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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. My favorite mega man game is Mega Man 2. I think of mega Man 2, and I think of my childhood. Sitting on the floor, playing on an old ass 14 inch tv all afternoon. Favorite Robot Master has to be Metal Man. Great music, Great Weapon, Great yet simple robot master design.
  2. Been working on my mix, this might end up being a collab with an old pal .
  3. I am tackling castlevania adventure. I sent a pm to willrock a few weeks ago about it, thought he had updated the post.
  4. Just so you guys know I'll have a wip ready for this weekend. I've been away the past weeks but I'm free for music making this christmas time.
  5. Yep. I am aware this retro thing of mine is getting, shall we say, old. But as I said I had basically no time to work on this, I actually wanted my last mix to be an euphoric trance mix to go one decade ahead of cold dreams again, but I found myself a bit rusty so I had to go with something that I was currently familiar with to be able to deliver something decent. Still glad you enjoyed it despise being a bit more of the same. Hopefully I get to do something different in the special round .
  6. So I was away for about 2 weeks, found out it was my turn mid-week and just started working on my mix on friday night. Needless to say, this is one rushed mix, and it's 5 am in the morning and I don't think any more coffee will make it any better. Submitted.
  7. Thanks for the comments. You should listen to some of my old posted mixes at ocr, those were what some people would call my "style". I love going all retro on my mega man mixes but it's not something I do very often. I do have a lot of fun doing that tho!
  8. In my case Bias has a lot to do with my votes and I never hide it. I won't take it to the extreme and vote every song that has a semblance of metal on it (for example) but it does adds to my enjoyment, which is the main criteria for me. Arrangement is something I do take in account a lot tho. A great and original arrangement will will me over an 80s song anyday. What a great arrangement is, is subjective as well, just to further the point that every vote here is subjective and should be taken as is.
  9. I'm not exactly a mouse-soloist since the kind of music I usually do doesn't lend itself to solos much, but count me in as a mouse arranger. I do have a midi controller but I use it for smoother manual knob automation and melody experimenting. Now back to the unending clicking...
  10. Yeah that was the intent to go a decade ahead, heh. At least I succeeded in that regard, it seems.
  11. The rock playlist I'm making out of the remixes from this competition sounds awesome so far. I say KEEP'EM COMING!
  12. I got one of those a couple of months ago. Nasty things them, I couldn't even stand up and keep my balance. Hope you get well soon. Now, some quick comments on the tracks: Sting Operation Groovy stuff, I liked the arrangement and the mix of the two themes. Not much else to say other than you got in my top three. Air Man in a G String Great stuff, I loved that you actually managed to do new stuff with Air Man which is an over remixed song. One of those songs that I'm sad I couldn't fit in the top 3 Unto Dust Luckily I don't have to vote for this one. I'm pretty proud of what my other teammates have come up with so far. Rocking stuff from prophetik. Running With Scissors You just pressed my metal bias button and got yourself a 1st place vote. LOVE IT. Reminds me of the awesomeness and energy of the first round rock remixes. Power Outage Very groovy and enjoyable. The vocals could've used some processing since they sound a bit raw. Very imaginative mix. Tripping Through I liked this one a lot as well. Not very heavy arrangement-wise but it doesn't need to be. I heard some conflicting notes at some points in the mix, but they didn't kill the song for me. Nice Work. Topsy Turvy Loud and Proud, just how I like it. The production sounded a bit dirty to me but maybe that was intentional. I love the top man theme and it was used very well here. This one is a keeper for me. Riding the Avalanche This one surprised me. I jumped out of my chair when it started... Wow, I LOVE THIS. Seriously it was practically a toss up between this one and Running with scissors. Very energetic, loved the changes, the pace, the energy, the arrangement. I never thought Chill Man could be done this way. It was all pretty awesome. One of my favorites from the entire competition. Electric Sleep Very cool entry, a little dirty in some places. Are those cymbals clipping? anyways the arrangement was fine and it was an enjoyable track. This round is just full of awesome. And yes I first read the title as Electric Sheep. Solidity Cool dancy track, very catchy and very energetic, good arrangement as well. Not much to say other than this is another great track that I just couldn't fit in the top three. Closest round ever, gj all.
