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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. No, I mean, where are you downloading the files TO on your hard drive? As in, what folder are you saving them to?
  2. Am I seriously missing something? What does pudding have to do with Mega Man? EH, that's a bit of a stretch.
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, I will be locking down song picks this Saturday, around 6 or 7 PM EDT. I've counted ROUGHLY ABOUT 40 people who have posted picks. I haven't counted anyone who's had a team member say that they're participating. I've ONLY counted people with a posted list of 5 robot master themes. If one of your team members hasn't posted their picks, tell them to hurry up and post their picks. If they don't, they won't be eligible to compete. Also lets make sure that we have a multiple of 3 for the number of participants. I'm not locking down final teams this Saturday but I don't want anyone to be left out. If it's absolutely necessary we can do a small, quick recruitment period afterwards to fill out any shorted teams, but try to work your teams out before then if you can. I've updated the first post with a link to the Teams sheet. I've edited the sheet to include free agents. If you don't see your name up there and you have posted your picks, please let me know.
  4. Just want to say that in the early planning stages of this project, the OC ReMix staff had some really extensive discussions about what kind of approach to take. There was a lot of back and forth about doing a more conceptually focused album or just taking the VotL approach and doing a smorgasbord. For what it's worth my arguments were a lot more in line with Mini-Me's (I also had some really heady concepts worked out that I might try on my own in the future), but in the end I'm glad that zircon and McV went with such a large and varied approach. Something for everyone.
  5. Congrats to everyone for a smooth release. Remeber folks, reviews go in the review thread, not here.
  6. FYI: Reviews go in the review thread. Don't post reviews here.
  7. It's fine to be excited guys, but seriously, don't start spamming the forums.
  8. If you are updating your picks please make sure you are editing your post as everyone has been doing, not posting a new updated list in a later post. It's possible to game any system, but it's not worth the time to figure out how to do it effectively. There's enough complexity in the system to sort of just even everything out.
  9. Mid-July-ish. It would be nice if people resolved conflicts on their own ahead of the draft, but I don't want anyone to feel pressured into doing so. If you really want a song, make it one of your picks. I'll work it all out.
  10. If you haven't watched any Shippuden, I recommend grabbing a cheap copy of UNS2 and playing that first. UNS2 kicks off the Shippuden storyline and is also an excellent game. Both UNS2 and UNS3 were marathon games for me; I believe I devoted entire weekends to both games. Also I feel that it would be really weird for them to release a PC version of 3 without doing at least a PC version of 2 first, considering that 3 is the second part of the Shippuden storyline.
  11. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst On Steam October 25th 2013 Already available for PS3 and XBOX 360 HIGHLY recommended if you're a Naruto fan. If you ever hang out in #ocremix you know that I've talked at length about this game. UNS3 directly adapts the manga after the big Naruto vs. Nagato battle, starting with the Five Kage Summit. It's an extremely story/cutscene-heavy RPG with an arena-fighting system as the battle system. What really makes the UNS series amazing is the special cinematic boss battles. The regular fighting is inter-cut with amazingly animated quicktime sequences. Also of note is that while the game directly adapts the manga (it doesn't adapt any of the anime's filler stuff and actually goes further than what the anime has done so far), it features the same voice cast (both English and Japanese). I actually would recommend playing the UNS games over watching the anime; the cel-shaded engine actually ends up delivering a much more consistent and well-animated experience over the wildly-swinging quality of the anime. CC2 also takes great care in adding a lot of effects that really give it a hand-drawn animated experience, despite the whole game being 3D. I can honestly say that UNS3 is one of my favorite games this year. Some of the more emotional story sequences in this game left me absolutely wrecked, despite having already read the manga. It's incredibly well done. The entire chapter devoted to Naruto's birth is particularly amazing. I do want to stress again though; this game has a LOT of story and cutscene sequences. When playing the main campaign you will be sitting there watching a lot.
  12. Hey. Stop arguing about sports games. People like sports and they like sports-based video games. If you're too much of a snobby jerk to realize that, then keep it to yourself.
  13. where the hell is this album i have been waiting almost a whole year for this album i think u guys just ripped off us and ran away withthe money
  14. I want to avoid is just sort of passing on your mix to your team member and having them do a large chunk of work on it. Having your team members play parts for you is certainly allowed. They can also help with production advice and instruction. The main thing to remember is that if it's your turn to be the remixer for your team, it's your show. You're the primary arranger; you're the primary artist. You're in charge of coming up with the main concept of your remix and executing that concept. Your team members are there to support and help you, but they shouldn't be doing the work for you. I also want to stress that you cannot collaborate with people who are not on your team. This obviously means no collaborations with other teams, but it also includes people not involved with the competition, i.e. you can't get your sister to play drums for you, and you can't get your boyfriend to throw some vocals down either. Hope that clears things up.
  15. http://ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=12
  16. You don't have to tell me your roster name now, just put it in your filename when you make your submissions.
  17. Guys, team names have to be Mega Man themed, not just video game or robot themed.
  18. I've updated the list of confirmed games in the first post. This is it folks. Make your picks.
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