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Posts posted by Hemophiliac

  1. I am just wondering how many of us are majoring in music. Just state where you go what you play/sing.

    I go to Cal State Fullerton, and my major is Music Performance in Saxophone and I can play Saxophone, Oboe, English Horn, and Clarinet. I can sorta do flute and bassoon. I can also sing Baritone/Bass.

    I am just wondering who else is out there.

    hey i'm a music major too and i go to the school right down the street from ya. Fullerton College.

  2. If I may offer a possibility for the lack of entries lately... Look at the more popular PRC weeks. Most of them featured tracks that were already well-known to begin with, many of which have been remixed previously. The trend lately seems to be to pick incredibly obscure and/or older tracks to remix, and while I applaud the effort of getting less-remixed tracks to be remixed, it seems as though there may be a reason that these aren't remixed as often. Now, I'm not saying that people should pick things like Terra's Theme or Ice Cap for a PRC track (the single most popular PRC used Shade Man's theme from Megaman 7, and that doesn't have a single remix on OCR), but I think that a bit more care could be taken in picking the next track. Things that are a bit more well-known will draw more new remixers, and things that have more to them musically will be easier to remix and thus draw more total remixers.

    Just my two cents.

    well we're certainly not going to be taking away the prize of track selection by the winner (i know this isn't what you said)...it's just the way it is. also i'm gonna say that there haven't been many entries lately because it's also during the school year, there tend to be more entries during the school breaks of the year (summer and winter).

  3. The point of these projects is to band together groups of remixers for a common soundtrack or theme to learn from each other and to have fun doing it.

    The auditions have only been open for 3 days... Give it more time than that. Patience and perseverance is what makes a project successful.

    But you do have a point about one thing. Maybe because the tracklist is so large, I shouldn't judge so strictly...

    I just want to bring out the full potential in everyone.

    ok i could really go into a lot of detail about why this shouldn't be happening, but at risk of sounding like a dick i'll keep it fairly brief.

    first of all the quote about projects are about learning from each other, that's gotta be the most random thing...the projects are about showcasing music from a game, and turning it into something awesome...i have never seen the goal of any of the site projects be a "learning" experience.

    i think you should've gained more interest from experienced remixers before going public with this as well. this is the case with all of the successful projects, Kong in Concert didn't make a public thread for over 2 months after project conception iirc...and it had ample talent interested...same for ff7.

    this is also an overly ambitious project...way too many tracks. oh and btw SF2 had 25-30 tracks to begin with, not 70.

    here's where i am an ass...who are you? why don't you get a coordinator who is an established name in the community to help you pull in the experienced to help build your base.

    i don't have anything against you, i just don't like it when i see projects startup that have this kinda background...i love the projects and i want them to all be successful.

  4. best way to fade would be to automate the level on the master fader, up or down depending on which fade it is. (right click on the fader>edit events)

    as far as the drum sound you're talking about...i do believe it would be modulating (automating) the cutoff frequency on a filter so that it goes up.

  5. fix'd XD, but yea as far as my invovement in fl goes, thats about it. I find the step sequencer to be good for drums though. Also, personally I dont like fl's piano roll, makes it way too hard to add in like 1 little drum randomly in the mix. Seeing as you have to make a whole new pattern just to add that 1 little kick or something. I like how it works, I just think it wasn't pulled off effectively. yea...

    the fact that in Reason you have to use 3 different tools/hotkeys to do the same thing the mouse can do by itself in FL is the fact that i will not use Reason's sequencer ever. this makes for quite a bit more efficiency.

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