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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. A line like that would have been terrible. There's no need to explain it any further, because it's clear what happens: 1) Joker tells him the addresses. 2) Gordon asks "which one are you going to?" 3) Batman says "Rachel!" 4) Batman walks in expecting to see Rachel, but Dent is there. That's it right there. As soon as you see Batman walk into the room where Harvey is, you get it. Batman gets it. Joker tricked him. The only ones that don't get it are Harvey Dent, who pretty much goes nuts anyway, and everyone in the audience that just doesn't pay enough attention to what they're watching. This is not a confusing movie. Granted, it doesn't hold your hand either, but if a person pays attention, they'll see that everything fits fairly well.
  2. Yeah usually when those guys are playing medic, you're good to go. As for 2fort, I don't understand everyone's beef with it. I love that map.
  3. Pretty sure you can still apply music theory when using FLStudio.
  4. Well bLiNd already listened to everything. You can send a remastered version, but make sure you don't change anything arrangement-wise. I'm not accepting extended versions or revised versions or new edits of songs or anything. I don't want to get caught up with 'running a project' trying to coordinate tons of crap. And before anyone asks, no, we're not doing a lossless release, and no, it's not up for debate.
  5. StarZander, if you wanna make a website for the public release, that'll be great. It'll save me from having to do it myself. Can you start on some mockups? Also, to anyone else: for a public release, we're gonna need hosting and mirrors.
  6. Haha. Nah that's not really what I'm saying. I mean I can understand getting frustrated with the game, like when you're constantly getting sniped by the same guy, or getting killed by one rocket to the head, or even when a medic bails on you when he had an uber ready. But in the end, it's a game, and there's never any reason to start being a total dick and whining on the voicechat.
  7. That's the inherent flaw in Batman's Burton thought--and why it's a bad interpretation of the character. Batman and the no-kill code go hand in hand. It's one of the defining aspects of the character. Take away the no-kill code and it's not Batman anymore. It's the Punisher.
  8. Hey, just want to make something clear: If you're gonna play on this server, leave your attitude at the door please. It's okay to be frustrated, but it's not okay to start trash-talking and shit-talking your own teammates. I had a guy (colin) tell me that I "cost us the whole game" when I accidentally messed up his chances of doing a ninja cap on dustbowl. We won the round less than two minutes later. Newsflash: the game is called Team Fortress 2. Just because you die doesn't mean the whole team's gonna lose the game. Same guy said to someone else (his own teammate) later that night "Hey, do me a favor and stop sucking dick." Sorry, there's no place for that on this server. I was a big advocate of OCR getting its own server so I could have fun without having to deal with assholes. If I see or hear shit like that again, expect to get kicked off the server. There are plenty of people who are always trying to get onto the server that have no problem just having fun.
  9. If you're selling the game, are you gonna pay for the music? Because if you're willing to pay, I'm willing to do the music.
  10. Sorry man, we're all done. I already sent the album to bLiNd. Yes, it'll be released to the public soon enough.
  11. QFT. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
  12. So bLiNd listened to it today and talked to me on AIM. He really liked it. He mentioned he'll be posting here with his thoughts, so stay tuned for that. I personally just want to say thanks to everyone for contributing. It's great that we managed to get this whole thing together in such a small amount of time. A lot of the remixes were just phenomenal and really should be subbed to OCR.
  13. The fanbase groaned and whined because that game was nigh unplayable.
  14. Dunno, I've been playing TF2 on the OCR server with the Adidas vs. Nike skins for months now, and I don't have any issues. I also just tried out the Master Sword model (replaces the Scout's bat) and it works fine on the OCR server.
  15. After bLiNd listens to it. I sent it to Jade already.
  16. Gonna send Saturday. Jade's not online right now.
  17. Came out in Japan only I think. Unless I'm mistaken?
  18. It's a PSX game but it was also released on PC, N64, and PSP.
  19. Also totally being sarcastic. xD What is it with people? I say these things that are so obviously outrageous and you guys think I'm being serious. The point that I'm sarcastically trying to make is that it's never too late to get into music. You can be 70-years-old with terminal cancer and can still find enjoyment and fulfillment (and perhaps even a natural talent) by learning to play an instrument. Yes there's all that stuff about people starting when they're little and becoming musical prodigies and all that crap, but really, you'll get out as much as you put in. If you try an instrument and find that you can pick it up without too much difficulty, then you'll have no problem in 'catching up' so long as you practice practice practice. My previous post was outrageously sarcastic because a question like 'is it too late?' just seems so silly to me. If you've got the inclination like you say you do, then honing your skills will take no time at all, no matter how old you are.
  20. Yes, it's too late. In fact, you shouldn't even be listening to music at this point.
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