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Everything posted by SnappleMan

  1. I say go with Ivory. I recently upgraded from Steinberg's "The Grand 2" to Ivory and I'm not looking back. The sound is incredible, but more importantly, it uses very little in the way of resources (other than ram, that is...). Do keep in mind that it's 40 DVDs in size (10 DVDs) and a tad on the expensive side. I only installed one of the pianos (7gb) and I don't see myself needing anything more than that (though I do feel like the rest of the package is going to waste). The sampler itself is very clean, doesn't use much CPU at all, and everything is laid out very simply on one window with every option you could want. I think that if you're serious about getting a fantastic sounding piano in your recordings, then this is for you. If you have the HDD space to install all of them, then go for it, otherwise you can swap them in and out of your setup through install/uninstall.
  2. There should be an option to set the pitch wheel sensitivity in each synth plugin. In most of the plugins I use, it varies from patch to patch, and it's fairly easy to go into the patch editing windows and set the mod/pitch sensitivity level. If it's not a part of the synth's GUI, then you'll have to open the product manual and find which CC control value corresponds to that function. Then you can go into the beginning of the MIDI track and set that controller to the desired value you want.
  3. .....................
  4. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This project is still alive?
  5. You want to record your MIDI project as an audio track? Simple! Look up above the track view, you'll see a ruler. Click your mouse in there, and you'll get the Locators (they look like a little white arrow pointing down). Drag them apart to the start and end of your project, make sure that everything you want to export is in the blue area. Now, go to File -> Export -> Audio Mixdown. Make sure all the options are proper (depends on what kind of soundcard you're using and all that) and save. After it bounces the audio, you should have a mixed audio track of whatever was active in your project.
  6. That's why I imitate your dad by fucking your mom once a week.
  7. But wait, the wah is a dynamic pedal, it gradually changes the effect depending on the position of the pedal... so then what's the switch for and why did pedal stop working with amplitube 2?
  8. I just recently started having the same problem, I think it's because I wore out the pad on the underside of the top half of the pedal that presses the switch on the bottom half... now the switch can't get pressed...not really a similar problem at all , is it... though it does make me sad.
  9. You REALLY should not have said that....
  10. Hale-Bopp + SnappleMan + SnappleMan's room = WAWAWEEWOW
  11. This song is fantastic! I love the instrumentation, performance, and overall sound. More importantly, though, is the fact that everything is so cohesive and flowing. I have to disagree with Taucer up there, because I don't hear any blatant split into another song. Knowing the source material makes you listen for those types of changes, but if you can listen without that bias then you can get to the heart of the song, and that to me, is a vision of how zyko thinks about the music. Everything introduced at the beginning makes sense and is resolved at the end. This song seems to be more about the complete package than the parts which make it up, which are used as tools for telling a musical story that doesn't just lead you from A to B, but presents different musical conflicts all throughout which all come together and form that point at B.
  12. ...you'd get the fuck out of Colorado?
  13. Or you can feast on multiples of dicks. You know what? Fuck this, I'm leaving VGmix. BYE!
  14. So instead of encouraging people to improve, you're telling them to just find a place with lower standards.... I love the internet.
  15. Dan Reynolds, like the foil!
  16. Worst advice ever. Oops, I meant to quote Max2049395840895746
  17. I use and adore Cubase, norg uses Cubase as well. Sonar is capable of pretty much everything FL is capable of, you just need to learn it.
  18. hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha Needless to say, I lol'd.
  19. Dammit man, I'm ALWAYS disgruntled! That means I like you and we're friends now.
  20. Ughh, I can't stress enough what a bad idea is to plug ANY unbalanced audio source directly into your soundcard. You can blow up your soundcard and maybe damage the rest of your machine as well. Buy a cheap mixer or something like an amp modeling DI pedal ***like this***. You can use that as an amp modeler, effects pedal, or just a DI box that'll send balanced audio to your soundcard. You should also upgrade to a decent soundcard, but that can happen later on after you learn music.
  21. More of you need to hang out with me. I got barely any of the OCR love last year.
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