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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. mirror: http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/ocr-grmrb-round-4.zip also: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v646/doulifee/Mysig/megaman/gecko4.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v646/doulifee/Mysig/megaman/zircon4.png
  2. vote and mirror incoming hold on. mirror: http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/ocr-grmrb-revenge-2.zip and vote cast
  3. the best course of action is adding the song as a bonus, so HeWhoIsIAm send me your song for the next ORC via pm as usual.
  4. that's possible. try to contact me via msn / Irc then so we can change that.
  5. no extension, so we have a default winner.
  6. and douli's mirror: http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/ocr-grmrb-round-3.zip
  7. http://www.doulifee.com/RandSig/ocrstafftolot.png

    i finally found a not so bad PR wallpaper for my computer, so i took a part to make a sig :)

  8. http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/ocr-grmrb-revenge-1.zip another mirror.
  9. - The Original Remixing Competition - Welcome to ORC127. Source Material . Jerry Terry - There, is this good enough? - MIDI __________________________________________________________________ Good luck everyone. Deadline 14th February Midnight US East Coast The contest is a monthly contest so the deadline is programmed to be the 3rd sunday of the month. Voting stage will follow till the 4th sunday of the month. Next context will start again the first of the next month. The Quick Rules Rundown Step 1 -Submission:- 1. Anyone can enter regardless of your remixing ability. 2. Filesize is limited to 8 meg. 3. You may only enter one piece. but can collab on a second one. 4. When you've finished your entry, post it in the compo tha sauce system. HERE. 5. You may submit your piece as a MIDI, MP3 or OGG file. Step 2 -Vote:- Voting will be done via Thasauce. Voting stage will last 1 week from the 14th to the 21th Midnight . About the comment: You are now allowed to comment anytime EXCEPT during the voting stage.. that mean that once a mix is posted, you can feedback it, until the submission process is over. Remixer are able to fix/enhance it until the deadline. The date in the PM/Email will be used to upload the most recent one. About a draw in the result: It happen sometime. Both remixer are still officially Winner, but i'll ask the remixer with the less "Win" to send me his song.
  10. ok i got every missing track. thanks for all your pms guys.
  11. and i agree with that too. I think we are all fighting for the same side. and my bad for misunderstanding zirc on his first post. i completely forgot there was stolen song in the list.
  12. i add the reason of the removal in the tag and they are all labeled ocremoved intead of ocremix anyway.
  13. i'm now hunting a few missing track i don't have on my hard rives: Bart Klepka - Alone in the Dark 2 'Hell's Kitchen (Zombies & Thompsons Mix)' Bart Klepka - Darklands 'L'homme Arme (Guided by Saints Mix)' Bart Klepka - Duke Nukem 3D 'Gotham (Distorted Mix)' Bart Klepka - Dune 'Sietch to Sietch (Sekence Mix)' if by chance you have them, send a pm so i can manage to retrieve them. Thanks in advance.
  14. Done:

    Compyfox - Final Fantasy Adventure 'Mission of Mana'

    OCR01213 - Kaijin - Xenogears 'Child of the Stars'

    Still Missing:

    Bart Klepka - Alone in the Dark 2 'Hell's Kitchen (Zombies & Thompsons Mix)'

    Bart Klepka - Darklands 'L'homme Arme (Guided by Saints Mix)'

    Bart Klepka - Duke Nukem 3D 'Gotham (Distorted Mix)'

    Bart Klepka - Dune 'Sietch to Sietch (Sekence Mix)'

    OCR01551 - Munisho - Castlevania 2 'Tears of Blood'

    Probably there:

    FFmusic Dj - Final Fantasy 7 'Adelante (Mako Reactor)'

    Final Fantasy 7 Mako Reactor Oc Removed i suppose.

    OCR00024 - Secret of Mana 'Fear of Heaven'

    (Secret_of_Mana_Ben_Lewis_Mix_Oc_ReMoved?) YES probably

    OCR00144 - Mega Man 2 'Trance Reality'

    (Mega_Man_2_opening_Distraught_OC_ReMoved?) Yes probably

  15. @jerry terry: don't forget to pm me with your mix for next month. @just64: i'll try add it as a bonux mix.
  16. glad to see you're still alive :D

  17. go vote on the megaman battle Dyne. you can even if you didn't for the previous bracket.

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