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Everything posted by Xelebes

  1. I used to have a whole pack of such kicks on my long lost F drive. If I can find it again, I'll be sure to give it to you.
  2. Just got one bone to pick with you here: the bassline. I dunno, but a good sub-woofer-shakin bassline would have been better than that funky-acid line of a bass. I dunno, just too much lo-mid harmonics on that bass just grated me and didn't offer any good bassy decency to make me feel good.
  3. The clashing intonalities of this piece, however off they may be give it a real foreign feel, like something alien. That's probably a good thing since the game took place on another planet.
  4. Yay... a nicely put and gritty piece. Very anti-prog and just the way I like it.
  5. Odo B-Station Krakli Flea3 Look on www.kvr-vst.com for them.
  6. Yay... a supersaw-string trance.... where's the supersquare-choir trance? haha joking of course. There is that pizzicatto synth in there that sounds a wee bit out of place... too upfront causing it to sound imbalanced. Possibly making the peak nout so loud would fix that. Other than that I can see no qualms about this piece. Other than it being a bit cliched with the genre.
  7. Solution: Do a casual check after encoding the file into mp3 after LAME with Windows Explorer. Shouldn't be too hard, at least for me it is not frustrating. Unless you suffer from quite the lack of patience, then I don't know how to fix it for you.
  8. Get Izotope Vynil. It's a VSTi you can get off of www.kvr-vst.com . I'll update with a direct link.
  9. Buy Reason and use ReWire to use Reason in FruityLoops. Believe it or not, it does work.
  10. Watch out for your buffer. Look under Options>Audio. You'll probably have your buffer quite high. Keep it at about 50 to 150 ms for listening to what you got but make certain that you get ASIO or kX drivers if you want to reduce it.
  11. Or better yet, use a scoring program (one that uses music scores) and write your music there. Export out of the scoring program and into FruityLoops. Now all you need to do is just touch up the velocities which is the lower graph (the graph on the bottom).
  12. ah i got it now, i messed around with that before, but never really knew how it worked. thanks alot xelebes. i even put it in my new WIP! how tasteful There's a much easier way. Simply adjust the snap value in that little black window way up there that probably says "Line" right now. I could never get that to work...
  13. In Piano Roll Doeble click on a sixteenth note. Window pops up, you got two rows of three boxes. On the second row, set the boxes to 0:0:8. When you do this on the second note, move the note onto thefirst and then make sure you double click the second note and not the first. Duration is the same but make thestart time have it's third box turned up to 8 instead of 0. Do the same for the third note.
  14. It isn't too bad. It's like programming my Poly 800.
  15. Use MusicMatch to convert files en masse. The demo MusicMatch even does it.
  16. Check the attributes of the wave files with Goldwave and post what you can see. Could be a simple raw-pcm-adpcm issue.
  17. Toy can use a TR909 to make cool beats. All you gotta do is put it under a "drumroon" type reverb and then overdrive it a bit. I've been able to get fantastic results from this. You can experiment with other drum machines like the Rhythm Ace, TR808, Sequential Toms... those types.
  18. Actually, there is a pattern which the automation is stored on. Just move the pattern which the automation to the end of the song and voila! Complis!
  19. I managed to rescue my VSTis, but not my samples which was 1 GB of drum samples and vocal clips. NARGnargnarg!
  20. NOOOOOOO! I've lost my 1 GB+ library of samples! *weeps*
  21. Hey, I just never use TS404. So I don't know everything.
  22. Nope. Sounds you might need to put another distortion over top it.
  23. look back a page. NS_Kit 7 will do the trick for realistic drums.
  24. I don't recommend soundfonts, or soundfonts specifically aimed for ambience. Any soundfont will do as long as you learn how to process the sounds. Experiment with the soundfonts youu have and play around with phasers, flangers, delays, reverbs, distortions. This is how it is created, the cool deep ambient sounds.
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