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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. It's not ridiculous, it's quite easy to reach the amount of dps necessary to do t1 and t2. Easier than ever actually. Like, if it were even a little bit easier, the game go from awesome to shit.
  2. I was playing yesterday and yes there was insane lag, my DH wouldn't tumble no matter how much I pressed the button.
  3. you can put a lonely marker at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  4. Yep that's the main thing that makes RoS SO much better than Vanilla. Gold is really an afterthought now, and you really can feel the good ol' "just ONE MORE run" in hopes of getting that orange drop that will upgrade your character. Also I like how the gear affects your skills now, just like in D2, if you find a lot of good gear with bonuses to other skills you're not using, that motivates you to try something else and switch it up.
  5. I was just finding out about this as well, since I'm running resource cost reduction on my WD (I run LoH on every other character). It is working, but it does not show up in the tooltips. Also the cost reduction is so low at early levels that's nearly nothing.
  6. My current cold build (I switched from fire because the game gave me a bunch of +cold dmg/skills items) doesn't use familiar. Instead I got blizzard,frost hydra, meteor and MM as my dmg spells. for arcane regen i use the prodigy passive, which works pretty well because stuff stays permafrosted most of the time to allow me for some MM spam to regen ap very quickly. the other two remaining skills are ice armor and magic weapon. Since Blizzard doesn't stack up with itself, I ony have to worry about casting it once when its off cooldown, same with hydra. Then I only use MM and meteor for spam.
  7. yup we all do . The only part of a2 that I like is the Kulle ruins. Nobody likes the damn desert and its fast-jailer-Extra Health-Molten-Arcane Enchanted Mosquitoes.
  8. It's too slow now. Yes you could do it, I tried it and I could kill stuff. But it was much much slower than what I can do on my monk or wiz, and I could barely killl anything in t1. I don't have the best geared barb out there, but her gear is on par with my other characters, and I'm not even using cookie cutter builds with them.
  9. I am playing my wizard and monk too. I set my barb aside for a while until I think of a good dual wield build, since blizzard broke spin to win. For the wiz I decided to go with a fire build, and it's currently my fastest farmer, I can do t1-t2 no problem This is the build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#bPiSjO!YeT!ZcbYac Basically you buff up, spam fire pulse 5 times to charge arcane dynamo, pop the hydra, spam again 5 times, nuke them with a meteor that crits for 3.5M damage. keep spamming, rinse and repeat. For the monk I am using something similar to what I used pre-2.0, but with the changes and some skill switching, it's much more effective now, but still a little bit slower than my wizard. Since everyone uses dual wield or wep+shield monk, I decided I should go for a 2H burst damage build (rolling with a Skorn). It's a bit fragile but it's fun and works perfectly in T1, for t2-t3 is a bit slow still, but I also need better gear. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/monk#WTYgSQ!dWX!accZcb
  10. how much gold did you have? o_0 I only have 6M, and i can't sell it cuz the minimum is 50M... But then again I stopped playing long ago out of disappointment. I'm guessing you kept playing?
  11. The OCR clan has been created, if you want an invite add me SirNuts#1178 or Zircon, or just search for overclocked remix in the clan window (press N) and request an invite See you all soon!
  12. BTW anyone starting the OCR Clan? if not I could start one and invite everyone who's interested.
  13. I started a new Barb and Master was ok until around level 20 where it got pretty hard because of the xp buff, I was gaining levels way too quickly and not getting good drops quick enough so mobs were outscaling me really quickly, plus 2 handed barbs are kinda gear dependent. I dropped the difficulty to expert, got some good drops, crafted some missing gear (btw crafting is not completely useless now!) and got some legendaries, even butcher's axe. I think I'm ready to go back to master. I'm level 38 or so and just hit act 2.
  14. So, as I told Zircon yesterday, THIS is the D3 I wanted from the start. The changes did benefit the game for the better. I put up a fire-based mage build yesterday and brought it up to torment and I was having a decent challenge but no bs frustration. Also had some good drops while playing on other characters, even some legendaries! I can safely say that Blizzard pulled a 180 here and won me over. I will be getting RoS. The best feeling in the world is not having the "gold efficiency" mentality behind everything you do now. You just play the game, have fun with your build and hope for some good drops, as it should've been from the start.
  15. It's alright. I'm over it now. Besides, it's friday and all I got is a very shitty 20 seconds wip, so yeah.
  16. This is pretty catchy, as expected from you. I think the melody at 0:25 could be introduced more smoothly. at around 0:45 it sounds a bit empty, may need an arp or a pad in the background to fill things up, maybe a bit more complex percussion work. I dig the variations on the original melody, just need to beef this up a bit so it feels more complete.
  17. I sent my song. Thanks you for voting, but all the other songs were better for me. Good luck in next round I will be there!
  18. Just do like I do, put a boom tiss loop, copy it from start to finish of the song and rip the midi with some soundfonts. That's my crash course on technomanga.
  19. Well, I gotta say this was such an impressive showing. Best round so far. that Supx vs jnwake matchup.. I really don't know who to vote for.
  20. I gotta give credit to Jason too for contributing one section of the arrangement to my track. I was stuck and he gave me a hand there.
  21. It's all about the pre-washed jean look. To sound like Laserdance, you must also look like Laserdance.
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