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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. That's the problem - I enjoy a good platformer, but the vast majority of them from the past 3-5 years or so really fail to hit the mark as far as jaw-dropping wowness is concerned. I absolutely adored Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 (though obviously 1 was indeed the more novel of the two) and so having seen Nintendo's natural progression, I thought it would be natural that they would keep doing more crazy ways to step up what their tech is capable of.

    As for having an "alone opinion",

    Anyway, can we finally get away from this sudden break in the thread and go back to what we were on about in the first place? *_*

  2. The argument is, 3D World and the NSMB Wii U games aren't the big Mario products that Nintendo are doing to persuade users to get a Wii U. I am not at all saying that Sonic's better than Mario or anything of the sort; we're past the 90s as it is; but I won't get a Wii U just to see how awkawrd Rise of Lyric was put together either.

    To sum it up:

    NSMB Wii = Not 'Fantastic'

    Super Luigi U = Not'Fantastic'

    3D World = Not 'Fantastic'

    Rise of Lyric = A BROKEN SHAMBLES :(

    Do you get my message? Bottom line - both Sega AND Nintendo need to get their shit together to make sure they stand a chance in this gaming generation.

  3. Not at all. It's just that after giving it more of a chance in the Wii era (and enjoying what I got), I'm expecting Nintendo not to go the cheap way out. The aforementioned three games may sound cutesy cutesy, but they are no way in hell going to convince me to get a Wii U because they aren't 'THE major Mario game every past console generation has had' to me :(

  4. SoTSSLogoMid_zps3a801662.png


    PREVIEWS: https://soundcloud.com/soundoftss/sets/sotss14-out-of-the-ashes-previews

    Sound of The Sonic Stadium is a twice-yearly musical showcase of SEGA & Sonic Remixes from members of The Sonic Stadium. This project is lead by DJ EAR with permission of VizardJeffhog as a means to breath life into the ashes of the 'Sonic Stadium Music Album' concept. The goal is to maintain the fun, creative, collaborative spirit of that project - while building a stable & productive future for our community of fan musicians, producers, and listeners.

    As the previous two TSSMA albums were promoted in Community in the past, I might as well go here too. xD

    As implied, there's going to be 2+ hours of remixed Sega / Sonic sources from the combined efforts of 20 musicians (including myself) that are either active or affiliated with the TSS. The TSSMA albums were fun to get onto the right foot, but EAR's consistent nit-picking particularly on the production side of things saw him as a good fit to make sure the albums had significantly more punch and cohesiveness in comparison to these previous two albums.

    Assuming this goes down well, this would mark the start of a new twice-yearly album with themes, so this is set to go down as a more artistic production to come out from the TSS yet!

    This week's SEGA Mixer Drive will also host a pre-release party for the entire event - this Friday, 28 November, at 4PM EST. Anyone free this Thanksgiving weekend are more than welcome to come on in!

    Thank you for reading in :-)

  5. Mario is aimed at a general audience, and is still amazing.

    Please explain what Mario games on the 3DS / Wii U are considered "amazing". Nintendo are supposedly meant to provide revolutions for their character through each gaming generation, but from what I can see, the Wii U in particular only had an NSMB Wii follow-up, an NSMB spin-off with Luigi, and a partner game to 3D Land like NSMB Wii was to the original.


  6. First of all, this competition looks pretty organised and clear - it's a nice idea to be able to give back towards the artists in monetary form as well as focus really well on emphasis on a single game score.

    However, if you're expecting 50+ people taking part, I'd recommend that you simplify the bracket considerably - Mercenary Kings isn't really a popular game for artists to cover, or if it is, it definitely isn't as iconic as Sonic, Mega Man, Final Fantasy or Shovel Knight - 4 other games which similarly had bracket styled competitions from these.

    So if there's any way you'd be able to revise your brackets for a potentially smaller turnout, you might be able to get a workable competition here. This is my tuppence on the whole thing *_*

  7. Games succeed on word of mouth and review scores, but check it out for yourself if you respect Sonic/Sega before you decide not to support them

    That's what I'll do with the 3DS version. Can't do the Wii U as I don't have one and don't have a reason to set myself back by £200-ish either.

    Honestly, between what I had seen of the Wii U version on Youtube, what I had heard about the E3 demos being majorly fucked over, what I had also heard about Sega pulling down game footage prior to official release and what I noticed of Sega not sending advance review copies out, it tells me there's no confidence with the final product at all and that they're trying to cut back on marketing just to salvage any potential losses that may crop up from this venture.

    Still unsure? Think back to the release of Alien Isolation, another game Sega published. Irresponsible developer plus no advance review copies. I don't even need to remind you of the critics' reception, or how GearBox REALLY spent their development money.

    It to me would take a lot more than a misguided business outing for me to boycott future Sega products, especially as they introduced me to gaming in the first place. For ow, the best they could do is keep moving forward *_*

  8. To be fair, I don't have a Wii U but from what I had seen on Youtube, I personally think it's made Sonic '06 look like Mario 3. And I was expecting better from a portion of the team that had worked with Crash and Jak... :(

    The cartoon, on the other hand, it's definitely silly but as someone who grew up with AoStH it's got my approval. Like Garrett, I don't watch much TV either, but I won't let that bother me.

    I am however interested to try that 3DS demo whenever that arrives here in Europe. Hopefully that shouldn't be anywhere near the levels of trainwreck as its major console brother.

  9. To be fair Mike, this is the first I've heard of your stuff and I thought what I heard on Soundcloud would've been just fine as it is to send to MnP. You kept the feel of the original, the ideas you added were very minor and your sound design was also very appropriate. But I know it's too late to fix that now on ThaSauce; again, don't worry about it as I'm very happy with what you did.

    Yes HoboKa, I know I shouldn't have commented on someone else's mix prior to the vote opening, but I just thought I'd give my two cents about how I perceive the MnP concept xD

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