  13. Just voted. Holy crap what a close round. Also: Riding the Avalanche, wow. Really great job this round guys.
  14. Well, I'm done with my mix. This week was not good for me, not enough time to mix and this Wily theme didn't give me good ideas. Honestly I had a hard time coming up with something that was not a complete mess. Oh well at least I submitted a finished, dream trance remix!
  15. Looks like it's my turn at the bat this week for the Blue Bomber Brotherhood. Still thinking which direction to go this time tho.
  16. We should let the voting stuff go already and focus on the great mixes we're getting in this competition. It's enough back and forth between people here. Enjoy the mixes, have fun doing yours!
  17. Darke makes a great point and I see why he went with this system now. That said it needed less normalization on the mid range and that's what he's doing. I think its a great solution.
  18. I just noticed I forgot to give my comment on Chernabogue's track: Glitch in the System: Cool drums, the song goes off when Wily's theme is played tho and that kills it for me, but after that it comes back to a cool groove, I would have liked to hear more of that last measure you had there.
  19. You know that's one of the problems I had with this round that I talked about on my comments for the remixes. If I had to remix this round, I would've focused on doing something new with the Wily theme, but what I heard from most was either something I've heard before or just the track without any changes. I know it's an overremixed song but there's ALWAYS new stuff to come up with. That was kind of disappointing. Just my two cents on that. About the voting yeah my team was kind of affected by this system because we ended up in the middle-to-top tiers. I don't really care much about winning or losing but more about giving you guys a decent remix but I do understand those people who want the competition to feel fairer for them because hey, it's a competition after all. So while I agree the current system is hurting a few teams in the long run I don't care if the system stays.
  20. I, like Rexy, do like this method more. If you lose you won't get as far away from everyone and if your team does well in one round they get quite a boost of 5 or 3 points. I don't think there will be a team gettin all the first places every round so there won't be quite a disparity. But don't worry too much about the points and just have fun, thats what I'm here for. And you will also get some really AWESOME music in such a short time, I mean stuff like Akumajo's mix, just worth it being here.
  21. So, here are my comments on this round. Overall I found it a bit weaker than last one, but some really great tracks can be found here. The Root of All Things: I enjoyed the mood and I almost placed it third but I found that it focused way too much on Wily and not much on Plant man which is a shame because I love the Plant man theme. I also thought that more could have been done with Wily but that's a problem I found in almost every track this round. Wily's Inferno Again i found this track's issue is that not much is done with the wily theme, but at least it got plenty of Napalm, and I love the lead instrument in this song, totally rockin'. One of my favorites this round. Attracted to Power This would have easily been a contender for first place but I don't have to vote for it so that's great. Anyways the arrangement is awesome, the squarewave goodness is everywhere and it's just a solid and enjoyable track, I loved it and it's another keeper for me, gj Gario. Mr. X was Wily the WHOLE TIME The guitar was a bit grating and I found it a bit off-sounding at some spots. I didn't like this one much to be honest. Smooth Heat Another song that suffers from the same "not much done with Wily" syndrome I found on this round. The transition to heat man could've been handled better as well. Glacial Age Man you don't know how much I love Frost Man's theme, but this track lacked direction for me, it was a bit aimless at some spots. It sure sounded chilly and dark tho. Light Your Way Good arrangement, I loved what was done with Flash Man. Not much to say other than I'm keeping this one. Far from Home Wow, I was beaten at my own game. THIS WAS FANTASTIC. Seriously I don't see the point anymore in me going all retro on this competitions if you can put out stuff this authentic. LOVE IT. Absolutely. Let's have a child together and name him Bernard Peter EIGHTIESAREAWESOME. Shadows of Wily Rock at last! I liked this one but it lacked the strenght that the first round rock tunes had for me. Still pretty enjoyable. whatever.jpg Pretty chillin piano solo, maybe a bit too quiet, I was waiting for the energy to come at some point but I was left waiting. Probably the track that did more with the Wily theme tho. No Ticket! Pretty enjoyable, I liked the effects, the changes, was debating a 3rd place for me. Sadly there can only be 3 so yeah.
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