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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. The intro is so great, but the texture of the song falls apart when the electronic stuff comes in. Those beats sound TERRIBLE. They're dry, loud, and don't feel like they're inside the song; the percussion sounds like it's another piece entirely that happens to match up in terms of tempo. Voice work is fine, but the echo is cheesy. Everything else sounds empty; the sounds are generic and there's not enough interplay between instruments for this arrangement to really work. Tons of default FL sounds in here that are immediately recognizable; if you're gonna use defaults, you have to really be creative with how you process them. Also, you rendered your song to loop; it sounds horrible at the end there; cuts right off. This needs way more in terms of creative sound design and part-writing. NO
  2. Yes well, as some people may have noticed, I've shown up again in the Judges' Decisions forum. Many of you probably don't know this, but I didn't leave the panel at the beginning of the year for entirely the same reasons I quit being a moderator. At the beginning of last year, 2006, I graduated from college with a BS in Electronics Engineering. I did a job hunt for a while and eventually ended up taking a job as an instrument and controls technician at a nuclear power plant that summer. The job ended up being a big disconnect from the different kinds of things I'd done in school and was eating up a lot of my time in terms of commute and shift work (I did 12 hour night-shifts 7 days a week for the entire month of October). That, coupled with some personal issues with some very important people in my life, was putting a lot of stress on me, and causing a great deal of frustration, both personally and professionally. I'd been "out of it" for a while, and I'd felt like the quality of my judging was taking a hit. That wasn't fair to the artists being judged; if I wasn't confident in my own decisions, was I qualified to make them? When the proverbial shit hit the fan in January, I'd had just about enough of all the bullshit I'd had to put up with as a mod; the last thing I needed in my life was more stress. OCR was supposed to be something I enjoyed, not something to get pissed off over. So when I quit being a mod, I'd decided it was a good opportunity to make a complete break from the site. Things have been getting better. I recently changed jobs; I work as an engineer at a laser diode company, which is very rewarding and exciting. Personal stuff has taken a turn for the better as well. Larry asked me a few nights ago on IRC if I'd be interested in helping out a bit, as there's a big backlog in the queue. I said I'd think about it; last night I let him know that I'd be willing to hop back on to help out. Being "away" from the site has been very beneficial. When you're a judge and a mod, you tend to view everything in a much more critical light. Taking a long break from that helps to refocus a little. As far as things stand now, my time on the panel is temporary, but for an indefinite amount of time; I don't know if I want to make OCR into a big priority for me again. But for the time being, it's good to be back.
  3. Such a fitting title; you really nailed the concept, I think. The problem is that I think this piece is just too short. You've got a lot of slow, sustained sections, but I think you could really go places with some quicker, moving lines. Some runs that play on the melody could really work; some kind of softer/lighter section that doesn't have the stateliness of the rest of the piece. This comes off sounding a lot like a first movement to a larger piece. I'd like to see more exploration of the theme. Hopefully you can do it. NO for now, but keep at it.
  4. I disagree, I think that the sequencing is good enough. I'm not too crazy about the guitar either though; it lacks some personality, and I do take some issue with the levels in the percussion; the snare can be a bit prominent at times, moreso than necessary. Great arrangement though. I really like what you've done with the original. Develops well and overall it has a nice texture going on. NO (PLEASE RESUB)
  5. Those canned beats are really killing this track. There's no balance. Did you learn nothing from Mr. Miyagi?! WHOLE LIFE MUST HAVE BALANCE. Seriously, the beats are way too loud and the rest of the song is way too similar to the original. You gotta actually arrange the piece and make it more than just the song with some beats. Anyway, I'm giving this a NO, but I hope your friend liked the song and had a happy birthday.
