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Everything posted by sephfire

  1. I believe this says it all.
  2. It did strike me as funny that they involved Molyneux in this. : "Hey, I'm worried the public is going to think Natal is too 'pie-in-the-sky.' We ought to bring in a developer or two to back up our claims." "Let's get Molyneux!" : "Perfect!" Man, I hope this technology takes off. The Wii-mote has lots of potential, the possibilities for tech like this really are endless.
  3. I'm going in to this cautiously optimistic. My first instinct is to get crazy excited, but that's what I did when the Wii-mote was revealed and that one's been a bit disappointing. Fingers crossed!
  4. Not only is Up the first movie to actually make me cry in a theater, it almost made me cry twice. Those first fifteen minutes are fantastic and heartbreaking all at the same time.
  5. Ugh, man I can't keep reading. There's nothing wrong with a little speculation, but this article is drowning in it. I recognize that he's obviously done research on the matter, but when he doesn't provide any links or evidence to back up his claims and then he starts making claims based on his own speculation, the thing starts reading like TL;DR forum post. Even better when he backs up his speculation chains with a link to his own articles, presumably filled with more of the same.
  6. I'd say put it at three. The class limit thing seems a little dumb to me anyway, but at least three strikes a balance between "ARGH TOO MANY [class]" and "NO FAIR I WANNA BE [class]"
  7. It's not an official announcement, but if this response is true, the drop system may be glitching. Maybe the TF2 blog will fill us in over the weekend.
  8. I guess Romulans take their mining very seriously.
  9. You better finish both of your awesome WIPS or I will punch you through the internet.
  10. I feel like I 'm listening to a Brambles remix on a stereo that got dropped in the pool a few weeks ago. And I like it.
  11. It's true! Latest version of the instrumental track
  12. Nothing wrong with synth strings and guitars, but you have to know how to use them (listen to one of Protricity's mixes. Or Darkesword, I'm pretty sure he uses nothing but free samples and his stuff sounds fantastic). Your problem isn't that synth-y sounds have mysteriously fallen from grace, it's that the arrangement you have right now is bland. It starts at one energy level and doesn't deviate from it much at all. You could really use some dynamics in there; some rise and fall in the energy level. The mix is muddy, too. It's hard to pick out the lead synth from everything else. And you haven't really got an ending, either. The mix just keeps going at its steady pace, just like it started, then it just stops. There's your problem right there. Here's a track that sounds roughly similar to the genre you seem to be aiming for. I can't tell if the guitar is fake or not, but you can hear how the energy keeps changing throughout the track. http://www.sephfire.com/music/spreadyourwings.mp3 Don't be discouraged or take offense to the criticism offered in the thread. Though harsh, many of the points made here have been valid. This is an ideal environment to take feedback and improve your work. And feedback from peers is one of the best ways to improve at anything. Keep at it!
  13. I don't even remember how long it was ago that I started this thing. I just sat down with Reason for the first time in ages. I just don't have time to remix anymore. But I still have two WIPs lying around from way back when that I am determined to finish eventually. This is one of them. Indigo feat. zyko (and now also Tweek) Source: Indigo Plateau Still featuring zyko on vocals and now enhanced by Tweek as well. New zyko vocals coming soon!
  14. I enjoy the humor and appreciate the frustration of old games, but he tends to lose me once his commentary devolves into a string of useless profanity. I have absolutely no problem with profanity (I find it can add a lot to comedy), but his just seems pointless and juvenile, like he needs to fill time until he can actually think of something witty to say. When he's actually talking about the game he can be very funny, and some of his facial expressions are hilarious, but I tend to prefer either Yahtzee or Spoony, who does basically the same thing with a bit more wit and a bit less nerd rage. (That said, AVGN's Rambo game review was hilarious.)
  15. 21% is actually a smaller number than I expected. But yeah, you can definitely do worse than GameStop. I don't care for many of their policies, but I imagine digital downloads will start picking up steam (heh) in the next ten years or so and give us fewer reasons to deal with the place.
  16. I AM RETURNED. I bought the $10 Orange Box deal on a new Steam account, which I'll be using from now on. Username is kirithem. I look forward to being your cannon fodder again soon.
  17. I would argue that it's a good thing that most games have dropped in difficulty. Unlike early games, most of today's games are meant to actually be completed. They aren't just "obstacle courses" anymore. The gameplay isn't their only draw; they have stories to tell. In the original Super Mario Bros. or Donkey Kong, no one cared that they never got even halfway to the end of the game. They weren't on the edge of their seat wondering what would happen next. "Will the princess be in THIS castle? Oh god, I hope she's ok. You'd think those Toadstools would try to stop these kidnappings they keep witnessing. Oh shit. I bet they're in on the whole thing." But games are telling stories now, and people want to see how they end. And developers want players to see the game all the way through. Why would they want to put so much work into twelve levels if 90% of players will only see the first three over and over? Old school difficulty in new school games would just be frustrating in many cases. Of course, there are still the Ninja Gaidens and shmups out there offering a real challenge for those who want it. Personally, I would like to see the cheat come back. Sometimes, you just want to see a game to the end without the frustration. And sometimes it's just fun to plow through the place on god mode.
  18. I'm sure they've heard of us at some point. Isn't there some rule in the submission standards that prohibits sampling music from the game itself? If so, that pretty much eliminates their entire catalogue. Which sucks.
  19. I've been playing Megaman 1-8 lately and I can't enter a boss room anymore without yelling "I'M COMIN TO GET YOU FFFFFFFFFUCKER."
  20. Took long enough, but it's finally up on Gamasutra, along with James' original article. http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=22456
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