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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. i wouldn't dare. i'd have to adapt it from scratch as a tribute if anything at all. and by that i mean not a chance :)


    I still say you should do it. Part of the reasoning why DusK revisited Zenpyo was because of his close friendship with Dj Mokram, whom also separated himself from the Internet and cut off all social links. Just like Gray, we thought he too was gone for good.

    (And then he actually came back, but that's another story.)

    A lot of us really miss Gray too. When I started out he was the most optimistic and cool-headed judge I ever had the joy to get in touch with. He would be so pleased to see the site in its current form :-)


  2. Guys, HOLD THE PHONE.

    Forget about every kickstarter in this thread - the only one that matters is Shenmue 3!


    I never played 1 & 2, but my heart bled out to the fans that had clammered for this for nearly 15 years. This was a sequel that needed to be made long ago - and with enough fan support, it would absolutely get there!

    I'm sorry, I am so excited for this right now :D

  3. My best PS3 Platinum is by far Sonic Unleashed, if only because of the Hot Dog stages alone. The entire game indeed took a lot of time and patience, especially to try and get through the Eggmanland Time Trial without dying, THREE TIMES.


    (Footage provided by SonicJGB)


    It gives you 45 minutes to clear it in, which isn't so bad once you start getting used to it. But my god it is some AWKWARD difficulty curve.

  4. *facepalm*

    GSO, I believe it's best that you read the OP's purpose / read replies before you even jump straight in with your first thoughts. prophetik is in to build other people's PCs, not do recommendations for pre-packaged PCs you want to get.


    To answer your question though, if you're thinking of doing video editing on a laptop, I highly recommend that you find one with a stronger processor (2GHz multi-core at the minimum is my suggestion) and at least 4GB of RAM - main reasoning being that CSS 5.5, Vegas 10 and Final Cut Pro typically recommend these before you consider using them. If you have more money to burn, consider going towards a quad-core processor and doubling the minimum stated RAM for more intensive editing. Either way, they'll still degrade faster than a desktop PC due to their build.

  5. I too was too young to get into the Jem cartoons, being a toddler by the time it finished. But just from 15 minutes of reading up the show's premise BEFORE watching that trailer, I have to say it makes Michael Bay's TMNT movie look like the Magna Carta.

    Seriously, if you're going to translate a beloved cartoon to the big screen, at least keep as many of the core elements as possible. Of all the ways they could have made Jem relevant for the 2010s, changing the original leading-double-life-and-helping-others toon into a into a tween rags-to-riches / personality identity story completely stripped its own persona.

    Then again, I complain at almost every remake there is, so it may just be the cynical old lady in me talking. But at least I know that I'm still not alone.

  6. What? Mike didn't get anything in? I gave him some pointers after he sent in a WIP over the weekend. I thought he was gonna get somewhere :(


    Anyway, that's TWICE I've worked with a novice that didn't send anything in. If this compo is meant to be there to build up my assistance confidence, it's not doing a good job at the moment, though I got to say that this time it's not the compo's organisation's fault.


    Still... yeah. I'm disappointed.

  7. For some reason, Hogging Molly is the most viewed OCR mixpost I got involved with on Youtube. xD


    If you just want something inspirational or crowdpleasing outside of my own, 7bit Hero's Bubble Dragon comes to mind. Sure it's more recent, but not only would it add variety to what else has already been listed, but it's hugely accessible to a pop music loving crowd too and had a beautiful production direction to go with it. Try it out! :-)

  8. This is totally gonna get a while to get used to. xD It's neat though!

    Just out of question (or if for some reason someone already asked this and it had already been answered and I was too ignorant to notice it); since there doesn't seem to be much warning in your settings box, do we FINALLY have infinite space for PMs?

  9. The first web forum I ever signed up to was the now-defunct Crashcorner.com, which was a huge Crash Bandicoot fan community back in the day. Many of its members named themselves after characters in the series, items from it, locations and the like, and I jumped in on that with standing out immediately with my old nick being a reference to the rideable Baby T-Rex in Crash 3's prehistoric levels (works just as well for me as I've always liked animals).

    Then gradually, as I spent more time there, one person (forgot who) started using 'Rexy' as an affectionate nickname. Others started catching on too, and I ended up letting it stick. :)

  10. So, if anyone was wondering about the "coding" behind this wonderful feature:

    • We've got an existing set of tags in our database that were imported from the forum thread tags
    • If a mix was tagged "EDM" - that was techno
    • If a mix was tagged "synth" - that was possibly techno
    • If neither tag was present, that was probably not techno (maybe)

    Our tags are FAR less complete on older mixes, so as you went back in time, fewer mixes were labeled techno or possibly techno :)

    This was written in XSLT, so something like:

    <xsl:when test="/list/terms[./@name = 'EDM']">Techno</xsl:when>
    <xsl:when test="/list/terms[./@name = 'synth']">Possibly Techno</xsl:when>
    <xsl:otherwise>Probably Not Techno (Maybe)</xsl:otherwise>

    Wow, now this actually makes a lot of sense! When you mentioned "date" in avaris's recent mixpost, I felt as if I seemed to be missing something, but now I understood the magic.

    Thanks for the clarification! :-)

  11. Brandon, I sent you a brief 'demo' trying to get the sound design on the Prelude arps down. By the 31st, what I want to do is to at least make sure it A) sounds exactly like the chip-harp that I'm looking for, and B) unable to get the boot from Squeenix PA.

    Other than that, there are 4 other projects that WILL be out this year that want input from me within the next 6 weeks.

  12. The show is basically using smash characters as contestants for a classic game of survivor. I don't know how many songs will appeal to that concept. That's why I kinda suggested a rock remix. Just something really cool and fast will suffice.

    Did you try going through the Apex albums (2013 | 2014 | 2015)? These albums were created to tie in with the Apex fighting game tournaments that happen every year, Super Smash Bros being one of them.

    The tracks are all very fast and aggressive, so you should be able to find what you're looking for! :)

    As for long intro problems, if you're making a machinima you should still be able to do some audio editing to take out any long pieces of intro. What software are you using to assemble the video(s)?

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