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Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Danneman replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
I can think of Beyond Good And Evil, but I'm having trouble coming up with some more. -
I haven't played in about a year but there should still be a good amount of people playing it. You won't have too much trouble finding a server with good ping for your favourite maps. The maps with planes destroys the fun for me though. Planes can destroy anything easily, and you can hardly touch them. As soon as you enter any vehicle, a plane comes along and drops bombs on you. SAMs are worthless against them. So I tend to stick to servers without vehicles or just maps without planes. Despite that, I find it hard to believe that BF3 could match the greatness of BF2s multiplayer, me loves it so.
Hey! I realised that i truly sucked at mixing, so i looked up some hints and tips to think about while mixing. This is my 3rd practice object I've recorded and mixed with these things in mind. I'm fairly satisfied with it. I have no idea of how to continue it though. Anyway, what are your thoughts on it, mixing wise, anything annoying you in it? http://www.mediafire.com/?yxjym8lmphkay56
Sounds like fun so why not. The weirdest place this tune was played at, was apparently when waiting in line on the phone for some company in the US. So I see no reason why it could not be used by you, if you think it fits somehow. Loved your Ludus Florentis video btw, you are very right on that one. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01606/
It is possible though to play 4 players locally on a single computer. One keyboard and 3 Xbox controllers. Maybe even 4 Xbox controllers, I'm not sure on that. There was talk about an Xbox live release but there seem to have been trouble with that. It is actaully extremely hard to get a licens to release games on Xbox live at least. Especially for new developers with first game releases. This game is #1 on steams best seller list right now and Xbox missed the potential it has. Hopefully it will work out with Xbox live and PS3 eventually. That is one way to get by at some portions, but the game gets alot harder as you go. You'll need to move around to avoid masses of enemies and projectiles coming at you. The game shines in multiplayer, but single player really is good stuff as well.
Anyone else heard of or even played this indie title yet? I've gotten pretty far on single player and i've gotta say it's about the best game ever. By combining different elements you make different spells and it is immensly fun to discover what you can do. And the game is jampacked with nerdy references all over. The campaign is very fun and entertaining blasting away foes with whatever spells you can come up with yourself. There is so much to this game. It is however rather buggy atm for some people, especially with connection issues for multiplayer and gamecrashes. LAN seem to be working well for multiplayer though. It was released a few days ago so of course there are gonna be some issues initially. The devs are hard at work though with daily patches and letting the community know what's up at the moment. That is very commendable and a rare sight. Hopefully they will solve the bigger issues soon. I myself have encountered just a few smaller bugs, but mostly it's been free of that in singleplayer anyway. Even with the issues i would highly recommend it for it is far to great to pass up. Check out TotalBiscuits review of it for a good introduction. Edit: http://www.own3d.tv/video/60377/Magicka___PART_ONE Gameplay with 3 players. With swedes though and they are mostly fooling around, but a good example of how much fun you can have with this =) Edit2: Well alrighty then. Seems I have to wave some shiny things in your face to get your attention. Debut Trailer Teaser Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0PbjqwJTZs Trailer for beta testing parodying Ali G Launch Trailer How Even 2 People Can Be Too Many Lets Play Magicka Coop - Part 1 Discuss away!
