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Everything posted by sephfire

  1. Sounds like he didn't either. He had a few gripes, but the rest of his comments seemed positive.
  2. I remember seeing the first trailer for this and wondering how this movie could possibly be a good idea. Then I rented it and the Wachowski brother and sister showed me exactly how. Way more fun than I expected.
  3. The special edition drums are released, but they're shipping all the preorders right now. They'll start showing up in Gamestops and such eventually. But I think you can buy the RB2 standard instruments already. edit: My bad, I thought you meant the fancy, limited edition instruments, not the full box set of standard instruments.
  4. Man, you should see the Roadrunner Records DLC pack. Six metal tracks. Even as a drummer, my kick pedal leg was really sore afterward. Side note: this game is awesome.
  5. From what I've read, it's improved. The strum bar is supposed to feel a lot better, it's wireless, the frets feel less "clicky" ... I guess we'll see.
  6. Three more days ... I'm not gonna make it ...
  7. But we gots ta have a burning for this week's witch hunt ...
  8. This is actually very helpful feedback. I was a bit concerned about some of these issues myself. I'll see if I can improve in some of these areas next time around.
  9. I actually thought the same thing, especially with the rock mixes. Several of them really have that doujin vibe.
  10. Most every one I listen to just sounds like a midi rip and wouldn't have taken that long to make. But then there are those which suddenly take a leap in quality which make me suspect he's borrowing from somewhere (if the shear number of mixes hadn't tipped us off to that already). I'm willing to bet he's at least padding that list with other peoples' work, but I don't know from where.
  11. Definitely true. Tangential learning is a great way to get people engaged in a topic and start them down the path of learning, but you can only teach so much that way before you have to resort to more traditional education. But real interest in a topic can significantly help the learning process, and that's what tangential learning can be great for. It won't take someone all the way down the long "path of knowledge", but it will make sure they hit the ground running (so to speak).
  12. Most of the actual ideas and writing here is Portnow's doing. He sent some drafts of his article to me which I rewrote to fit my format better. You can see his source article at the link above. I suppose you can think of him as the original author, and I am the guy who wrote and directed the film adaptation. I did write the previous two videos, though.
  13. The topic: the potential for games to teach without sacrificing entertainment value. After my last video "lecture" (the one about sex in games) got such a surprising amount of attention, Activision game designer James Portnow approached me about collaboration. And collaborate we have. Of course, we were kind of indirectly collaborating anyway ... I quoted him in my last video at least four times. The guy writes some really interesting articles on game design. I highly recommend looking him up. edit: And, an extra special THANK YOU to CarboHydroM and housethegrate for unwittingly providing my intro and outro music!
  14. That is an interesting series of videos. I wish he hadn't tried to duplicate the Yahtzee voice. His "low and fast" is just hard to understand and dull to listen to. But I can appreciate the effort he's gone to to expose Gamestop's business practices. I mean, that's 90 minutes of video. I do less than ten minutes for every one of my similar videos and it drains me. His execution might be lacking, but I hope the videos get plenty of attention. I know it won't put a dent in the steamroller that is Gamestop, but it's the thought that counts.
  15. Heavies are wicked fun to play on Fastlane. Turbine is ok, but I'd be fine without it too.
  16. I don't think Yahtzee has made that comparison in any of his videos. I made a small Yuna X/X-2 comparison in one of my videos, though, and they're pretty blatantly ... ahem, inspired by Zero Punctuation, so maybe you saw it there? I only briefly alluded to it, though, so maybe you're thinking of some other video entirely.
  17. Engineer and Spy both get harder to play the better the playerbase gets. I remember the first sentry I built on the first floor of 2Fort. It wasn't a very strategic placement, but it racked up seventeen kills in no time. Seventeen. I rarely get a third of that these days.
  18. Ok, if you happen to see a guy named catf00d in the server before it fills up and he gets booted, that was me.
  19. In general, I haven't been as impressed with Guitar Hero's offerings compared to Rock Band, but this feature does look pretty cool. They've really put some time into it.I'm interested to see how much it adds to the game. I can imagine some devoted gamers coming up with some really polished covers. As a remixer with no access to decent guitar, I want to try composing a guitar part in game and using it in a remix. Thank god the peripherals for GH:WT and RB2 will be cross-compatible. That alone has given me enough motivation to try out World Tour.
  20. My wife just got a new PC and I'm strongly tempted to buy TF2 again.
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