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Posts posted by Hemophiliac

  1. My only complaint is that the Nokia theatre (an infant in the timespan of venues) had really odd acoustics. Shrill high notes, weird balancing, etc.

    yeah i had thought that either the high violins were either not mixed loud enough, not enough were present or the cellos and basses played too strong. <-oh well now.

    highlights for me:

    -Liberali Fatali - Final Fantasy 8, they haven't done this in LA yet so it's new to me.


    -Contra by VortexGuy (Chris Kline)

    -STARCRAFT II STOOD OUT AS SOME IMPRESSIVE WORK OF MUSIC, that i look forward to hearing more of.

    -meeting the wingless, dale north, jayson napolitano, and getting to chat with them and mazedude again.

    -oh yeah and i almost forgot...the soup nazi.

  2. Note: All the orchestration was made by me. I did not use any mp3 file.

    i don't know why it is necessary to use the beginning of "Cloud Smiles" from Advent Children in the beginning of this. yes i know that you did not rip an mp3 of that directly, but you are using the song itself. once it gets to the aeris part it's still the original aeris theme, and no new arrangement going on.

    0:33-0:38 silence as a transistion, not sure what to say about that.

    also there's a lot of empty space in here that needs filling, add more parts to fill out the texture. the crash cymbol and the trumpet both feel way too loud and in the front of the mix.

    i really wish i had something nice to say other then the samples sound nice, but there isn't much arrangement actually going on here.

  3. so i have a jazzy/big-bandish arrangement of a castlevania tune if you guys are interested in playing it :D

    it has up to:

    4 trumpet parts (minimum 1)

    2 alto saxes (minimum 1)

    2 tenor saxes (minimum 1)

    4 trombone parts (minimum 1)

    guitar or keys

    bass instrument (bass, bari sax, bass trombone or any combination of these)

    and percussion <--this is always flexible in my book though :P

  4. just recently i had travelled to Miami to be a part of the 2 year college national honor choir. i had a red eye flight from california, and when i got there i had pretty much been awake for more then 24 hours. the stress on my body from travel and lack of sleep caused me to get sick...i proceeded to lose my voice. so i drank A LOT of water. by the time of the performance a few days later, i was still sick but i was still able to obtain my full singing range.

    SO moral of the story, drink a lot of water.

  5. I just realized that the version of Mt. Dede that I've been working on may or may not be suitable for a rock opera. It's turning out to be more of a rock ballad. I also have some lyrics that I've been playing around with over the last couple of days. Should I go ahead and post them here? EDIT: I started messing with the lyrics some more and they seem to fit better with the story now.

    i'd like to hear it, go ahead and post it up on the ocrop forums.

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