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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. Hello!  You saw my take on these over at the RadioSEGA forums, so you know I'm on your good side :-)  However, two things I should just point out really quickly:

    1) What do you mean by "recognized by Sega"? I've done some google searching and the only main promotions I have seen have been exclusively you posting it on various Sega fan-sites.  I don't even know if Sega themselves shared it themselves or not, but from what I have seen, there doesn't seem to be any evidence of that.

    2) Take note that if you submit the vocal covers to the OC Remix judges, they would be instantly rejected due to just using the original recording and singing over the top.  I say you should consider this set of covers as practice for when you start performing them on top of other backing tracks, whether made by yourself or produced by another arranger.

    You did however showed me you're able to make arranges of your own, so I'm optimistic that you'll be able to keep pushing them up to that same level.  Just keep working on new stuff and learning from each one, and everything will be alright :-)

  2. Glad to hear you both got them!  I spoke with Tables for a little bit after she got hers; the SS can be rough if your Santa may not make it in time, and so there's no way I'd leave someone behind.


    Since then, I got a LOAD of new Steam games added into the inventory!  Tables's thank-yous were Secret of Monkey Island 2 and Half-Minute Hero 2 (the latter I virtually started playing as soon as I got it thanks to how much I enjoyed the original xD); and part 2 of Garpocalypse's package was Sonic 4 Episode 1 & 2 and DuckTales Remastered.  I'm gonna get swamped in these games now but I'll totally sink my teeth into them!


    Thanks again you two, and merry Christmas to you all! :)

  3. These two little figures (not the coffee cup which was bought at a past London Gaming Con) came through the mail today, and they look so adorable!  And I was worried that with the lead up to the holiday, the OCR SS would be another delayed asset on top of everything else that had happened in the run-up to this event.

    Still, I am thankful they both came!  Once I do some winter cleaning they'll have a nice, chilled home in my room.

    I had a look at the gift notes from the package and it also said something about download codes for some of their music.  If they're anywhere, they weren't in the box; wonder if they ended up somewhere that I hadn't looked yet.

    Considering what the SS set out to do, I have a feeling there may be more that had gone under my radar, but we'll see. Nevertheless, thanks so much Garpocalypse! :D


  4. Awesome, I remember being a part of Train Station at 8!  I'm glad your talents got recognized and you've got OC Remix's back to run this.  I don't really have much else to say about this other than wishing you the best of luck on this new podcast project. :D

  5. Basically, Yellow is based more on Season 1 of the Pokemon anime (aka the one that most of us grew up with).  You can actually get access to more Pokemon in that game than Red and Blue, with obvious exceptions in Team Rocket's Pokemon, the Beedrill line that tainted Ash's time in Viridian Forest, the elemental-humanshape-trio (Jynx / Electrode / Magmar)... and of course, Raichu.  You also still have a choice between the two Hitmons and the Dome or Helix Fossils.


    In addition, your Rival starts off with an Eevee (in which you eventually get and you get to pick what form you want to give it).  The Eeveelution he gives it at the end actually depends on how well you do in your first two fights against him.

  6. I like the OCRA album idea of Jorito but I also don't want my song to sit there for like 2 years haha. 

    I echo that sentiment as well. I've been on an album that I was excited to see its release, but a last minute change held it back for months. (no, I'm not talking about Super Dodge Ball, if this is what you guys were thinking...  :razz:)

    That said, while I did say it's all up to you in how to direct this Ivan, it appears that you've got some valid options from some of the other artists. By allowing for both more popularly-covered games AND a time extension that has no real historic significance, I have a feeling this would kill what seemed to be your initial goal for this project. In fact, I'm with jnWake in thinking that adding more popular games would also hinder the general feel behind the project full stop.

    As for OCRA vs OCRI, do remember that while we are going for a very niche audience, the amount of love we give to the games in question is what truly matters. Whether it gets released this year or next, the album will still do its job in wowing a generation that grew up with the PS1.

    Other than that, there's not much to add that hadn't been added already.

  7. I admit I had been musically quiet. I have several album tracks being worked on simultaneously, as well as working hard on SMD. (The RadioSEGA regulars don't bite, honest - you're free to listen in tomorrow if you're around!)

    Outside of that, I had been improving my sewing skills as of late. It really gives me something to focus on when I can't focus on much else, plus I'd learn new tricks in time for when/if I next take part in the OCR Secret Santa.

    I'm also planning out a potential solo EP idea too. I just got to hope I have the mental stamina to pull it off... *_*

  8. I'm with OA. Every time I see some poster whine about some adaption being marketed to the "tween" generation or "today's kids" or whatever, I have to think the studios would respond with, "Dude, you're a man in your mid-30s complaining about a girls' cartoon from the 80s. Don't you have a physical you need to prep for?"

    I'm sorry Meteo, but there's a fine line between changing something up radically and just catering for the market.

    As Pipez said, it all comes down to whether the kids would actually catch on to it or not, and if they do, fair play. Nostalgia isn't going to get anywhere, but if it's something the kids had seen too many times before from different characters, it's absolutely not going to work. It's a shipwreck almost waiting to happen.

    In relation to The Coop's posts about 80s cartoons being given the dreadful movie approach, may I also bring up Alvin and the Chipmunks? Sure, it started in the 60s as a novelty 'band' of sorts, but I grew up with the 80s cartoon and understood it kept its format from another Chipmunks show as done in the 60s,

    Right now, I am in disbelief as to how they keep making so many films about them, especially since there's not much substance beyond 'singing rodents cause havoc and make a butt monkey out of their manager', and critic scores absolutely show.

    However, the one redeeming feature for the Chipmunks is that in spite of all the modern music updates, it nails the original premise. Awful films or not, it's the Chipmunks as they should be.

    Going back to Jem, we all already know at this point that we have a terrible loose adaptation coming that won't fuel nostalgia in any shape or form, and that to me is a new low just to get a quick buck. I don't know if there are any other movie adaptations that had gone as far as changing up the plot of their source material entirely, but unless any examples of these come to the surface, then I feel we 'adults-around-30-preparing-for-a-prep' have a reason have a reason to complain.

    (Seriously, kids may be easily marketable, but they sure as hell aren't stupid.)

  9. Hakstok, I have tried my best and got my arrange in a great form, but I am still not quite done yet, and I also have tomorrow's SEGA Mixer Drive to organise. I may need another couple of days with the way this is going, but no more than that.

    That, and it also didn't help that life got in the way over the past few days. I'm in a position to truck onwards, though.

  10. This is kind of out of the blue, but I sent in a membership request just now. Don't beat yourself up - it appears to be a very humble group to me, and I can't ask for any better :-)

    [EDIT: That was quick. Thanks!]

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