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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I think there's a tighter integration planned with remix pages and review threads than just a link back. I don't have any details, but I believe Dave mentioned something to the effect a few days ago in the j-chat.
  2. "It's not a bug, it's a feature!"™
  3. http://twitter.com/ocremix I recently created a Twitter specifically for OCR. Right now it imports the RSS feeds for VGFrequency and Latest Remixes. Depending on how many people follow it, I, along with other judges, may occasionally update it with random bits of worthwhile knowledge. Or, if you'd prefer, fart jokes. If you use Twitter (like me, though I prefer pownce), you can keep up with OCR by following ocremix. Enjoy.
  4. I like the footer and after-first-post ideas. I think the sidebar is barren in long threads, and ads would fill it out nicely. Also, has any consideration been given to selling ad space? OCR gets a lot of pageviews and it's a fairly specific demographic. I could imagine certain companies wanting to advertise. Of course, we'd have to have specific policies in place as to what ads we'd allow, i.e. no flash, we'd have to approve the content, etc. I think it might be worth persuing, in addition to Google Ads. Just a thought.
  5. Check your "View" dropdown menu in the toolbar (if you don't have one, right click the toolbar to customize it and add the View dropdown menu). Check to see if it's set to "unread" and change it to "all."
  6. You have a tendency to overreact to this kind of stuff.
  7. ... The Goddamn DarkeSword? You know, I did do a remix of this game once, but I used my orch samples. Great game, great music. Maybe I'll throw down.
  8. I once told a girl I mixed music. "Oh, are you a DJ? :D" "Uh...no, not really, a DJ..." I never got any action.
  9. Really? I thought it was way too stiff unless you had a high WPM.
  10. Uh, just want to clarify, this isn't a thread about anything other than the PHYSICS in Mario games. Don't really care too much about power-ups and secret levels.
  11. Well I like the other ones too.
  12. Icon Buffet http://www.iconbuffet.com/ So this site is pretty neat. You sign up for it (you can use an OpenID if you want), and then every once in a while you get a small set of icons (that you can download and use on on your OS or your website, etc.). Then you start sending and trading icons with other people, because everyone has different icon sets that you can only get by having them sent to you. I only have a few sets so far, and I don't really visit the site that often, but the icons they have are pretty nice. And they have some video game themed ones too. Try it out, add me as a friend, and send me some icons. I'll send you icons too.
  13. Not first; I played a LOT of SMB1 when I was little, before SMB3 even came out. But I think it's that I've always returned to SMB3 over the years that makes it feel "perfect" for me.
  14. You've got to admit though, that Luigi's physics in TLL are insane. It's like he's running on ice and jumping on the moon. I've always preferred Luigi in SMB2(US), but TLL Luigi is out of control.
  15. Dream Course is ridiculously hard! Or maybe I just suck at it?
  16. I think whatever you played the hell out of is really what it boils down to, but you can pretty much do the same with any Mario side-scroller game, provided you're comfortable with the physics. The weirdest stuff is when you play these romhacks. I played on that recreated Super Mario Bros. in the Super Mario World engine, but it used Super Mario 3 All-Stars version tilesets for the graphics. I kept thinking SMB3 physics, but I was confused with the SMB layouts, and SMW physics have always given me a hard time. So hard! xD
  17. So I recently grabbed The Lost Levels on Virtual Console, and have been enjoying it quite a bit. Another one of my VC games is Super Mario World, which is also quite enjoyable. HOWEVER! Every so often I get frustrated when Mario or Luigi doesn't react to my quick button presses precisely the way I want him to; I think it's a product of growing up on Super Mario Bros. 3 and subsequently playing the hell out of the GBA re-release. I've always found that Super Mario Bros. 3 has the most responsive--for lack of a simpler term-physics. I'm able to pull off accurate running jumps and bounce off koopa shells, or tweak my trajectory underwater with a few taps of the A button with judicious use of B and ->. SMB (and by extension, TLL) and SMW never felt "right" to me. I'm sure others would argue otherwise; I'm sure plenty people find SMW's physics better, but SMB3 will always be the pinnacle in my mind. What do you think?
  18. Yeah, but really that kind of stuff is way easier to do if you have access to the site code. I don't (and I don't want it). As far as breaking the array, I'm not really sure, but it would be easier to make an array with all of the IDs for the removed remixes, set the randomization to the highest ID number on OCR, and then use an if-else statement to make sure you're always redirected to a valid remix.
  19. side note: want to applaud neoforte for making a thread about this instead of letting it wallow in the obscurity of the DS System thread. MORE GAME SPECIFIC THREADS GO GO GO
  20. So here's a fun little PHP script I whipped up. It redirects you to a random OCReMix by me. <? srand(time()); $mixes = array('01095', '01178', '01463', '00758', '01154', '01069', '01235', '01374', '01316', '01286', '01507', '01343', '01044', '00982', '01129', '00943', '01010', '01591', '01079'); $random = (rand()%count($mixes)); $destination = 'http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR' . $mixes[$random] . '/'; header( "Location:" . $destination ); ?> The remix ID numbers are stored in the $mixes array; if you want to specify your own mixes, just replace the numbers I have there with your own 5-digit ID numbers for your mixes. You can find the remix id number in the remix's URL. Ex: ocremix.org/remix/OCR01591 01591 is the remix id number for my Twilight Princess remix. Replace the numbers and save the code to a .php file and store it on a server that lets you use PHP. Then, whenever you point your browser to that file, it'll redirect you. I've got mine stored here: http://darkesword.com/randommix.php
  21. It's not a port, it's a SEQUEL to Super Star/Super Deluxe. Also: Fuck Yes.
  22. Wait and see if Service Pack 1 fixes any glaring issues, i.e. Dave's stuff about file and network I/O. If things aren't better by then, it's a wash.
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