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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I mostly use this compos to do something different. Sometimes, when tracks get too hard to mix I have to fall onto something safe, which is my 80's electronica style, but for the most part I always do something different. The last rmrb I did 3 completely different songs, same with the sonic compo, and also the 2 songs I did this time are also completely different. I don't think I've ever done a classic trance or house remix for one of these compos, which is what most people knew me for. Overall I think that approach has benefited me as a musician much more than trying to go with the usual path because of time constraints. In the end, I make music for myself so I pay little attention to what other people are doing style-wise. So if someone else decided to do some electro-swing in the same round as me that's alright. In the end what matters to me is to push my boundaries a bit while also making good music. That's why I also don't care at all about points or following a 50/50 split on source, in the end I just want a good song, so if I have to include only 20% of one source because it's what makes sense, then that's what's gonna be in the end. The challenge of remixing these songs I like in new fun ways against other songs I also like is motivating for me. I think I digressed quite a bit there but bringing it back to a concise point: I don't think the songs I've done are similar at all, and I've heard plenty of variety of styles in the others too, so I disagree with Mak.
  2. heh, I knew you would nail this. I agree with mostly everything. I also thought of kakariko village as a better example of the quintessential town theme as well. But I think you hit the nail in the head about the non-threathening nature of everything in a town theme. From the instrumentation to the arrangement to the structure everything is made to make the listener feel safe. I think that's why it gives me a "Home" feeling, because your home is the safest place one can think of.
  3. The use of soft woodwind instrumentation is a mainstay in these types of themes, as Darke said. Maybe this type of instrumentation may bring images of medieval towns where it's easy to imagine these types of instruments along with other rural string instruments being commonplace.
  4. My take on this is that it doesn't sound like town music. To me, these kind of songs evoke the feeling of "home". They evoke a calm, welcoming feeling of coziness which make people think of a homely place. Since there aren't many games which have themes exclusively for indoor homes or houses, and rather have the town theme playing whether you are inside or outside, then people respond with "town" instead of "house" or "home" when asked where this theme belongs. To me, this same type of arrangement is used a lot in old sitcoms that were family-friendly. You could easily put this at the start of a "Growing Pains"-style of sitcom and it would fit right in. These sitcoms also revolve around being in a house, which most of the time have a welcoming and cozy appearance for the audience. In trying to identify the musical characteristics that evoke this kind of image in people's mind from this themes we could also analyze the themes used by this kind of sitcoms as well.
  5. My suggestion is to focus on the concepts and not on the tools. It's great to be familiar with one DAW, and in fact I would recommend to pick one and stick with it for a few years. But concepts should be easy to translate no matter which tools you're using, and if you have a good grasp of the concepts you may switch between tools with ease. If someone gives you feedback on your production, look for information on what causes these issues and what are the general solutions, not the settings you need to use for your particular tools. For example, don't learn how the Maximus (I believe that's FL's Dynamics plugin) work, or use a bunch of presets for it. Rather, read up on how dynamics processing works and you will master them all and easily understand (and find solutions to) the issues in your mix.
  6. It was fun as always. I'm looking forward to the next RMRB as I like all the classic themes way more than the sigma themes. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
  7. I loved this remix back when it was posted for PRC. Great arrangement and overall awesome work from Jorito, I hope I can submit my own remix of this theme someday too.
  8. I won't be submitting anything this round. A combination of events and lack of drive/inspiration the last couple of days made it impossible for me, as every time I loaded the project it seemed like I was trying to solve a millenium prize problem. My apologies to everyone. Yep, this was from the beginning, just my opinion, and I didn't want to put it out as fact. Happily to agree to disagree on the matter.
  9. I know judges do it, and I don't agree with it. II don't like the idea of cutting out my music in that fashion because that's not how I think when I make my music. If they want to reject it because they can't hear the source without the aid of a list explaining source usage, then I'm fine with that. I probably should've done a better job at it. Regarding this competition, the point is to make homage to the sources. If I make some ludicrous arrangement that doesn't sound at all like the source but it still incorporates it in some remote way every step of the way, and then I go about making a list of second-by-second explanations of which notes from the source I used where, then that makes it just fine even if the listener can't hear it? I don't think so. The source should be evident enough that people don't need that. I'll start doing it when other artists in other media start sending detailed explanations on how they implemented the original piece they're paying homage to to the critics. Imagine if a director making a remake of a movie sent an essay to movie critics on scene-by-scene basis to show them when and how they implemented the original movie. Pretty ridiculous.
