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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Give it some time if you're not sure. The DRM sucks, because any kind of DRM is bullshit and this is the worst kind. Auction house isn't up but thats something you don't even need to participate in to enjoy the game. I like the art direction, so far it's in line with what I think a diablo game with real 3d models should look like. The skills are fun, bashing monsters with them doesn't gets boring. It's fun times. The customization doesn't seem like it will be too deep, but I think people overestimate how deep the customization in diablo 2 actually was. I checked the game's bandwidth consuption and its minimal compared to games like team fortress 2 and such, so even if you have a shitty connection (like mine is very often) it should work nicely, if everything is ok on Blizzard's side. That said, if you want to boot up the game and start playing without issues, don't get the game right now, because you'll only be pissed half the time at errors, disconnects, lag and emergency server maintenances that lasts for hours. I think Blizzard will get their shit together by next week probably. I just got to act 2 after the servers came back up. I'm having a blast. I just really wish they had released the game with an offline mode and ditched the goddamn real money auction house so i didn't have to have so many issues to play the damn single player campaign.
  2. The always online thing wasn't only because of DRM. It was more about protecting the revenue from the real money auction house. Either way, it sucks.
  3. Right now the servers are up, but some people (myself included) are experiencing high latency. I think they will get diablo 3 running smooth in a couple of days. EDIT: Nevermind, servers going down again XD oh what a rollercoaster.
  4. Servers are back up, but they are lagging hardcore. Cmon Bliz let me play! D:
  5. Nah they're haivng issues and i seem to be awake at the worst possible times. I have been able to play a bit but for the most part the servers have been down or having issues. Which sucks since I only want to play single player right now... EDIT: But the few hours I did play? yes, very love worthy. EDIT2: Also, I did grow up, I'm an old fart now but that isn't stopping me some of my friends have families now as well, and guess what are they doing atm? HITTING THAT LOGIN BUTTON AS HARD AS THEY CAN!
  6. I would love it too if I could play it... I miss the times when you just would buy a game, install it or pop that fucker in your console and play. and play and play...
  7. Sggod89 must be pretty happy, I haven't seen this many entries in a while. I will be voting later, but I listened to a few of the songs, good stuff.
  8. Only 2 hours left guys. MY BODY IS READY.
  9. Cuz nobody can play it yet? It's not like the press can get an advance copy of the game, not while the servers are down.
  10. We're almost there guys! And it only took 12 years!
  11. Would be useful if Bren (The OP of this thread) was around to modify the first post with the contact info from us. Oh well, in the meantime I'll keep an eye on this thread and see if anyone shares their battletags.
  12. o hai. I herd u like musaks. So I give musaks. Enjoy!
  13. Lost vikings was good, but JLTF was trash, probably the worst blizzard game. I think you'll be pretty surprised with D3 if your expectations are that low
  14. Of course! I'm gonna do most of it tomorrow because I know diablo 3 will keep me very busy It would be nice to have a list of diablo 3 players, sort of like how you can find League of Legends players in the LoL thread. In the meantime, my battletag is SirNuts#1178. If you're playing SuperiorX, give me yours and I'll add you when the servers go up
  15. Hey guys, I bought the digital version and I will be playing at launch. Is there a list of OCR people who will be playing Diablo 3 so i can add them when I start playing? would be fun play together with some of the people I know from here.
  16. You write WOBBLE WOBBLE WOBBLE in every measure IIRC
  17. You have all been screwed since the moment I signed up for this.
  18. I thought these compos were all about the trash talking. If not, then I've been voting for the wrong people all along.
  19. Spending a lot of time on production is for noobs anyways. Who the hell spends days on sound design and production after a song is done? You must be NutS to do that.
  20. Can't speak for everyone else but all I do is listen to my pick now and then to get some ideas till the round starts. If I get really inspired I would boot Reason and start messing with stuff or playing some melodies but nothing sort of "starting ahead of time" This is because you don't know what you get next, and what you get might not fit with the style you previously started your song with etc. So yeah, wait till the round starts, it's good sportsmanship too. Anyways, back to wildfire spreading out lizards on pancakes or something.
  21. Like a pancake. This thread just makes the internet worth existing.
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