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Wallace Guyford

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Everything posted by Wallace Guyford

  1. Wow is this lame. Original song but with techno patches and a techno beat. Instrumentation is almost completely unchanged except for the weak bass line. Is this really all it takes to get on the site? It sounds like something an amateur would post in the WIP forum after spending 30 minutes with the FruityLoops demo.
  2. Hooray for techno midi remixes am I rite????
  3. Looking for a theremin sample. I have a VST so far that does the job, but it doesn't sound authentic enough. I think it's probably the best I'll get, but I'm just wondering if somebody knows where something better might be located.
  4. I heard this song a long time ago when I signed up at some mp3 site to host a song. I thought it was an OCR mix, but I didn't see it here. Here it is now I guess. Pretty good song.
  5. Whatever that instrument in the beginning is is hurting my right ear.
  6. maybe he's talking about how the clarinet is puzzlingly missing the F#. At least that's my main beef with it.
  7. yep, do you have any asio drivers? You can grab ASIO4All and use that if you don't have any. Then, go to the mixer and visit the black drop-down boxes at the bottom of it, and once you've changed your drivers to the asio ones, change the input on any channel to one of the sound source inputs available (should be obvious) and whatever's plugged into that source will be routed into that channel. All i can think of is that it's automation changing it back. Check there isn't any in the sidebar (current project>automation). If that doesn't fix it, it could be *gasp* a pirate copy. that solves it. thanks
  8. I've got a problem with FL Studio 4. Every time I save a MIDI, the instrument patches revert back to ---. So I have a midi that's entirely piano (except for the percussion track.) Is there a simple solution to my problem, or do I need to download some other program and try it? I've tried some other MIDI programs, but they usually end up messing something up with my song.
  9. I play bassoon. (and other things that are already covered by people in this thread.) Alas, this is my microphone: soon I'll be recording something for a chance at honors band, I'll put it up here.
  10. Great work. Great song to make a piano mix of and a great job of doing it. I especially love the little parts at like :22 and :37, nice touches. It is kind of short, but I see that as no reason to fault it. It's great all the way through. I'd love to see other Kirby songs recieve similar treatment, imo they are unlike any other game music.
  11. When I first heard this, I was kind of unimpressed and I and I almost deleted it, but I am not sure why I didn't. But I am sure glad I didn't. This, like many of my favorite tracks, took more than a first impression for me to fall in love with it. Once I listened to it more, it grew on me, and I realized that the different, more minimalist tone was not a fault. I like to listen to this mostly when I am drifting off to sleep, and it's very moving. Especially at 1:13 all the way to 2:00, and then at 2:59 to 3:13 it just gives me a very serene feeling and I envision the most beautiful things. It gives me a feeling not unlike the kind you have when you are looking at someone you have a crush on. A feeling of longing and admiration, of utmost beauty. It's very smooth, mellow, peaceful and dreamy, and that doesn't make it bad. I love that it's more minimalistic, I love the chords that drift in and out like gentle waves. Remarkable work. Great job. I recommend you listen to it a bit more and try to be detached from other things when you do if you did not like it at first.
  12. dude, when I listen to this it really reminds me of Kashmir by Led Zepplin for some reason. anyone think so?
  13. Nice work, just wish it sounded clearer
  14. It sounds like less of a mix of the main theme and more like a mix of "MW battle3". It's still good either way. It reminds me like what it would sound like if Morrowind were a Japanese-style turn based RPG. I dunno why. But anyway, listen to it a couple of times and you'll hear more similarities between it and the theme it borrows from.
  15. I dunno how much help this is to you, but the Fruity LSD thing has some kind of default midi bank in it... it sounds positively awful.
  16. Those brass samples are...dissapointing. There are a lot of them, but few stand out as being particularly good... quality over quantity I say. I would rather download just one sf2 at that size if it sounded great. I need to find real brass... those syntheticy, keyboard-taken ones can sound alright in some instances but not mine. I need samples of big, full trombone and euphonium sections, french horns (got florstein, wonder if there's better) trumpets. The squidfont from DarkeSword's site's samples are good enough, but they have annoyingly long attacks, and they are also just not the same samples as what I'm looking for.
  17. omg. I hope you're right. /download
  18. Damn. I have exactly what you're looking for, from Neverwinter Nights. The only problem is, they're in some weird format (It's just MP3 that's read by the game and I don't know how to make it regular MP3.) and also I have an extremely slow internet connection and have no way of uploading them. :/ Maybe someone with broadband and NWN can help you out.
  19. that sounds like the voice from Cowboy Bebop's Tank. Maybe you could just rip the sounds from that.
  20. Some stuff. Dunno if they're good or not. I wish I had the equipment to make soundfonts... there are a bunch of excellent players in my band who'd be willing to help.
  21. has to be Ridley of Super Metroid. Whenever I got up to him, my super missles were mostly gone and there were no nearby missle tanks or easy enemies. NEVER could I get him past being slightly redder than he was, before all of my life was gone... until finally, after having fought him for several hours, on my 30th try, I just let loose everything I had, didn't use any strategy. I just screw-jumpped around like a mad man, every now and then shooting missles, until I came to a point where I was just mashing the Fire button as fast as I could, until he finally died. I beat him with like 17 energy on my reserve tank.
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