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Posts posted by Hemophiliac

  1. Good stuff so far. Looks like everyone had a fun time.


    Wait wait... G-T, when you mentioned the restaurant to me earlier, you just said it was BJ's. You didn't say anything about Chicago Style BJ's. Wow. How was it, everyone? Delicious like the real thing?

    BJs is always made of win and love :D

    oops i forgot to mention...Stephen Hawking!!

  2. Yeah, i agree it does need to get spiced up sonically. Truthfully this song was made in about a day and was just kind of a "see if i can" type of thing. I had listened to Dimmu Borgir's Fear and Wonder and wanted to do a song that evoked that feeling. I'm still on the fence about trying to submit this in the future since there are gonna be some amazing Jenova musiks coming...

    oh god i know what you're referring to...omg yes

    sorry offtopic :(

  3. this needs quite a bit of work.

    there's a lot of empty space in the whole track that needs filling, pads or strings of some kind would help. yes countermelody can do that but often that's not enough. the drums at times are ok...but most of the time i just hear the same loop with a little bit of processing done to it. the kick needs a lot more punch...use some compression on it if you haven't already.

    the stuff that you have modulating at different parts are pretty cool ala 1:20

    oh yeah the bass feels like it needs to be varied as well.

  4. This is something I have been wondering about for years. You have these fires, what, every friggin' year? And every time it's the same; not enough firefighters, not enough helicopters etc. You'd expect something would be done about this, but no...

    basically unless you plan on razing earth til nothing is left in sight--there will always be fuel for fires to burn and spread.

  5. If you're expecting realistic orchestral arrangements, then you're probably gonna be disappointed with the rest of the songs on the project, as they're mostly done in various styles of rock. The majority of them being country and southern rock style with vocals. But mostly country. Think Shania Twain and Keith Urban. That's kinda what we're going for here.

    But yeah, what I've heard sounds great so far!

    gee thanks!

    but yeah there are a few orchestral works, there's a couple i can think of off the top of my head that are on the project.

  6. So because you succumbed to the techno-craze that defines remixing nowadays, I should? Hah - think again, son. You seem to be implying that making a remix requires the use of computers, sequencers, and all else digital......I think not. If I ever get the chance to make a remix, I'll try and make it as un-sequenced as possible - in other words, played with only instruments. Also, I'm not being a "critic" of any sort; like I said, don't take offense at what I said earlier. I was merely illustrating my thoughts about the differences between sequencing and playing "live" instruments; I was in no way insulting you or anyone else. "Awareness of music"? So awareness is defined by how much you use non-"real" instrumentation to create mixes? Evidently, you abandoned your previous ambitions about making music with instruments and replaced them with the lower, easier ambitions of sequencing music. Don't try to make that MY problem........


    ok then...

    first off i have to laugh because no matter what you do to create your music for this site, it will still go through some kind of digital formatting. even if you had recorded all of your tracks on some kind of ancient analog tape, you'd have to figure out some way to get it onto a computer and put together into a digital format to upload onto the internet.

    secondly, if you don't know JJT's music you really have no right to say he's succumbed to a "techno-craze". sure there's a lot of electronic genres on OCR that doesn't make an orchestral track i sequence a techno remix.

    thirdly, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in this community who does everything entirely live...or even has the means to do their music entirely live. for example, i have no way of obtaining access of a full orchestra to perform my pieces, nor a means of recording them. i'm sure in saying that other composers here do record some of their stuff live, but not all of it, and that's simply because they do not have the means to do it (and if they do, more power to them...they'd consider themselves lucky i'm sure)

    to comment on what you said about sequencing being easier...in reality it's not easier at all. you may spend time practicing and recording something but that time will not add up to nearly the same amount of time it takes to sequence everything by hand (and make it sound good).

    i would often argue with one of my instructors about this whole "humanization" thing. in his debate he would say before computers and step-sequencers existed, good money was paid so that the performer would always hit the downbeat perfectly every time. sure some of us would like to emulate a humanistic performance, but in reality if it's really that professional...it should be as close as possible. so why not have perfection? (i neither agree or disagree with this statement)

    also in one of your previous posts you said, "Keep in mind that I grew up playing instruments, and seeing computers and technology replacing them tends to bother me". computers will never replace live performance. you have nothing to worry about. i also can see some genres as being impossible to perform live due to humanistic constraints.

  7. great article larry :D

    i hope everyone gets to experience this sometime when it comes in your area. reading about larry's experiences really gets me excited to hear VGL again when it comes back out to CA again in october.

    glad to hear so much press coverage OCR and VGL have been getting.

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