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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I somewhat fixed my song and now, although it's not good, it's not a joke anymore. Usa is helping me save it so there should be something at least listenable by tomorrow. I'm done with the arrangement and I just need to add proper transitions and finishing touches/mix/master tomorrow.
  2. Sir_NutS Cloud Hopping (Spiral Pegacion in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2]) Caffeine Shoveling Hunter Turtloids (Rainy Turtloid in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2]) X's Demise (Spark Mandrill in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2])
  3. Both of you are right, and also not. When it comes to mixing and how people do it, there's no right way, there are better ways for different people. I've heard conflicting arguments over the years from producers working on million dollar pop/rock/edm productions. There are general guidelines you can pick up and apply them to your work but when it comes to workflow it's all pretty subjective. Some producers and sound engineers even have widly different approaches to mixing and mastering depending on genre or even the particular song being worked on. Also there are really very few "don'ts" in production and the very example timaeus presented is something somebody can easily pull off.
  4. Well, for these compos I usually think ahead of some directions I could go with the song I picked. I had a couple of directions planned for this round. Sometimes, when I hear the second source, I have an "a-ha!" moment and a new, better direction comes up in my mind. Some other times though, all the plans you had are incompatible with the song for the week, and you can't think of anything good to do with it, so for those times I just accept it will suck and roll with it. As for inspiration, it comes and goes for me. I get periods where I can do several songs in a row and then I go for a month without doing anything new. Listening to new music brings new ideas most of the time, regardless of the genre. Sometimes I listen to a new latin jazz song and get inspiration to do a glitch hop track ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Go figure, inspiration is just weird. Of course, you can just be talented and put out great music without even being inspired, alas, I just hack stuff together so I gotta take advantage of inspiration when it strikes.
  5. No, I really mean expect some shitty music because I'm drawing a blank with this song. It's ok though, it's expected to get rounds like these in any compo so I'll be looking forwards to my last round instead.
  6. Well, this song is doing nothing for me, I don't like it one bit. But, everyone will be busy on my team so i guess I'll have to go this week. Expect some crap.
  7. This is what has been working for me the past couple of years. Getting a good mix is the most important thing. Most of the time I just make music without any effects on the master track at all. Focus on getting the right mix levels, on bussing your stuff correctly, on giving the instruments their own space via panning/eq, etc. Nowadays my mastering process is very simple and keeps getting simpler the more I focus on getting a good mix beforehand. Try to shy away from presets. Get used to starting from scratch on compressor settings. It's hard at first, gets easier with time, and you'll get the best results that are appropriate for your track.
  8. Sir_NutS Is é mo aingeal imithe (Flame Stag in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) Arsonist (Flame Mammoth in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) MMMDop (Slash Beast in Doppler Stage 1 [X3])
  9. Yeah I was wondering about that this afternoon when I mentioned it to Dustin. At least there weren't that many votes in the thread and most importantly it's still early so I hope everyone gets to listen to his submission.
  10. Good round. My last vote was basically a toss up between will's, timaeus and jnwake's tracks. Good stuff.
  11. Sir_NutS Is é mo aingeal imithe (Flame Stag in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) Arsonist (Flame Mammoth in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) MMMDop (Slash Beast in Doppler Stage 1 [X3])
  12. Sir_NutS - Vintage Reploid Squad Bounce Too High (Vanishing Gungaroo in Palace Ground [X]) Rolling (Frost Walrus in Palace Ground [X]) My Beerly Beerloved (Blizzard Buffalo in Palace Ground [X])
  13. Darke, if its not too late please add feat. Usa to my track name since he performed one of the solos in my song. Im sorry i just realized i shouldve put that.
  14. I did some modifications to my remix and sent it to Darke. I'm looking forwards to listening to the competitors tomorrow.
  15. I have a question: should I use "Izzy Glow" or "Shining Hotarunicus" in my song name?
  16. Usually sunday or monday, Darkesword puts the songs for download shortly after the round ends, most of the time.
  17. Yeah, I'm sorry about that, in the end I decided to reach out to friends and people I know from past compos instead, after giving it some thought I would feel more comfortable with people I know.
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