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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. bon anniversaire Mr Zircon. And keep up the good work. And i need an explanation for israfael' sig
  2. i leave the thread open for gathering your archive Arek, but i recommend a website for that. a free website and someone able to build an html page shouldn't be to hard to find.
  3. nuts did a wip for me some time ago. need to found that again.
  4. - The Original Remixing Competition - Welcome to ORC106. Source Material Last week's winner was Nutsy. Sir Nuts - Anxious heart: - MIDI Deadline The Quick Rules Rundown Step 1 -Submission:- 1. Anyone can enter regardless of your remixing ability. 2. Filesize is limited to 8 meg. 3. You may only enter one piece. but can collab on a second one. 4. When you've finished your entry, feel free to post it in the thread, BUT send it also to http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/ORC106. It's mandatory to avoid me to run after you for your mix. 5. You may submit your piece as a MIDI, MP3 or OGG file. Step 2 -Vote:- Voting is done via the ThaSauce system by logging in and dragging your top choice song. About submiting: The ThaSauce webspace is there for that. I gladly thanks Rama and the team for that, and analoq for pointing me to the beta. About the comment: You are now allowed to comment anytime EXCEPT during the voting stage.. that mean that once a mix is posted, you can feedback it, until the submission process is over. About a draw in the result: It happen sometime. Both remixer are still officially Winner, but i'll ask the remixer with the less "Win" to send me his song.
  5. i found morrowind but not oblivion.
  6. nope i didn't touch anything. didn't user profile have a page somewhere where it show your vote history?
  7. play a little with the "june is boss month" text. no bevel or emboss, try some stroke maybe. or a little line.
  8. depanding what it is. i can try. no guarantee my skill are subpar with gif.
  9. And our winner is Nuts. Congrat Senor nuts. don't forget to send me the tune for next orc. thanks everyone for voting and sending mix. Make Your Way by Sir_NutS Score: 12 Toybox Politiks by nodspaw51 Score: 8
  10. is still the ocr style instead of a black one. just pointing that minor detail.
  11. awesome work rama. same as atma, i use this since the beginning. Nice rama-esque Work.
  12. Seriously, try, and you'll improve. Don't say, they're subpar. How do you think we all start? I started making sig around the time when joyzilla, cap'n hulk and dew. were still active. That didn't stop me from trying. I also remember looking at bummer's improvement. People around there are always glad to give you advice and constructively criticize your work. So jump in the pond and try to swim. we all have a unique skill and the more the merrier.
  13. yup, better wait for most of them to be complete at least those who are in the project section. It's hard to find remixers if you want to release an ocr quality project nowadays.
  14. or if you know mIRC there is the #ocrwip channel at enterthegame. If the channel is still alive of course.
  15. 2nd batch: and an okami one again:
  16. you specified a theme rather than a character Arek, so it's harder. i'm still working on it to find something good
  17. i was thinking about using ultros and chupo, and i told myself... enough square enix boss. So i moved my ass near my shelves for a quick look, and i saw okami. I remembered that i have High definition pics from it and voilà. The hardest part was to pick a boss between the two howls, Orochi, Kyuubi.
  18. Nicecap indeed also some song from bound together yup
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