  6. You used the "shutting down" transition twice. Lazy. You've got a lot of ideas here, but they're all severely underdeveloped. It sounds more like stuff you jotted down in a notebook to try and make sense of later. HAHA get it because in Hotel Dusk you have a notebook yeah nevermind Now is not the time for a pretentious metaphor. Let's see some real development! Don't just fade out and go to the next idea. Integrate your ideas, transition from one to the other. This is one song, not seven. NO, but keep at it
  7. I really like the tribal atmosphere in the beginning, and the evolution into the heavier electronic stuff works really nicely. This mix has a really cohesive feel to it, especially when you mix that tribal sound with the electronic stuff. Blah. Don't like that pan-flute lead; I've got a better one, contact me and I'll give it to you for future works! Whatever, it's not a dealbreaker. YES LETS POSTING REMIX
  8. I realize I'm late to the party on this one, but I've got to say, this is one bitchin' track. I love the beats, I love the synths, I love the voices, I love everything about how it sounds The issue here is that, while I love this track, I have to agree with Zircon's analysis. The point about the melody just being notes in the same mode is a good one. I had a hard time even finding Requiem of Spirit in here. This "feels" like Spirit Temple, and it may have been inspired by Spirit Temple and based on Spirit Temple, but I certainly believe that it's turned into its own beast. Such a shame too. Leah, I really hope you don't get discouraged by the way things have turned out. This track is really awesome, and indicative of some real talent. Hopefully you'll submit more in the future, and if you don't, I'll be watching out for mixes of yours anyway. NO
  9. There are timing issue galore in this piece. I really feel like this could be a groovy track, but every time I try to follow the beat, it's a few milliseconds off and messes up the flow. It needs some quantization to help out on that end. Sound design is fairly boring; I'd like to hear some more effects and some processing in this piece; it would really help. The arrangement isn't bad at all; it's got some nice development going on, but I think you need to take some more stylistic risks. It sounds an awful like an upgrade of the original; a good one, but an upgrade nonetheless. Make it more. NO, but keep at it
  10. Some folks probably already know about this but, Pixel, the author of Cave Story, made a fun little top-down vertical scrolling shmup called Guxt. http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA022293/ Also, there's a soundtrack available for download, with it's own player. It's a small soundtrack, but it's got some nice old-school tunes. Check it out. http://homepage2.nifty.com/rochet/storage/pxstg_bgm_061118.zip Enjoy.
  11. OFFICIAL'D http://www.ocremix.org/info/Groups Come on people, help out! D:
  12. Just addressing your specific examples: That S&K song the race results song from Sonic 3. Mother 2 song in Gameboy Camera? It'd be Mother 2 remix, obviously! Browsers aren't games, period. Nothing ambiguous about that. Electroplankton doesn't have music. It's a game that lets you make music. I do agree, however, that the Mii Channel could be a game. My older sister and her friends once "played it" for three hours, just having fun making likenesses of people. I know many other people are the same way. The Mario Paint analogy is a good one., and like KWarp said, it's like a doll-maker game.
  13. I started using ma.gnolia, a social bookmarking site. I'd been using del.icio.us for a while, but I found ma.gnolia had a lot of options I liked, particularly rating bookmarks and groups. I made a group for OCR: http://ma.gnolia.com/groups/ocremix Hardly anything added yet, as I'm at work and can't spend too much time on it, but I figure it'd be nice for a public link repository. Throw sample links, game music links, and other stuff up there.
  14. Let's get some sprites going here, people! Also: we got OCRv2-tan yet?
  15. No, and no. This is a video game remix site and it'd dedicated to honoring music from video games, not from derivative media.
  16. Keep it comin' Bean. KEEP IT COMIN'.
  17. Okay, so maybe people have forgotten about it, or maybe not, but a while ago I'd made this thread dedicated to OCR-tan. "What is OCR-tan, Darke?" you ask. Well I'll tell you. OCR-tan is a female human representation of OverClocked ReMix that follows in the tradition of the OS-tans. She's meant to embody the qualities of OCR. There were tons of pictures in the last thread, including a lovely one by BlackMyst that became semi-official. I believe Jill (pixietricks) cosplayed OCR-tan at this year's Otakon too. I actually don't have any of the old pictures saved anywhere (silly me, I know), but let's see if we can get some OCR-tan art going.
  18. The story of Harry Potter, however, is done. It was a carefully constructed seven-part epic. Anything she writes now in the universe will have to all be planned out again before even penning another "first" book. Frankly I think that after writing Harry Potter for a decade, she'd want to move on to other works. However, she already expressed interest years ago in publishing some kind of encyclopedia or sourcebook for the series. She's got a ton of notes of background information that never made its way into any of the books. If they're anything like "Quidditch Through the Ages" and "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," I'm not complaining; those two were awesome reads.
  19. Awesome awesome book. Awesome all around. Everything was awesome.
  20. I'm sorry, but I do not recall ever seeing Sirius giving Harry a mirror, or anything for that matter.
  21. I was quite pleased with how this one turned out, moreso than the last two. I was very disappointed with PoA and all of the things I felt were really essential left out, particularly things about the marauders. You get a bit of that in this movie, with with Harry invading Snape's mind, and seeing James and Snape as kids, but they cut the vision before Lily showed up to save the day. Luna Lovegood was absolutely perfect; she was like a salve for all of Harry's rage, and I've been disappointed nothing more's blossomed from it in the HBP book. Alas.
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