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Everything posted by Xelebes

  1. Using the record button you can automate knobs. Or, for even more complex patterns, you can use an event editor. Using FruityLoops plugins, just right-click on a knob and menu appears. Select Edit Events. The graph before you is an x:y graph where the x axis is time and the y axis is the responding variable. ... Can't wait for the FAQ to be compiled here.
  2. Yeah, what HE said. The soundfont PLAYER isn't free. The soundfonts are. Huge difference. It's like a buffet...
  3. I agree. But sometimes they are the only synths that I know strictly emulate it. I know the YMVST only takes up 1% which is a very good thing, even though it has some inconsistencies especially in the higher frequencies. Otherwise, they might actually offer something really cool.
  4. NSKit 7 is here! For all you people who like realistic drums... I haven't checked it out but meh. LINKY!!! http://www.natural-studio.co.uk/nskit_download.htm
  5. But it says VST in the title. =(
  6. They're not. =( I don't know how to implement MPU-401 sounds and have the thing NOT clip or sound just bloody... Fine, I'll just use the cheapest presets I have on my synth.
  7. http://www.spinwarp.com/index.php?POSTNUKESID=d0dcb3c75fa06891787a4723bc4c8a13 The ReeseMx VSTi is hella cool.
  8. Time to request a shitty GM soundfont. So here it goes: What is the worst GM soundfont around? I'm doing an EARmix... so... yeah.
  9. Hmm... I like it. The textures are nice, the melody and the general feel is pretty nice. The acid lines are awesome as the panning synth is pretty good. The strings are pretty nice and subdued. A feel thatI greatly enjoy.
  10. I have been playing Clash at Demonhead for the NESand I still have yet to beat a boss in that game. The music is annoying and so are the bosses. Grrr... evil.
  11. Someone made this VSTi for me so that I could have some nice Geometric wave shapes for me to use in my music. http://studiosense.sytes.net/studiosense/viewtopic.php?t=1146
  12. Cyanide 2, I concur is a great VST. Gives a warmer sound than any other waveshaper I have heard.
  13. You can use FruityLoops to make the drum loops you will need but you will be greatly hampered when it comes to writing melodies in FL. If you have another program that can do it, then great. If you ant to go rfor a free way out, may I suggest Modplug Tracker or Buzz Tracker.
  14. The piracy protection is the non-working samples. That ticks quite a few piraters, or at leasts confuses the piraters for a while.
  15. No, even simpler. Using the playlist allows you to sequence patterns together.
  16. By repeating a pattern. Break the song into patterns.
  17. You have FruityLoops 3.5.6 or later, no? If so use the Fruity Scratcher or the Wave traveller to create all the scratching sounds you need.
  18. The fruity mixer is there to simply balance out the sounds in your piece and to allow you to add cool effects.
  19. Dammit Coop, you've got another one. I should so submit a remix.... but... meh. Ok, onto the track. Pretty ok techno piece. Arrangement is pretty good but the quality of the sound is not great. Aw well, you can't always win. It doesn't help that I've never owned a SEGA system to play the game to become versed and be somewhat nostalgic to oberlook the quality of the sound. The drums need to be tightened up. Pretty good basic rhythm you have, just that it need s to be tightened up a bit with a bit of tweaking. The synths - sequencing is pretty good. The management of the synths are very poor as they are not very clean, flowing or... what's that word. Forget it, it just does not meet that potential of energy that could have been set. The first few synths are not bad, actually pretty good but it gets a little production sloppy. I guess you are not too interested with the sound quality as opposed to the arrangement but the synths are not too bad. But they certainly could have been a lot better.
  20. Snare Drum Military Snare Drum ... hmm, that's all I can think of. Isn't the trap like a snare drum or is that a timpani?
  21. You will always have this delay as the computer needs to synthesise/encode the sound. The best you can do is use ASIO drivers to get the delay down to like 5~15 ms.
  22. Hahaha, I'm gonna take credit for helping her with the vocals. Good mix, me likes a lot. I like the new age feel she always puts in her music.
  23. It's called the lfo. Turn the lfo amount down to zip. This should get rid of the fluctuating sound that you get.
  24. Quantum64 is the best route, you just need to turn off the arpeggiator to stop it trilling or arpeggiating.
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