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Everything posted by *MP*Evil_Cartman

  1. I need those drums that they use in jungle music....
  2. YAYEE! Finally. Finally i can get all OCRemixes on my iPod. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll be seeding until i have to sleep.
  3. Niceeeeee.... I had this when it was in the StarFox Collab thread.
  4. lol. When i fired up this remix my little brother thought that i was playing the sims. I like the happy feel about this remix. Your remixes are fantastic, Wingless, and they have always been.
  5. I have a problem: i have this song. Somehow when i change the tempo, it resets when i export or stop the file from playing. Is there any way to fix that? Also, how do you add echo to your songs?
  6. Are you talking about just exporting a pattern? If so, when you render to wav, set your looping mode to cut remainder or wrap remainer. This will make it so that it doesn't render any left over reverb or delay. Cut remainder will just cut it off, and wrap remainder will render the left over sound on top of the beginning of your loop (wrap is good if you're making drumloops etc). Thanks. Also are there some of the "Default Fruity" instruments that are used throughout a whole remix? The first remix by DarkeSword is made with only Fruity Presets. Thanks. I wanted to see what you could do without paying for samples.
  7. Are you talking about just exporting a pattern? If so, when you render to wav, set your looping mode to cut remainder or wrap remainer. This will make it so that it doesn't render any left over reverb or delay. Cut remainder will just cut it off, and wrap remainder will render the left over sound on top of the beginning of your loop (wrap is good if you're making drumloops etc). Thanks. Also are there some of the "Default Fruity" instruments that are used throughout a whole remix?
  8. How do you export a loop without having it make a big fade out in the end?
  9. I was gonna say the exact same thing. Hey SGX, what is the progress on your ICO mix, is it going on OCR?
  10. SHAW00T TIMES TWO! Fuck youre good bLiNd.
  11. Me Likey! Nice Techno song! <(insert nice work guy manipulation with the phrase) 'Nuff Said.
  12. this rules. its like i hear the first 10 secs of this mix and then "wow, this rules, im keeping this :D" props to disco-dan the man! four nice work guys out of five. yay 250th post
  13. This mix really doesnt appeal to me, sounds kinda midish to me. also the icecap zone doesn't fit with this style tho i like the flute part.
  14. I've had this in a long time, and must say, really nice work. It gets: 5 out of 5 hands up. Nice work bison, 'cept the cut-down
  15. *GADIIJAK!!!* or whatever kirby says SUPER SLICK TRIPPY FRUITY ROXOR... and yes i could continue! Some good stuff from sgtRama (i like breakbeat) I would like to call this: SuperSlickTrippyFruityRoxorxJapaneseRandomGoodness!!!
  16. mean this one http://www.videogamedc.com/Fan_Flicks/Mario_Blitz/mario_blitz.html
  17. lol man, this ended up on kazaa as "Zelda - Dance Remix.mp3" EDIT: YAY, My 50th Post!!!
  19. It's like SEGA is copying mario all the way... "Sonic 2 Dirty Mix OC Remix"... I LIKE IT!!!
  20. it is forever at http://www.marioparadise.net/remix/mario_wtf_mix.mp3
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