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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I love how you worked in the Undersea Palace theme from Chrono Trigger. Really cool stuff.
  2. My favorite color is violet actually, and thanks. I wanted to do something different than the normal synthy techno. I felt that adding natural elements to the song would make it a bit more unique. I've always liked melded styles of old and new. For the record, this version of "Her Azure Eyes" is not the one I submitted to IMC3. The one I did for IMC3 is a shorter version; it doesn't have the entire B section (with the harp and strings). If you're interested in hearing the "development" of this mix, check it out at the IronMix Server, in the Contest 3 folder, or just hit up my website and find "Her Azure Eyes IMC Remix." The version I did for IMC came in second place, right after analoq's own "Sonik Azure," which, IMO, is a wicked remix. After writing the mix for IMC, I decided that as it was, the mix was too short and a little repetetive, so I changed up the construction a bit, spent some time writing out the whole B section, and split up some patterns for greater versatility in construction. The entire mix took me about 5 hours to do, split up over the course of two Friday nights. Not bad, I think. Now that I think about it, the long judging process here in OCR is very helpful in some respects. Over the course of two months, I've improved greatly as a remixer, and going back and listening to something I did weeks ago helps me understand the kind of mistakes I used to make. It really puts your mixing ability in perspective; I listen to this now and I think to myself that there are a few things I would have done differently that would have made this mix sound different from the way it is now. Overall though, I'm pretty pleased with the result.
  3. I'm listening to this for the first time right now, and I'm really liking what I'm hearing. I'm a big jazz guy (I know it doesn't seem like it), and I can definately say that this is some great, unique stuff, with lots of great sounds, especially your brass and sax sound. Really wicked groove you've got going on here. I really like 2:09; that's some great chorus stuff you've got there. This is definately a keeper man. Really fantastic job. I'll be sharing this with all my jazz buddies. As I am often inclined to say: SOLID™!
  4. Listening to this song simply makes me happy. It never gets in-your-face over-the-top. It's great driving music, or chillin' music. I find myself bopping in my chair as I type this. It does that have disco flair to it. Really great stuff here DJP. As I am often inclined to say: SOLID™!
  5. This is a great little dance piece; I've not heard the original, but you've got a good dancey groove going. As I am often inclined to say: SOLID™! The only things I can say are that I would have liked a bit more delay or reverb to give this piece some "depth," and the snare at the very end sounds a bit too acoustic for a dance song. Otherwise, great job GMan.
  6. I was just thinking to myself today that I needed some poppy stuff to listen to while reading Love Hina; I had a bunch of slow poppy mixes in my playlist today, and this one is just perfect. The mix is just so professionally done...the guitar and piano sections are lovely. The ending is a bit weak though, but overall a great tune to sway to. SOLID!™
  7. I loved this when you posted it to the WIP board a long time ago, and I still love it. The sax sample is gorgeous, and the arrangement is top-notch stuff. Very Wicked™
  8. While I agree that this piece doesn't break any new ground, its just SO WELL DONE and TIGHTLY ARRANGED that I love it. The comping piano at :50 is the clincher for me; I dig that funky marcato sound. You keep things changing slightly, so that while you're still using the same phrases, it doesn't get boring. Great job. But the ending man...fade-outs?! WEAK. Great stuff.
  9. Has anyone else ever noticed how this is such high praise? "Yo man...dis shit is so tight yo' MAMMA would like it..." Yay moms.
  10. I loved this piece back in IMC2, and I still love it. Such a unique texture going on here! Nice job.
  11. I LOVE Last Blade 2! This mix is tight as all hell...O_O The piano in the beginning just...gushes out...amazing... Whoa...the momentum in this mix is astounding...lots of neat little water effects... Jazziness is very nice. It's so laid back...makes me sway. Utterly beautiful. Samples are amazing. Like I said...this mix simply flows so well; it's like water from a stream, just surging over me. This is brilliant. Great work! ((oh, and DJP, Samurai Showdown 4 kicks Last Blade 2's ass ))
  12. http://www.snesmusic.org The SPC set is available there.
  13. Fun Fact: This outstanding mix was an entry in the IMC Halloween contest!
  14. Very nice work. The chorale at the end is the clincher, no doubt. Awesomeness.
  15. Good job switching up time sigs. Really nice samples too, the oboe in the beginning is quite nice. Great work!!
  16. FIRST IRONMIX EVER POSTED TO OCR!!! GO ANALOQ!!! Yeah well, anyway, you already know how I feel about this song. The Guitar work is top-notch, and the piano ending is sweet. Excellent work dude.
  17. I don't get it. I don't hear what you guys are are hearing...there's nothing wrong with the harmony, IMO. And so what if the chords are different? Maybe that's just what yh brought to the mix. I don't think it's a crime to change a chord progression...it shows that you're willing to take chances. It's very much akin to what DJP did in Pachabel's Ganon; dropping the orignal Zelda's Theme in it's major key over a minor chord progression. Althought I do understand that many people are more familiar with the ins-and-outs of this song than I am (never was much of a SoM player). The piece works really well on it's own. The slap bass is funky as hell, and the chorused piano really gives it an airy feeling. Fantastic work, yh. REALLY top-notch stuff. Stick with music. You're extremely good at it. I wish that I could put out stuff like this.
  18. This is quite simply amazing. I actually got up and started raving in my dorm room. Excellent work.
  19. Listening to this right now, I'd just like to say, FANTASTIC. Thanks McVaffe, for giving us a great eastern european sounding piece; a nice departure from the norm of Tetris mixes. You really brought out the essence of the classic Tetris melodies. Great work! ((HARPSICHORD R0X))
  20. Nice track. Lots of detail; I like that. FANTASTEEK! ^()^
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