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Everything posted by sephfire

  1. Just voted and I'm in the middle of episode 2. Keep up the awesome work guys! We'll see you in the podcast top 10 yet.
  2. I wholeheartedly agree. I died a little inside with that NO. I highly recommend Fatty Acid's "Matoya no Fuuketsu" to EVERYONE, especially if you liked this remix. Get yourself over to VGmix and download it.
  3. Oh good, I was starting to worry about him.
  4. ... or site projects. Is everyone still involved in this? It's getting way too quiet in here...
  5. sooooo, uh .... hi. Mastering on Morning Sunlight is getting finished, then it's just "Crisis Revealed" with ellywu2 for me. Anyone else doing anything? Someone?
  6. .... kinda dead in here .... c'mon guys, I wanna hear more! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease
  7. Magus Battle updated. Still trying to perfect mastering. http://www.sephfire.com/mystic.mp3
  8. Jeez, swap some of the words and names around in that essay and I'd swear someone was writing about me ... Anyway, congrats on the posted mix bro. Even if you did beat me to FFX-2 I'm still glad to see you get one through. You've been one of those names here that doesn't have a posted remix attached to it, but everyone recognizes anyway (or at finds familiar). You've kinda been on my list of people who don't have a remix posted, but in my opinion, deserve to. Congrats for getting off the list.
  9. Ok here's an updated Magus Theme for ya. Now for Morning Sunlight .....
  10. You asked us for bios ... do you have an example of what you want them to look like? I don't really know what to include in it ... Currently reworking Morning Sunlight and Magus Battle. May be a while with school keeping me pinned, but it'll get done.
  11. So ... will EA be funding this project now or just shut us down? Maybe we should promise to put Madden in the cover art somewhere just in case.
  12. Artists kick @$$. I really need to get in gear and learn photoshop already...
  13. My favorites thus far are Kanji's "pocketwatch" cover and Global's "betamix" cover. They provide great mood/atmosphere and they don't have any original Chrono Trigger artwork or character sprites blatantly shoved into them just to over-confirm what game we're remixing. They allude to CT in subtle ways without overdoing it. I vote our cover art be one of these (or something like them). It's only my opinion, but I think they capture the essence of this project best (so far). Thumbs up to both. I envy your skills.
  14. Wow, a lot of cool stuff can happen when you go away for a weekend ... me like.
  15. Sounds good. Other than Unknown, is everyone else still in?
  16. I know I've mentioned this before, but are we going to try to get this thread moved to the Site Projects forum? We wouldn't have to keep bumping it and it kinda seems to belong there anyway...
  17. So yeah. Here's final draft v.8 or something. I can't make myself leave it alone. Inciting Incident Mastering = improved unnoticably. kthxbye
  18. Ah, another fine addition to my "favorites" playlist. Thank you for another excellent track and for five great years of OCR. Here's to five more ... /salute
  19. Yeah I love this wave of new WIPs all the sudden. It's getting me back in the spirit. Plus Claado won't be totally pissed when he gets back. I can't wait to hear everyone else's stuff. Thanks for the suggestions Emp.
  20. That's awesome, Emp. One of my favorites of all the WIPs posted here so far. ^^ And as I promised way long ago, here's a WIP from SirRus and I. It still needs to be polished and such, but this is the full length of the track. Hope you like. http://students.ou.edu/S/Ravi.U.Sharma-1/MorningSunlightSephRus.mp3
  21. Finally, someone posts another update. I was starting to worry that SirRus and I were the only two still working on this thing. The WIP is awesome, dude. I especially love the twist it takes near the end with the percussion and such. Very tight. The only thing I could find to complain about are the woodwinds in the beginning maybe being SLIGHTLY too loud, but that may not really be worth fretting over. I love the interpretation so far. Can't wait til it's finished. This WIP is reminding me how downright awesome this project will be once completed.
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