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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. well I gotta tell you that... that I.. uh.. My mix will.. ... NO U
  2. No amount of tightening can save you from the mighty powers of 80s electronica and cheesy brostep combined! YOU HAVE NO CHANCE TO SURVIVE MAKE YOUR TIME!
  3. It's alive! ITS ALIVE!!! (It's also in Darke's inbox)
  4. Lol my song is the bastard child of italo disco and brostep. What an abomination, I'm actually scared to death. All in the name of fun tho!
  5. Well, last song was actually my first try at the genre, not my fault some other people wanted to go for the same . As for my track, I'll just go with whatever I feel goes better with the original source. But so far the italo is strong with this one.
  6. I'm torn between doing another brostep mix or going all 80s spacedance on this (Balrog's theme lends so easily for that). Maybe a mix of both? lol we'll see.
  7. You shouldn't be so excited bro, you're about to get your ass kicked.
  8. Hey, np dude, I just take a while to leave the short reviews in the thread. And yeah if you need help or patches I'll be glad to help.

  9. Thanks Zero, very nice I like it. Time for the short reviews: Dusk vs hemo Two different takes on the themes but they were pretty good in their own way. Can't say one is superior so i just let my rock bias vote for me. Very epic sounding stuff Dusk, tho i think it could have had a better ending. BlackPanther vs Jewbei Both great tracks but BP won me over with the funky vibe. I do agree that the sakura theme didn't fit very well but the disjointed feel wasn't a big problem for me. Jewbei's track was great and full of energy, and well as with the other votes it was just a matter of taste rather than objective analysis because both tracks are equally good for me. Jason C. vs Main Finger Man Jason delivers and damn does Main Finger ever disappoint? both tracks are excellent, masterfully crafted, I loved them. Jason knows I've always looked up to him and it seems it will be this way forever . In the end, I went with Jason's track just cause I enjoyed it slightly more. but I hated having to pick one, specially since Main Finger did such a great job with the same idea I was going for with my track. Anyways excellent round guys, Capcom is going to get one hell of an album out of this.
  10. I really enjoyed yours quite a lot, but it's just such a high quality round, that even if someone does an amazing remix that person still can lose. I guess its to be expected from such a great lineup of artists. Also Blackpanther I enjoyed yours a lot and even voted for it. Really good stuff dude.
  11. Just voted, holy crap nice round, I'm gonna really have to step it up next round.
  12. I'm glad a lot of you seemed to enjoy it, I was worried cuz this genre is not everyone's cup of tea. I'm very hapy with the synths too, there isn't a single preset there, all were programmed by me in Reason. I'll be getting all the mixes later tonight, looking forwards to checking them out.
  13. Another advance by default? man, It seems I'm really lucky to get these. :S. this just sucks.
  14. lol same thing happened with mine. I heard my mix so many times it's probably one of the mixes i've heard the most. Trying to get the mastering right and such. I tried so many new techniques with it, I'm not even sure it's as good as I think it is. Anyways, it's all in the name of fun. EDIT: BTW, in case I survive this round, I still need a sig and i suck at graphic stuff. Just sayin'!
  15. Now for some short reviews: GLL vs Brandon Strader Both amazing tracks, Voted for GLL cuz his outro was very strong, I'll even say emotionally charged. OA vs Jake OA had a really epic track but I liked Jake's laidback take a little more. Phonetic Hero vs Neblix Have to go with PH on this one, seemed more cohesive, Neblix's was good but a bit chaotic at times.
  16. Well, I spent the whole night and morning on this one, but It's done and submitted. Had to do it this way cuz I won't have time to do it tonight or saturday morning. All things said I'm VERY happy with my mix, specially since its my first try at this genre. See ya'll later!
  17. been working on my track. I just hope not too many people hate brostep.
  18. Sigh, I wonder if I'll ever finish this remix for good. T_T I keep adding things and trying to get the production right. IT'S BEEN YEARS NOW! Hilarious. Hopefully this is as close as it'll ever get for a last version ready for submission. Click here to grab the new version. Thanks for the recommendations so far, more criticism would be great, I changed a lot of stuff in this new (and hopefully last) version. Enjoy.
  19. I know the feeling, it sucks when you just get a free pass. But oh well, on the plus side that takes you one step closer to getting your ass kicked by me. Will get the remixes in a while, this should be great.
  20. Looks like a long way to go before that can happen according to the brackets now Anyways, time to kick sixto out of this thing.
  21. Isn't this song just OOOZING awesomeness? I hope some people show up for this little gem.
  22. 1-Cammy (SSF2) 2-Blanka(SF2) 3-Ryu(SF2) 4-Sagat(SF2) 5-Vega(SF2) Im a big SF3 fan but when it comes to music SF2 is my favorite >_> Anyhoo, I'm in.
  23. Hey there, it's been a long time. I did a little quirky remix for this one and i will probably upload it later before work. EDIT: aaaand it's up, enjoy! BTW the source I used was from this video which is more accurate than the link you have in the first post imo.
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