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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Well that's great, let's hope the date doesn't get pushed because of a little extra work . Having more awesome music in the album would only make the album more... well, awesome.
  2. It seems Malcos retreated to his lair again tho. Dem beats be cookin'.
  3. That really sucks man, you're one of the Remixers I admire the most around here, love your stuff("Not Commercial" and "My day needs a soundtrack" are albums I like going back to). Maybe there's still time for a bonus? Would be an honor.
  4. I really hope those secret bonuses are at the very least by Mazedude or Mcvaffe.
  5. Yeah, all my character builds are elemental-based. I find that the most fun and thematic for me. My WD is poison, my wizard is lightning, my barb is fire, and my crusader is holy. I'm used to do the math in my head (not that hard really) but this certainly makes it more convenient. I'm still on the fence on the legendary mats change tho. I think they went a bit overboard by outright removing the requirement without trying a less drastic approach first. But I guess they are doing this with the upcoming ladders in mind, which will introduce new items (and new builds!).
  6. New patch today! apparently legendary mats for crafting are gone. I don't mind the change honestly, they could probably have made the legendary mats drop from any monster and that would've been enough imo, but eh, its ok I guess. Also, apparently +% elemental dmg and +% skill dmg show up on the character sheet now, which is nice.
  7. I started something for this but couldn't get much done other than a short wip http://www.mediafire.com/listen/13znucwx38u68q8/goof.mp3 I'll keep an eye on the next round.
  8. huh.. thats a bit excessive even.
  9. That's why people are farming them on normal difficulty. Sure the droprate is 5% less than t1, but you can probably get to the mob and kill it 5 times in the time it takes you to do so in t1.
  10. From what I've read, farming those mats isn't that hard because you can lower the difficulty and still get the chance at the drops, while killing said required mobs in seconds.
  11. I prefer the way it is now honestly. Sure, how you get your loot is more random and less controlled, but at least you don't have to farm the same bosses over and over and over. At least with adventure mode and bounties you get some variation in what you do every time you log in.
  12. Granted, the dps in the character sheet isn't a very good way to weight items. I have, for example, 412k sheet dps, but in reality my dps is hovering around 480k or more, because the sheet calculations don't take into account stuff like +% elemental skill bonus, or +% skill damage, which if you are running the correct build, can amount to much more dps than crit hit/dmg/attack speed which always give you a big boost in the dps sheet because of the way it's calculated. That said, you don't need a degree to do the math in your head for that kind of stuff, and for the average joe the sheet dps will be good enough.
  13. Rama pretty much summed up my reasoning. DPS meters do more harm than good to the fun of the game. Stuff like ui improvements are fine but I'd rather have blizzard make them and keep this game away from addons.
  14. No, I hope it never gets addons that get combat data. I'm sure inventory auto-sorting is something they will be including in the future, specially now that everyone has more stuff to save.
  15. I've been doing ok with mine, and the burst is decent, but I agree that it's a class better suited for group play. Tons of control and group buffs make it ideal for that.
  16. Look at my WD poison build. Used to be my best farming build because how safe and lazy it was: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/SirNuts-1178/hero/6234981 I have absolutely no skills that buff the pets, and they never die. I don't have to spam spells since you can only have 1 spider queen at a time, so most of the time I am just sitting back letting my pets do the work while I refresh locust swarm when its about to expire (every 16 secs) and use my mana on acid rain. I use fetish army as a big CD to get rid of elite packs quickly, and because the other alternative was having soul harvest, but that required me to keep it up and I just wanted to be the laziest build possible. Believe me, it works.
  17. I pretty much decided long ago to forget there was even a story if I were to enjoy this franchise anymore . vanilla story and storytelling was so terrible... but this one is slightly better in that regard. At least Malthael doesn't seem as idiotic as the vanilla evil characters. And yes smite SO GUD I MISSED YOU OL PAL.
  18. Indeed you don't. The difference between this difficulty and vanilla inferno is that in vanilla inferno you got one-shotted by everything, and the only way to get the gear to do it was to keep getting one-shotted in inferno because nightmare gear was several levels lower. Now you can get the gear to do Torment by doing master, and the gear for doing master by doing expert. Proof is, I can already do t1 at a decent pace, and I was only doing master runs. Yep, the gear quality is the same, it's level dependant now. The only difference in torment is that you get a special set of legendaries, and the drop rate is higher.
  19. Yep I am loving it. This is what D3 should have been from the start. Adventure mode is just what I wanted. My only complain are of course, the bosses, which have way too much hp, they aren't hard at all, just take a lot of damage and you never die, its like a wet noodle fight between two gods. Pretty disappointing. Other than that, I love it. For some reason the crusader feels the most like a d2 class to me. I know it's a modded paladin, but so are the barb and wizard (modded d2 barb and sorceress), and they don't quite evoke that d2 feeling as much as the crusader does to me. EDIT: and I do like that the game is a bit harder now as well! there are a ton of new legendaries to find in torment as well as new ways to improve your character, and part of the fun of diablo is getting progressively stronger. Vanilla inferno was bullshit, but this feels right.
  20. Yep legendary crafting has yielded pretty damn good results for me. Some of the plans even let you recycle and try again since they cost 1 legendary mat. So if you don't get what you want you salvage and try again. However the really good ones cost 2, but I've had very good results with those.
  21. GUYS I need slaves i mean friends for my town please add me! 5215-0177-5796
  22. I am running the laziest build on my WD atm. It's an all-poison build, using +poison dmg items. So i basically sit back, throw 1 spider queen and keep locust swarm up on all mobs while casting acid rain from time to time. The dogs and the gargantuan tank everything without ever dying, stuff melts and I mostly just do nothing. currently on t2, this is my farming build when I'm lazy or just want to play with one hand while drinking beer or something.
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