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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Ok, song subbed, time for short "reviews". Names in bold got my vote. Tuberz vs Sterling: Tuberz that was epic. There's room for improvement in the mixing side tho. Sterling, that was just weird. Garpoc vs Dusk: Close matchup as expected, went with Garpoc cuz his song flowed better for me, I liked how it felt each idea took its time to develop properly in the arrangement. TheGuitahHeroe vs Eino: Closest matchup of the round for me. Guitah's was full of energy, good arrangement ideas. I dig Eino's 70s style rock arrangement too, very authentic. very very though choice. therex vs BrothaDom: therex had a decent showing, tho the sounds used could have been better. Brotha needed way more energy than what's there in those vocals to drive the song. Gotta go Ham. Flex vs Shaggy: A shame that Shaggy had to go against such an epic song from Flex, cuz I actually enjoyed his entry a lot. Smooth, dude. urdailywater vs BlackPanther: I would've gone with BlackPanther if he finished his. Very nice groove and I'ma sucker for groovy 303s. urdaily had a solid showing. PH It's Pete, not much to say, very solid arrangement and funky as hell. Chernabogue vs Arceace Not a bad showing from Chernabogue the compression gets kinda crazy at some points tho, but I appreciate the work that went into the arrangement, not easy to translate stuff like sonic to this genre. Arce had a very good song as well, with clean production.
  2. Song completed. I gotta say, being able to play on my midi keyboard again (I couldn't on my old computer cuz it was slow and the latency was too high) has made this song a blast to work with. Well, besides the point where I got stuck mixing the second source in XD. Arrangement done, polishing and submitting soon.
  3. I always get free passes in these compos. I got 3 in a row once. Apparently I'm cursed.
  4. Maxie's track and mine refuse to meld together. Frustration level: 8999 EDIT: Thankfully I have friends who, unlike me, are actually talented! thanks for giving me a hand Jason-Sensei song is progressing steadily now.
  5. I don't want to put pressure on the Robotnik guys, but the time to panic starts about... NOW.
  6. Oh crap! I completely forgot to vote and check the tracks, got involved in the sonic compo and well my memory is very flimsy. I will check the tracks now regardless, thanks for the mixes!
  7. Having another set of ears is priceless. I always show my tracks to close friends and ask for feedback, sometimes you've worked so much in a song that stuff that sounds bad starts to sound ok for you.
  8. Just for the record, It's Joel on the rapping, and myself on the vocoded vocals and some backings.
  9. Some exciting matchups in the robotnik bracket. Specially looking forwards Dusk vs Garpoc!
  10. Here are my short thoughts on the tracks, names in bold receive my vote: Wildfire vs Jason: I liked wildfire's track, good arrangement and authentic to the genre. However I must say again the that vocal mixing really drags down the quality of the track again, the vocals feel lofi in a bad way, sometimes harsh and other times too muddled or reeverb-y. Jason's track was great considering it was done in one hour, with more time this would've been pretty great, but as it stands can't vote it over a complete track. Halc vs Disambiguity: The zone runners duo is smooth, I liked the arrangement and the rapping was spot-on. Disambiguity's track would've benefited from some percussion elements. I get what you were possibly trying to go for, but some percussion would've helped drive the point home. DJ Max-E vs Xenonetix: Bizarre indeed, but I enjoyed the intricacies of DJ Max-E's track, pretty complex and imaginative, along with some interesting sound design. Xeno's track was decent but the production was very very muddy and lacked the energy it needed to drive that 4 on the floor beat. Hakstok vs Jobson: now this was the hardest to decide. Both songs are excellent, and take the originals into new territory. I feel I am going with Hakstok because of the more varied instrumentation and ideas, but that doesn't take away that Jobson's track was excellent, with imaginative arrangement ideas, solid production and man, dat groove. Amphibious vs Cash: I can't help to vote for amphibious every time, he knows which buttons to push to get my vote, his chill but refined tracks are always enjoyable. Cash's track wasn't as cohesive, felt a bit empty at times, and surprisingly overcompressed at times, although there were some interesting ideas thrown around. SuperiorX vs Trism: There were some harsh frequencies in Matt's track, and that reeverb needs to be toned down a lot, but other than that it's a very fun song with good arrangement. Trism went hard and hot with his mix, with overcompressed drums that actually work for the genre, however I think more could've been done with the melodic side of things and the other elements could've been a bit clearer. jnwake: Very sweet stuff, loved the calm atmosphere at the start that breaks into good ol' metal. drums sound a bit muddy but the guitars are clear enough, the arrangement was very good and both tracks were joined almost seamlessly. Very entertaining round.
  11. I know that because my song doesn't need voting some people may choose to skip it, but I appreciate any feedback, as I'll be polishing this one a bit more this week for submission purposes. Grabbing this week's songs now.
  12. I tried to find an image of a ham that properly described how ham I am going with this, but none were ham enough.
  13. This remix is turning out almost exactly how I pictured it in my head. This is glorious.
  14. I'm pleased with what I got so far, very high energy stuff but not my usual dance music. I'm surprisingly using more of my opponent's source than mine.
  15. Some people like to build a skeleton of sorts of the entire track first and then refine the sounds, I usually work section by section while having a general idea in my head of where I want to go. Very rarely the song just appears in its entirety in my head and I just have to dump it on the daw.
  16. New source sent Fun times guys, pretty chillin tunes this time around, see ya in the next PRC (hopefully)
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