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Everything posted by sephfire

  1. I'm not feeling the intro either. It's a bit lazy. I'll try and think of something for that too.
  2. Yeah, I'm feeling the monotony too. The energy just doesn't change much. I'll be working more on the dynamics next. Hopefully that'll help some. Any additional thoughts you guys can provide will be a huge help. (thanks for the ideas Claado, I like the themes your title suggestions allude to)
  3. Updated. The arrangement is fleshed out, although it doesn't yet flow together perfectly in certain places. More source material is in there too, so if you can't pick it out now, you never will. http://www.sephfire.com/music/snowfall.mp3 Still can't decide on a title.
  4. Yeah, that'll be fixed when I get down to arrangement. I'm really just trying to work out individual pieces and sections now. I'll make them flow together later. Thanks for the comments, guys. (oh and the source track is the Intro music).
  5. So it's been a little while. Most of our lists look quite a bit different, I imagine. Post your updated remixing to-do list! sephfire's list (as of 3/1/07) In Progress: Pokemon - "Indigo Plateau" (feat. zyko) Shadow of the Colossus - "Intro" (feat. Ceili) Psychonauts - "Black Velvetopia" To-Do: (not necessarily in order) Okami - "Giving Kushinada a Ride" or "Northern Country Kamui II" Katamari Damacy - "Katamari on the Rocks" or "You Are Smart" God of War - "The Vengeful Spartan" or "The Great Sword Bridge of Athens" Kingdom Hearts 2 - "Passion/Sanctuary" Possibilities for the future: Escape from Monkey Island Perfect Dark Indigo Prophecy Metroid Prime - "Data Selection Screen" Original Post: I tend to keep a long list of games that I intend to remix in the future. To satisfy everyone's curiosity (and give remix fans a special glimpse of what they can look forward to) post your remixing To-Do lists here! I'll go first:
  6. I can't even remember how long ago it was that I first posted a concept for this. Quite a while. Anyway, I'm back on it and tinkering with ideas. This mp3 is pretty much 3 different sections of arrangment tests mashed together. Still, you'll get the idea of where I'm headed. http://www.sephfire.com/music/snowfall.mp3 I'm sorta surprised SotC has gotten so little attention so far.
  7. Screw you people and your Windows! We don't need you! *goes to cry and hug his Mac* ... seriously though, the windows-only bit is a tad disappointing. Ah well.
  8. Can we get a little update? How are things coming along? (I'm excited)
  9. Ain't that the truth. I'm getting better about that. Thanks for the tip!
  10. Well, the actual volume (db) is pushed as high as possible in Reason/Ableton without clipping. But when I render it out, the perceived volume is much lower than almost every other music file in my library. I did have some success with a track today that came out louder than usual, but it's compressed pretty thoroughly. I just can't figure out how to boost the perceived volume without touching the actual volume. I know I can just crank up my own speakers, but there has a to be a real way to fix this in the file itself.
  11. I've had this problem since I first started remixing. I thought it was a problem with Reason, but now it's doing it in Ableton as well. Whenever I render out a wav of a mix, the volume is usually extremely low and I can't find a way to fix it. If I push the master level any higher, it'll clip or just get butchered by my master limiter. But when I take the track into iTunes, my mix is half the volume of every other track in my library. Even when I turn the volume up 100% for that particular track, sometimes it's STILL too quiet. SGX gave me some good ideas to help with this, but I still can't find any complete solutions to this problem. Please help.
  12. Can anyone recommend some good assorted vocal samples? Not the standard choir, more like the random phrases/interjections/whatever that techno and electronica love to use so much. I think I've heard such samples in Rellik and bLiNd's work. You know, the kind of thing that made up like 70% of Jet Set Radio Future's soundtrack. Ideas?
  13. Ok, it's time we took care of a particular shortage in this thread: book recommendations. I was browsing the very limited selection at Borders today and found three potential purchases: 1). Digital Recording, Software & Plug-Ins by Bill Gibson 2). The Art of Mixing, 2nd Ed. by David Gibson 3). The Mixing Engineer's Handbook, 2nd Ed. by Bobby Owsinski I didn't purchase any of these so I could get some recommendations from you experienced guys first. Can anyone vouch for the quality of these resources or perhaps recommend better alternatives?
  14. I've been reading up a bit on sidechaining, which may end up being the solution here. I'm using Ableton at this stage which (from what I can tell) has a pretty simple sidechaining setup. I'd usually opt to make the kick override the bass as well, but I've heard the opposite in a few hip-hop tracks that sounded rather cool. I'll try both ways. Thanks for the tips.
  15. Ok, I've got my own question. When dealing with hip-hop tracks and the like, you tend to get a lot of heavy bass sounds. Having them all hit at once would easily take things beyond clipping range, but putting them all through a compressor may not get the desired results. Is there a way to compress a set of instruments, but only so a specific instrument gets reduced in volume. For instance, if you have a heavy bass kick drum but also a loud bass guitar. Say you want the bass drum's bass levels to decrease when the bass guitar is there. Is there a good compression tactic for that or is it better to EQ paint that by hand?
  16. It just occured to me that according to the laws, practices and traditions of the "stalker mix" ... ... shtyjdgfgt done stole my job.
  17. wingless has forsaken me. You better be doing something really awesome over there at Midway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (no offense zirc, welcome aboard)
  18. And EWQLSO Platinum. I use the London Philharmonic Orchestra. F***** noobs.
  19. *bump* This thread needs more love. http://www.sephfire.com/music/purity.rps This is the "Walking on the Air" mix I made for AnimeRemix.
  20. Thanks for compiling that list. I'll slap that on the front page.
  21. *Front page resources UPDATED* Yeesh. I start up a new help resource and then let it slip to page 2. Shame on me. Sorry about that. Anyway, the page 1 link library is properly updated. Feel free to impart more knowledge everyone! And ASK SOME QUESTIONS.
  22. Software: Reason 3 Ableton Live 5 Sound Studio Hardware: G5 PowerMac Oxygen 8 MIDI controller American DJ Q-MX1 Mixer American DJ PSX CD Player/turntables (x2) Stanton STR8-30 Turntable Samples: Reason Library DoruMalai SuperDrums 8000 Big Fish's Electric Ghetto (sorry to ditch the "Reason 2.5 club," EazyP)
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