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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. As someone who constantly seeks out new material to play on SEGA Mixer Drive, the standards that I have for playing a mix on the show relate either 1) an artist giving some personalisation when writing the remix, or 2) in the arrangement of a live instrument cover, satisfactory production values. Considering that you're seeking out a maximum of around 150 new Sega remix releases over the course of the year, it's actually not very easy at all just to find the ones that click.

    On my own personal standpoint though, I'm with timaeus in wanting to sense an emotional connection to the source material. You can still hit the player's feelings without having to resort to some hastily-done MIDI-rip - as Chernabogue also had said, every piece of music would have a story behind it, which in this case is most likely to relate to the artist's personal feelings towards that point in the game.

    I'm not too fussy on length (though if it's longer than 10 minutes, it's also less likely to be radio-friendly); production values can also vary on what the person is capable of and I am fine with getting the best out of what they have; and for the most part, I wouldn't mind seeing it taken in a different direction - but do remember though, heart-felt ballads turned into techno songs is one of my biggest musical pet peeves. (I'd still play it on the show anyway, lol.)

    Anyway, yes. That's my two cents. :wink:

  2. To be fair, there's still a few people that would focus on elder / retro-sounding music simply because it reminds them of their youth. Nothing wrong with more recent soundtracks, but you gotta expect a lot of people to go way, way back. :wink:

    Even then, there are games from the 5th and 6th console generations (aka around 1995-2005ish) that had scores that aged badly over time on a production standpoint, so being able to see stylistic arranges for these is also a great plus.

    Tl,dr: that past mission statement seems to ring true for today's arrangers, except we got a couple more gaming generations to account for now o.O

  3. Got a tip from someone on Twitter this evening.

    Someone requested a Reest Generation mix for tonight's SEGA Mixer Drive, and I was all "can't play it, Sega didn't do anything". But then they pointed out something that got them all confused:


    The developer for the game is listed as Sega for some reason.


    The actual developer is RedLynx, which was actually acquired by UbiSoft 3 years after Reset Generation was released.

    Is there any way you guys can go into the database and fix this slip? Thanks. :wink:

  4. By the way, Rexy. I would like you to know that Tomorrow's Wake was played at my wedding reception... in 2006.

    Awww, thanks :3 I've had one or two wedding stories from that one. I hope you and your spouse are doing well!

    Anyway, going towards the SkyHigh track - while only similar in name, "Emerald Fiesta" - an arrange of Sonic 3's Special Stage music - was a judges' rejection back in February 2005. Assuming it's one and the same, it had a home at VGMix v2 while it was online.

    If you're still puzzled about the source in the MP3 you have, you can listen to it

    and see if the mix's motifs match up. I hope this helps you! :)
  5. Anyway, let's get back to the subject at hand. I'm assuming by "milk carton" you had downloaded remixes from here in the past but no longer have them.

    If this is the case, this means that whatever you originally picked up would've been released in 2005 or earlier.

    We as a community can help you find what you've missed. If there's any attributes to the track(s) that you can remember, I'm sure we can work off that and help you on the right track.

    Welcome back btw :)

  6. I may have nearly 20 mixposts, but I'm still not really confident about getting the best out of people on a 1-to-1 basis.

    In spite of this, I'm open as a Star if anyone feels I can help them in some way. My DAW is Reaper (though odds are due to soundfont differences we may still have to exchange MIDIs or stems) and I'm able to record piano/keyboard parts, vocals and ukulele.

    But most preferably piano by far. :D

    The only time limitation I have is my GMT timezone, but other than that, I'll be here all month.

  7. I'm actually with A-Ron on this matter - there's a load of forum users out there that use Twitter and Facebook. If the people you've come to know really well have either of those two outlets as well as yourself, you're more than welcome to follow them / send a friend request respectively.

    It's a great tool to keep in touch with people from the community, when the slow pacing of the forums wouldn't quite cut it! :-)

  8. Interesting idea for a compo, but I'm going to have to warn you right now - the limitations on source material per round (especially with how big the individual FF scores are in general), the equally limiting genre scope, plus the decision NOT being done by popular vote, would all contribute to there not being all that great of a turnout.

    You said the point of the compo is to "raise awareness" for those classical genres... well again, compos aren't compos because they "raise awareness" for anything -

    * The PRC may "raise awareness" on something, but it's only a BGM that isn't represented on OCR for two weeks at a time.

    * Meat n' Potatoes encourages a more conservative approach to arranging regardless of source style.

    * The knockout tourneys encourage people to work with more than one source at a time and make them blend seamlessly.

    * And then there's the Wily Gauntlet, which encourages teamwork.

    If you want to "raise awareness" for classical genres, it may be better off as a project. But then again, you're already doing a kickstarter to get an FF9 project of a similar style off the ground.

    Outside from that, if it's something you're interested in doing, it should encourage YOU to try and write some of these classical arrangements yourself and get assistance on the way to make them the best they can be.

    (These are merely my two cents and do not reflect the opinions of OC Remix as a whole.)

  9. Shaggy (might be my SS? i was his SS)

    Shaggy sent a 3DS case and Amazon voucher to BardicKnowledge. And according to the spreadsheet I had kept track on, 2 people didn't write anything about their present shipping progress.

    Still sucks you didn't get anything from your actual Santa, but know that we're all here for you when things don't quite go your own way. :)

  10. Since 6 was too many to keep all at once (lol), I'll keep it simple this year.

    Finish that PlayStation EP - no excuses, this year is the Western release's 20th Anniversary. I need to really focus on that now - especially with all that I learnt since getting re-active on OCR again.

    Get back to shredding weight - due to my mental recovery and my dad's health (he's good now with his new kidney!), this took a backseat last year. I'm set to focus hard on that nice safe-for-stage frame!

    Get an empty jar and fill it with good things that happen over the year. I saw this over Facebook once - so instead of worrying about not doing enough for the year, I can look back inside the case and see everything that made me feel GOOD!

    Basically, all I really want to keep resolving is my wellbeing. I hope this will be enough! :)

  11. You guys are spoiled as shit. My Christmas loot list this year is a small fraction of all that.

    In my defence, I have a big family - I have 8 sets of aunts / uncles and their offspring, and there's still a handful that are still happy to give me presents beyond childhood. We're close knit for the most part x)

  12. Lots of Sonic and Skylanders merch, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, bunch of Steam games from various OCR members (you know who you are :)), The Art of Naughty Dog, Tetris cookie cutters (lol)...


    (Actually it's a tiny desktop drumkit for messing around on xD)

    It's a good year! \o/

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