listen to quite a bit of music on our computers. I know at least a few people (myself included) that would simply mount the image, rip it with DBpoweramp to WAVs, and then never touch the thing again. It would be no extra effort on your part to just release WAVs rather than an iso, as far as I'm aware. What are your thoughts on this?
  6. It saddens me to see all the people in the game that always say a warrior sucks no matter what unless they're using 2h. I'm guessing they've never actually played a warrior beyond doing what everyone said was the "uber" build or whatever, or they've just never seen a good warrior doing anything else. I prefer dual-wield, and trying to use a 2h is rather boring, just attack...wait...attack...oh I have enough rage for an ability now! Where as dual-wield is more like attackattackabilityabilityattackcritcritattackexecute. Two words: Mortal Strike. Most powerful melee ability in the entire game, hands down. Massive, instant damage with a ridiculous debuff that screws up anyone from healers to flag carriers. Fury warriors can be powerful too, but you need to have SICK weaponry for it to be effective. I'm talking Thunderfuries, Deathbringers, Brutality Blades, Chromatically Tempered Swords, that kind of thing. I know lots of Warriors in my guild who switched to fury (they are MC geared or better) and they went back to MS/2h. Fury is more of a PVE spec, ultimately, I think.
  7. Warriors are a cool class, yes. They're not typecast into tanks only. In PvP of course you have more flexibility than PVE, where you're either a tank or a dps (2h or fury). While making friends with a healer isn't a bad idea, between various consumables, Warrior abilities, and trinkets, you may be able to counteract many forms of impairment without having a healer around.
  8. You can't be serious. AGAIN!??! Can't you just release the damn thing?
  9. Paladins are pure support, not Priests. They have more powerful buffs and a wider variety, as well as more efficient heals. Priests might have more powerful focused heals but in terms of a support combat role, Paladins are superior in every way as far as I'm concerned.
  10. Now you're attacking me personally, and logic says I should delete your post as it's rude and offtopic. But I won't. I simply said that you don't know the standards. What can I say? You don't. That's not an insult or a "diss". Most people don't know the standards. My point was addressed to blind, not you. You were saying that the song intro was really bad and generic. OK, fair enough. But you made it sound like that was the official OCR stance on the song. That simply ain't true, and I wanted to make sure blind knew it.
  11. Priests are more hybrids than Paladins are. Paladins have very efficient heals and can fit that role quite well. They are NOT warriors with healing, they are healers with plate. They have terrible offense compared to any other class - Priests on the other hand can be one of the most powerful offensive classes, potentially.
  12. Hence "Club Mix" aka for the djs to mix into a set. its necessary. Check out my snowbound remix from earthbound for a nice intro to a dance song. You have to understand the genre... Next time I submit to OC it will be "OC Edit", like a radio edit, and vgmix will have the full on mix. It fits the guidelines better i guess. Don't sweat it, man. Magi_tekk doesn't know the standards, djp and the judges do. And we gave you 4YES. This is an amazing piece by our standards and by the standards of dance/trance music.
  13. I got Liquid Instruments Series: Bass. I also was supposed to get SoundLab Drum Fundamentals but SoundsOnline forgot to tell me it was backordered. Idiots. :/
  14. As you can see, it didn't come out. If they say "the patch is NOT coming out" they are not going to surprise us. They only lie about releasing things early.
  15. Bliz explicitly posted it was not coming out today. If it is, Tigole is a liar.
  16. Proc rate is about 30%, yeah, but they're apparently nerfing the attack speed debuff in some way. The damage is about 300.
  17. Thunderfury isn't very good, imo. Chromatically tempered sword has nearly 100 max damage over it. Think about the difference in sinister strikes. Thunderfury seems like more of a Fury warrior weapon, or a Paladin mainhand..
  18. Don't waste money on a Krol blade, first of all. Dal'Rends set is very close and that's FREE. In addition, screw Ebon Mask. In like 3 levels you can get a Ghostshroud which looks the same and has better stats.
  19. I prefer sequencing by mouse... anyday. I can't work any other way.
  20. Or better yet, a soundcard with low latency and MIDI keyboard! OH SNAP! lol, piano roll's a bit overrated. It's not overrated at all. No one's saying it's THE BEST; if they are, they're dumb. It's one method of many to input notes, but it's not a bad one in the least.
  21. Why would you need a second phone line?
  22. No, it's fine. Most P4s come with HT now. You can always turn it off so it's not an issue.
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