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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. True, but you don't really need to transcribe the whole song. Just the parts you want to incorporate into your mix. Transcribing this whole 3 minute epic into yet another song will probably not work specially if somebody lacks experience. So my advice is to listen to the song, find those bits you want to incorporate and focus on them.
  2. All you really need is the key. If you have a keyboard then finding the melodies after you know the key is easier. Or, if you already know the key of your song just use that and transpose Beth's song to it. That's probably the easier approach.
  3. Just noticed wildfire picked one of the best songs Yamane has ever composed. Good luck!
  4. I don't use Reason much lately, but I will do a Reason stream for the next one. I see you followed so you should get a notification next time I go online.
  5. Sorry about the mic quality, I have a crap mic so i guess that'll have to do for now. I hope people can at least understand what I say. I'll try to do something about the volume levels. I'll be going live again in a couple of minutes if anyone wants to tune in ( http://www.twitch.tv/sir_nuts/ ), with the vst windows issue fixed so this should go better. and the archived streams will be at http://www.twitch.tv/sir_nuts/profile This will be the last time I post about it so I don't derail the thread any more (sorry about that MindWanderer), so if anyone wants to see subsequent streams just hit the follow button on twitch and you should be notified in the future. I'll probably do a couple more before my holiday ends and then do it sporadically after. If time allows it I'll try to stream the remix I do for this compo as well. This morning's stream (with better explanations): http://www.twitch.tv/sir_nuts/v/35570530
  6. I'm done for now but I'll stream again in the afternoon, in around 3 hours or so. I checked the archive and the stream has some issues. I wasn't capturing the whole screen so the VST windows aren't visible, although I do explain what I'm doing. Still I go about explaining a lot of stuff. I'll go over it again briefly when I stream later. Here's the archived stream for this morning: http://www.twitch.tv/sir_nuts/v/35385621
  7. That's fine. Good luck to all the participants this round, I'm looking forward to listening to the songs! On a second note I will be doing the stream today anyways. I know we have some veterans in this compo but maybe some of the newer guys would be interested in watching. I'll be working on a new track but I will be answering production questions mostly. Well that is, the little I know about production. But what little I know I would like to share it, so tune in if you want!. If that's ok with you I will post an update when the stream goes up in an hour or two.
  8. Thanks, but second bracket is a bit too late, my vacations would be over by then. If I don't find anyone willing to switch that's fine, it's not like I normally have a lot of free time when I do these compos, so it just would be business as usual.
  9. So no takers for the switch? come on guys! On another note if I do get someone willing to switch I was planning on streaming the mixing process for this track, as I'm on vacation now I have plenty of time and don't have to rush it as always. I think it maybe could be a helpful experience for some. So if there's interest I'll do it.
  10. Cool, thanks. Now does anyone wants to switch? please say so before tomorrow!
  11. So I just noticed the dates (didn't read them the first time >_>) does anyone from the first bracket want to switch? (If Mindwanderer allows it). I'm on vacation for a couple of weeks and this time would be perfect for me to do the round as I'll have all the free time I need.
  12. My branch needs more stacking please, not stacked enough, haven't touched the moon's surface yet.
  13. I started something for this, I just hope I can set some time apart from gaming to finish it.
  14. Well, I'm gonna be THAT guy. 1-Vampire Killer (CV1) 2-Bloody Tears (CV2) 3-Beggining (CV3)
  15. I didn't mean to go any deeper than that. Since in these compos you'll be mostly transposing from one key to another, the case where you have to transpose from minor to major or viceversa comes up quite often. Just didn't want him to move his notes to a different scale and then realize it doesn't sounds right.
  16. Pretty good general advice on how to do it on your DAW, but you forgot to mention that you can't just find the tonic and move the old tonic to the new one if you're switching between minor and major scales or viceversa. I do agree, the best way to find your scale is just to play the keyboard (or your instrument of choice) alongside the song. Singing works too if you can hit the notes. You can try to figure out the key just by listening, as Darkesword suggests, but for some people (like me) that's much harder. I've been doing music for years and I still can't discern with 100% certainty one scale from another just by listening. Once I start playing things become clearer though.
  17. This is cool but I've come to dislike the elimination format as I have the amazing luck of people dropping out in all the compos I've been. Still, I've been itching to remix some castlevania for a while, so maybe.
  18. Maybe, for dearly beloved, mostly because I already had a mix in the works for it. Which might not be as good as I remember it. I might look into other tracks, but this is a big maybe.
  19. Hi people. I am back for a little time. I think I am too late for a current round maybe next.
  20. Nowadays I get most comments on youtube, twitter, or personal messages over social media. So I don't think the audience has reduced or the people who want to comment about your music are gone, they're just using the most common tools available nowadays for doing so.
  21. Looking forwards to RMRB. Also thanks to usa and Dusk for joining the team in such a short notice and delivering quality stuff.
  22. I didn't see it as offensive. Nor am I mad or anything. You gave a statement and I responded, it's what people do in a forum about music when criticism is given.
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