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Everything posted by Xelebes

  1. We're in the top 8,000 now. My WU is going slow. 6-9 minutes per frame. Thankfully it's only 400 frames, not 3000.
  2. Party at my house! w00t! Where is your house? Can't you read? It's obviously at C:\Discreet\3dsmax7\Scenes\.
  3. We're in the top 9 000 now!
  4. I signed in a few days ago. Almost done calculating a WU!
  5. Well, for my purposes, I am quite used to closed cabinet headphones. I know why I am buying them. If I need to be wary of my surroundings, I'll use something other than the closed cabinets.
  6. Right now, I'm looking to buy AKG K271 (around 279 bucks Canadian here) and either a pair of Samsons (600 bucks) or KNK's (1300 bucks). Don't know which of the two monitors I would buy yet. I have no clue what the monitors models are - I should ask LP again what models they are exactly.
  7. Yeah, I found it. Sweet.
  8. You can make this as a screensaver?
  9. I'm thinking of treating myself later. Not now, I'm waiting for the stores to get restocked in the new year.
  10. Sounds like they must be just empty pre-order boxes.
  11. I'm nearing completion on my track.
  12. Wait, I thought you could resize the db metre. =/ *checks again* Edit: I thought wrong.
  13. Which I will do this Sunday Faster bitch, FASTER!!!
  14. Well, return to campus then, Rex.
  15. Track number 2, I believe.
  16. Updated my wip. Same link.
  17. Well, here we go. Got a little mroe than half done in terms of length. Got lots of automation to get cracking on but I should be able to do this. http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=4877
  18. Ooh! Ooh! I'm making progress on the Team Select music. Instead of the stadium gabber music, I'm doing it more like Sports Channel type classic techno. Still, don't mark me down yet solidly yet.
  19. *fap* *fap* *fap*
  20. I wouldn't be of much help since I only know a handful of them.
  21. Don't put me down for Track 3 though. I'm most likely to turn up at the end of deadlines with nothing to show.
  22. I'm noodling with track 3. I'm seeing if Ican make a stadium anthem out of it. It's nice, short and memorable enough to do the trick.
  23. I might express interest once I install an nsf plugin for Winamp to hear the tunes... or check if I still have Deliplayer installed or something. Edit - hm, Jnes doesn't play it. Time to look for a program that can play an nsfe file. Edit2 - Found the plugin.
  24. This sounds like a very good idea. I might suggest you do it sithlord.
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