Hah, that's a wide range of genres. Quite the talented mofo. And he stole our tune as well. Very nice. http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=5700652
wip Castlevania Symphony Of the Night Tragic prince metal maybe
Danneman replied to Danneman's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Thanks for the replys! The backing pad is annoying me somewhat aswell. It just kinda disapears mostly in the mix later. Allmost everything production wise annoys me even. I really want everything crisp and clear and just sound real good. So i'll definitely consider all your thoughts on this next time. I haven't deviated alot really structure wise from the original. All the chords are the same throughout. All I've done is change some melodies and extended the part after 2:58 with a some repeats. So i don't see it as a medley when only the melodies change and the chords stay the same. They're more like easter eggs thrown in your face =D The drums are mostly the same as the original with fills and all, cause I have no imagination when it comes to them =P The parts where it's just boom-chick and nothing else is where i've extended and just copy pasted the loop, with the intention of making it at least a it more interresting later. And you are right though. It sounds a bit too stiff even with fills so i'll probably change it all up a bit more. I'd also like to add a part in 3/4 (or replace an existing) if i can, cause it gets real groovy with the original melody over it, I found out now. But I have some trouble getting back to 4/4. We'll see if I'll manage that. Glad you all like the guitars! Would have loved to extend the hyrule castle but I didn't want to change the chords so I couldn't, sorry Spakku Gario, the part you're thinking of I actually took from Wicked Child from the first Castlevania. The difference is the chords in this are played twice as long, so I hade to repeat the melody for every chord. When you mention it though, it's actually not far off from Wily 1 =) Great to hear what you all think! It's really helpful and gives me alot more motivation on this. Hopefully i can afford new gear soon so i can begin the re-recording. Thanks again! -
Hay, this has been laying on the shelf for over a year or so, and i'm thinking about recording all from scratch again someday. Just need to get new gear and some better skills (or skills at all ) at mastering, and maybe changing some parts. But i thought i'd share it with you, since it's gonna take a while anyway. Any thoughts on what works and what doesn't and tips on what I should think about on EQ:ing is allways helpful and welcome. I love the original and it's been fun learning this. I tried adding some of my own stuff and some references to other tunes as well. Hope thou like. http://www.mediafire.com/?qoajvvmydit
Anyone know if there's an OC ReMix like place for Movie songs?
Danneman replied to SilverChaos's topic in General Discussion
http://www.ronaldjenkees.com/ You can find a mix on John Carpenters Halloween tune there. It's pretty nifty. -
OCR01607 - Great Giana Sisters "Giana's Homecoming"
Danneman replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Oh this went straight to my MP3-player. Listened to it over and over again on my way to work. Very soothing. -
Unrealeased Doom music... which songs do they sound like?
Danneman replied to The Coop's topic in General Discussion
un17 is Pantera at least, don't really know what its called though. -
You have great guitar tone! And obviously some skill but you need to work on your timing. You're off the beat quite a bit, a number of times. Other than that it's a good effort at covering CPK's Duke Jam. Liked the commentaries, haven't heard these before.
Duck Tales (NES) Amazon -- a semi acoustic country rendition
Danneman replied to Lie Mf B's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Oh, I'm loving this. Having a hard time to stop listening to it. Can't give any tips on making it sound better, cause I suck at giving tips other than saying "ye need to make it sound better". But to me, really, you don't need to make it sound better. I'm loving it as it is. -
Yeah, I've been fearing that as well. That it doesn't stray from the original enough to be accepted. Anyway we've added the bass atleast and added a new part before the end solo thingie. Though apparantely my confidence in what sounds good or not, is not all that =P I don't know what to think of them. The bass might be too subtle though. And I really don't know about how the new part enters the scene, or if it's varied enough. Anyhoo, what do you think? I'll add the link to the first post as well. http://w11.easy-share.com/748436.html
hehe.. well the bass should be easy to add atleast, cause we've got a real one. I'ts just that we're missing the POD XT wich we usually run it through. Would have been great if we had an acoustic bass. Hopefully we can get a bassound that fits the song anyway. We've used drumtracks before, that I've been very satisfied with. But it's different with this one. Usually it's just normal drums, but I want something different with this one. I'm not really sure what yet. Something woody sounding could be real nice, I agree. I am however confident in our ability to hear what sounds good or not. If the new stuff sounds stiff or just plain bad, it will not be included, of course. So you need not worry about if we'll destroy it or not (I think =P). We will try atleast, and if it sounds good to us, I will post it here again to hear what you think before we send it in, anyway. Could take a while though.
Thanks for the comments, guys, much appreciated. We will definitely try to add a bass to it, and hopefully figure out how to add some sort of drumtrack aswell.
http://w12.easy-share.com/739734.html Recorded this with a friend over the last few days. I really like it, but is it OCremix material? Tell me what you think. Edit: We've added the bass and added a new part before the end solo thingie. Though apparantely my confidence in what sounds good or not, is not all that =P I don't know what to think of them. The bass might be too subtle though. And I really don't know about how the new part enters the scene, or if it's varied enough. Anyhoo, what do you think? http://w11.easy-share.com/748436.html
http://w10.easy-share.com/701305.html Not all that satisfied with the soundquality.. thinking of recording it all again at a friends house.. hes got better equipment. Anyhoo, tell me what you think about this one =)
OCR01315 - Golden Sun "Sol Sanctum Guitar"
Danneman replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
oh this is right up there with my favorites, very nice. only wish it would have one more "climax" in it.