  10. And like I said, if someone needs one, then the remixer should've done a better job there. People like mazedude and schabubula do some of the most complex arrangements of video game music out there yet you can distinguish the source quite easily. They don't writte essays for people so they can interpret their music. Their music speaks for itself. But like I said, to each their own. I tend to ignore these when voting, regardless of whether I could hear the source or not.
  11. As I said, music should speak for itself, in my opinion. If the listener can't hear the source, it's my fault, not the listener's. I should've done a better job at representing the original in a more recognizable manner. I find silly that someone should need to read a second-by-second metric to be able to tell where the source is being used. Specially since people voting here are for the most part musicians who should recognize key changes and complex arrangements more than the general public.
  12. To be quite honest, I find this practice pretty silly. I never write this kind of second-by-second metric because music isn't meant to be treated like that, measured by a ruler. I want people to listen to the music and never think of how much I used the source between mark 1:02 and mark 1:05. Music should speak for itself.
  13. I am a bit behind on my track. So far I've managed to complete my tracks with a whole day to spare, but seems like this one will come down to the wire. I think I will end on a strong note though.
  14. A few points about what Darke said: As a very active member of VGMix back in the days, I gotta say the problem with the voting in VGMix was that for lesser known or new people, they were less likely to get any ratings or votes than known people because most people were waiting for these known remixers to post something up to upvote it over everything else in a matter of minutes/hours. Which in turn made new remixers/obscure games get buried minutes after posting. Moreover, new remixers who posted less-than-great music, were much less likely to get reviews/votes on subsequent postings because people dismissed them as being bad, which didn't take in account that which each piece of music that one person does it's very likely that person will improve. So the system was heavily weighted towards people who were already good and well known. I don't think people got intimidated by the scores as everywhere you post music you will probably get feedback which, if you're new, won't be very favorable. Regarding the suggestion about the votes I do agree with Darke that it's needlessly complicated. What we need is an even easier voting system, something automated, as I'm sure could be something close to what Darke might have in mind. If we have an automated submission system we might also have an automated voting system, a page with all the remixes for the round and the ability to vote on that same page as you listen. That would be the easiest approach. Like Darkesword said, ask for feedback, I know for a fact that there are a lot of helpful people around, I try to give feedback if asked, although I'm not the most knowledgeable person. Even some of the stuff I've learned over the years has been thanks to the feedback from people in this very competition. And believe it or not, I've learned quite a few things in this competition we are right now just by talking to the artists about their tracks and mine.
  15. Sir_NutS Never Gonna Give (Up The Funk) (Gravity Beetle in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Caine Train (Rainy Turtloid vs. Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Jumpstyle Flamethrower (Flame Mammoth in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Vintage Reploid Squad
  16. Jorito & Tuberz : This one hit me right in the funk. fucking great. EDIT: I really needed a top 5 instead of a top 3 vote this week. Sorry ladyWildfire & Mak
  17. I hit randomly notes on my keyboard until something sticks. My turn for that this week.
  18. Sir_NutS Leap of Faith (Vanishing Gungaroo in Sigma Palace [X8]) Subtle Haystack Tibulation (Frost Walrus in Sigma Palace [X8]) Palace Of The Beast (Slash Beast in Sigma Palace [X8]) Vintage Reploid Squad
  19. Sure, just PM me your questions. I'll be happy to share the the little I know about this stuff. For a few weeks I've been thinking on maybe doing some video tutorials, I've gotten some questions since round 1 and the stuff I know I've learned it from the community or just from the internet. Maybe it's time to give back.
  20. I actually like this source a lot and wish it was my turn to mix =/ EDIT: on the upside, Usa is doing something amazing. I'm blown away already by his wips for this round. Hold on to your butts.
  21. Sir_NutS Vector Point Engineering Sigma Fortress (Blizzard Buffalo in Final Weapon [X4]) N0v0r G0nn0 Dj0nt Y0u 0p (Crystal Snail in Final Weapon [X4]) Mind Flip~ (Cyber Peacock in Final Weapon [X4]) Vintage Reploid Squad
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